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3rd set of leafs and all TINY, EXPERT growers advice needed


Active member
but the npk was .21.07.11 it should be perfect to start seeds in tho. thanks for the pic
its not about the npk, its the fact that mg is all salts and will easily burn your plants with all the salt. but dont take my and lots of peoples experience on it. sometimes people need to make their own mistakes. onward ho!


Tropical Outcast
really? have others or yoursellf had this problem?


Yeah they have.
Since we are not supposed to link to other seedsellers forums here in the open I am going to PM you the info where I have come across details of someones grow using exactly that kind of soil.


as far as the original post, the soil looks airy as shit. if they are not getting a good foot hold then they are just gonna start to chill where they are, take thier sweet time growing which is what you dont want.

could be seed selection this time around. is that bag seed? specific strain, what are they


Active member
The Moisture Control MG is no good for growing MJ. believe it or not i changed soil 4 times at least with the same plants, damaged roots yes but i wasnt leaving them in soil that was known to be "Wrong", like i said, do a search for The moisture control MG growing out MJ & see what you can see. Ill bet you pull them & put them in something suitable, which the MCMG is Not, ive tried telling you bro! I wish you luck, btw, my plants are now flying after initial yellowing from damaging roots(pulling them 4 times lol). G'Luck man!

You from Aus!, check 'Craven au's' grows out bro~! simplicity at it's best! Autopot king that one!


thanks for all your guys info. I have resorted to MG(lol) seed starter mix. It has nim amounts of ferts in it, like .1 .2 .1. This will have to do, Its the best I can get here and If fucking weed won't grow in a seed stater mix then I don't know wtf will. I ditched the MG moisture control shit, replanted again the now 2 plants into the seed starter mix. Im happy tho because I carefully pulled out the GH seeds and all have sprouted. I repoted those sprouted seeds into the seed starter mix also.

omg, thats exactly how my last grow looked. I fucked up a batch before these in the same shit soil. That link you pm'd me strainHunter, is exactly how my last batch ended up. Yellowing, twisting growth and all the leafs turned dry like paper. If this MG soil works, then people should be warned to avoid Jungle Growth Organic soil like a plague.

was gonna mix the bags of perlite I got in with the seed starting mix, o wait.... its got FUCKIGN MG FERTS IN IT!!!!!!!!!!!!.....aaahhhh. im pissed, wtf can i get normal perlite? I used ebay before for my last grow, 44 pound bag. Id like to see some one do a all perlite grow.


Tropical Outcast

Get something called ProMix HP and you will NEVER have a problem again.

There is ProMix BX as well but that one has only 15% perlite in it and holding water like a spongue versus 30% on HP which is very airy.

Go HERE and then to the top right (Distributor Locator) and find the nearest dealer to where you are.

IMHO it does not really make sense (to me) to use fancy soils such as FF etc. since those will be leached out after around 6 weeks anyways and then you'll have to add what your plants need either way.

So why start with fancy and expensive soil in the beginning!?


Disabled Farmer
ICMag Donor
There should be a sticky that lets the people know that have not used OF that some tweaking will need to be done before u use this for small plants. I used 2 bags of OF with 1 bag of Light Warrier and some more perlite and lime added. mix up well water mix well again let it sit for 12hrs and use. I used this recipe for a few years untill I started making my own mix.
Just to keep info half way right on here.I have been starting gear in 12 and 16 ounce Styrofoam cups for over 2 years and have never had any problem with the size of the cups.I really do not think his problem is the size of the cup..Peace

el dub

Nothing wrong with the cup size per se. However, if those plants were in smaller containers with the same soil, they would dry out sooner and the increased watering might dilute the hot soil better/quicker, imo.



I grow out anything. I ment to delete that from my sig. I was gonna run some TGA subcool qleaner,some dj short flo and some manadala #1 if these GH went ok.


Active member
the perlite is fine, the amount of nutes in it is so miniscule. you really only have to worry about the MG soils and Ferts. the soils can be used to grow dont get me wrong, you just have to supplement the nutrients it doesnt have like mostly micros and calmag, the same with the nutes, they lack micro's and calmag. the soil itself is just too hot for seedlings, but you can put plants in it that are established.


Ok, ill be honest with you guys, i fucked up my last 4 batches of plants....over $400 in seeds and over 60 plants. I have tried washed coco, jungle growth organic soil, and now the seed starter mix. Everything always truns out the way the plants looked in the link strain hunter sent me to this guys grow using JG soil. However, if these next seedlings, end up screwed up in seed starter mix, I really think there is a issue with my apartment. Ever since Ive moved here I canno't get a fucking bud plant to grow. I have done so many seeds in so amny part cups even started them in MG soil, the non seed starting one with no problems.....hundreds. If these don't pan out(the new GH seeds) with the same issues, I really think their is another issue going on...... I had my last batch on my patio for a week with no issues, al was well.... as soon as I put them indoors in grow room, they started shitting out. I want an honest opinion from some one who knows what Im about to ask. Im really wondering if its a indoor air issue.... I was wondering if VOC, or VOC in the paint on the walls here might be contributing to indooor air pollution..... atleast enough that a plant cannot begin its life indoors, but maybe not enough that a say, 10-12" plant couldent handle? its really comming down to 3-4 different substrates, all having the same issue, which has never happend before I moved here. I tried tap water, Ive tried ro water as I have a RO water filter under sink, 6 stage filter with UV filter to kill bacteria with 5 gallon storage tank. I have been gental on all crops, tested run off of soil everything. Who honestly knows about indoor air quality, and its effect on cannabis seedlings? any one know a grow gone to shit from air quality inside? any one got any wisdome in this area for me? noob grower or not, im not this inexperienced that I should be havign these problems over and over now no matter what I do. A seed should be able to start in one of these subtrates and grow without all these same problems. Its a fucking weed, and I canno't image all of a sudden, 300 plants later im having continuous issues with every fucking crop of seedlings. Im loosing my damn mind guys!!...thnaks for every ones help threw out this death grow lol, these poor plants and their slow death. I feel like this palce is cursed.

UPDATE: I started good bag seed, big fat tiger stripe seeds in 8 cups of pure, 4 month rain washed coco fibre(sitting in 10 gallon bins being rain washed out in the open to clear anything that might be left like salt) this was coco that was pre rinsed and ph checked from botanicare, with a little perlite mixed in( this is normal perlite from a while ago, not the MG stuff).
8-in pure coco and lite perlite(non MG perlite) toped with a lite sprinkle of Dolo lime(for cal/mag) and water with RO water.
6- in coco that was around my logan tree in a 20 gallon container, waterd with botanicare organic veg which is wormcasting tea and a couple otehr things in their organic veg stuff. so these 6 will be in pure coco that probably has minute traces of organic ferts.(no cal/mag lime)
2-Blue Moon Rocks seeds- in MGseed starter mix( the ones that suffered in the pics and got transplated into dif mixes)
5-Green House seeds indica 1 mix-from the get go in MG seed starter mix

so theres no way all of these can get fucked do to the mix, also the water is RO water. If these don't pan out then Something is terrably wrong some where else and I don't believe it will be nutrients or ph level related.

If shit gets fucked up YOU GUYS will select what addative to give my plants and how much. I have on hand Blue Mountain Organic super Plant Tonic(Artesian Spring Water, Worm Castings, Mycorrhizal Fungi, Azomite, Unsulphured (Blackstrap) Molasses, Endo and Ecto Bacteria, and Humic Acid derived from Oak Leaf & Peat Compost.)
botanicare- hydroplex,liquid karma,pure bleng grow organic,clearex,aquashield,pure blend pro bloom, and sweet.

so if shit goese down hill, you guys will choose from these to fix my gals lol.


dog just annihilated them all, made a mess everywhere. fuck, well. Im done for a while. Im gonna wait till I get a house and do it outside. Im done with indoor stuff for awhile.....

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