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3rd grow. 400w hps. 3 bagseed trees.


New member
Hello all here are my ladies in waiting. They are in their 5th week of flowering. Any questions or comments are welcome.



New member
Here is a pic of my male that I separated from my ladies when they started to show their preflowers. On one branch (and only one) there are pistils coming out of the top. No other branches or parts of the plant exhibit female characteristics but this one. I have showed other online forums and they say it is a very rare male hermie. So we'll see.
Dude, that male hermie is crazy!

Uh.....tagging this shit, cause I'm nominating that shit for pic of the month, lol (just not right now, i'm exhausted).

Nice grow!


New member
Well, dub I plan on keeping it alive and pollinating the next crop of females I grow, because I think that it is too late to pollinate the ladies I have now.

And bork, thanks for the comment. It's so insane because the pistil growth is on some secondary growth and only on one branch! Just one! Anyhoo, thank you for the support of my crazy male.

dub 6

Well, dub I plan on keeping it alive and pollinating the next crop of females I grow, because I think that it is too late to pollinate the ladies I have now.

And bork, thanks for the comment. It's so insane because the pistil growth is on some secondary growth and only on one branch! Just one! Anyhoo, thank you for the support of my crazy male.

I dunno, someone chime in if im wrong... but in doing that, wont you just create hermie prone seeds?

Ive yet to see a male sprout pistils from stress, yet the other way around so i think that plant's genes are all twisted up.

in any event, im sticking around to see what happens:watchplant:


New member
I had to chop down the squirly looking bud you see in the previous pics because she had started growing male traits. I'm looking forward to some good smoke but here are some pics of the little bastard bud. I only noticed male growth on this one top and no others on the same plant, so I am going to let the rest mature and actually pack on the weight and potency.

Here is the bastard bud:


And here are my beauties without the hermie top almost into week 6 of flowering.



Please any questions or comments about this grow are greatly appreciated. Please ask me anything or give me any advice and I will keep an open mind. Thanks ICMagers.


New member
Ok here are some update pics of my ladies. They are in their 7th week of flowering I believe. Anyways here they are. Oh and that male wilted but I harvested the pollen sacks so we're good there.




Any questions or comments will be appreciated. Thanks ya'll have a good day.


nice pictures and grow. be carefull not to track pollen into your flower room.

Not sure about the feminized seed thing. somebody told me that once too, i really have seen no evidence to confirm this. If anyone has any, please send it my way.