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3D Printing: Download this bong




3D printers are gaining in popularity, with uses spanning the spectrum from moon bases to firearms, but there's another area where the ability to construct complex shapes is beginning to provide benefits: getting high.

Online magazine Motherboard has published the story about the slow but inevitable rise of 3D-printed bongs. MakerBot's Thingiverse site returns almost two dozen template results when searching for "bong," all of which are downloadable in STL format and printable on tons of different 3D printers.

Common resin-based 3D printers can't create glass, so a water pipe produced from these templates wouldn't be entirely print-n-toke, but most appear to be ready to go as soon as glass pipes are added. The descriptions for many of the pipes indicate that they should be printed with PLA, which the Ice Bong creator notes "is biodegradable and poses no health risk and also has no smell."


Questions of convenience aside, the 3D printing of what could be called "drug paraphernalia" raises an interesting set of issues which parallel those raised by firearms printing. As marijuana legalization gains traction at the state level, what is the responsibility of 3D repositories like Thingiverse to police themselves? Is it "moral" to allow the storing and downloading of 3D bong templates but not firearm templates? Casual marijuana smokers consistently tout the harmlessness of the drug, but those opposed to its legalization point to the dangers of abuse; on the opposite side of that coin, firearm enthusiasts push their own hobby's safety and the dangers of restricting gun ownership. Each group may be seen by the other as somewhat hypocritical: a gun is a tool, but gun control proponents point out that guns are tools designed to kill.

Moral issues aside, 3D printing lowers barriers to construction and actually lowers far more barriers for firearm creation than for bong creation—it's a lot harder and more expensive to buy a gun than to buy a bong, and there are legal issues around gun ownership that 3D printing can circumvent. It's not illegal to purchase an "unlicensed" bong (though you might get tossed out of the head shop if you can't stop asking the clerk how high the bong will get you), but would fast access to a 3D printer and a template really encourage drug use?

From a purely practical perspective, the answer right now is "no," if only because a bong isn't necessary to use marijuana. Though 3D printing might lower the entry barrier to procuring a bong (especially if you're under 18 in the USA and can't purchase one), actually having a 3D printer itself is quite a barrier. This is reflected by the download numbers for the bong templates on Thingiverse: as Motherboard notes, the IceBong's download count of 789 isn't exactly "disruptive." But as 3D printing matures, the technology may become exactly that. Scanners and copiers today include methods to prevent them from counterfeiting currency; it's conceivable that legal mandates might spring up to encourage 3D printer manufacturers to ensure their devices don't print "illegal" or "immoral" patterns.

In other words, now would probably be a good time to get your 3D bong on, before the man steps in and harshes your mellow.

lost in a sea

well they can make them out of ceramic with 3d printers and i would be a sucker for a mario bong but nah... wish i could use cad.. or do much with a computer lol


Feeding the ducks with a bun.
Im waiting until they can get one of those things to squirt plant tissue and print up some dank buds.


Well-known member
i am lusting after a 3D printer. Screw a bong, i want to make 2" cubes for my vaporizer. i think i might need a higher temperature plastic. i have a design that would just snap together and save a lot of shop time on milling wood.

same all glass vapor path and computer temperature control as now.

i think they have transparent plastic too -- that would be very cool. or custom designs using several colors.

i think 3D printers are going to change everything. this is just like the beginning of the PC industry. Remember the Pet or Cromemco or Polymorphic? it has to start some where.

i want to see a design to print a 1 Kwh generator. maybe a sterling engine. that would fuck up the status quo, eh?


BudToaster, yep it's early and exciting days for 3D printers, and the technology is advancing very rapidly -- likewise the prices keep dropping. Interesting times ahead for sure!
I guess I'm not surprised that there are already several bong CAD models ... one of the first things I made in woodwork in high school was a pipe


ICMag Donor
It's inevitable...it you make a new technology...people have and ALWAYS WILL find a way to use it to get high. Period. Accept it.

I bet people ate weed before fire was discovered...and one of the VERY FIRST THINGS THEY DID... :joint:



ruger 500
i was wondering if anyone seen the the ar lower that was made ,it fired 160 shots before failing


the shit spoon
If you're going to make your own bong its SO MUCH more fun to make one by hand out of improvised items.


If you're going to make your own bong its SO MUCH more fun to make one by hand out of improvised items.

EXACTLY WHAT I SAY!!!! right on point with this comment, I just finished drilling a hole for a mouth piece on an old chambourd bottle I found while getting the grow room ready for the upcoming season. really wish I had some manner of camera to post a pick but alas . . . did the same thing to a couple wine bottles , turned them into incense burners

its cool and al but im not even getting remotely interested until I see some glass. even if its just the bong itself, you could miss me on all that polymer bullshit when it comes to smoking apparatus


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Combine the 3d printer with plastic made from hemp. Then you got some healthy, renewable and compostable material.

Thats the future i want to see... it is inevitable really. There is already hempcrete used in the building trade and its great stuff!




On Saturday, Defense Distributed—America’s best-known group of 3D gunsmiths—announced on Facebook that its founder, Cody Wilson, now has a federal license to be a gun manufacturer and dealer. The group published a picture of the Type 7 federal firearms license (FFL) to prove it.

“The big thing it allows me to do is that it makes me manufacture under the law—everything that manufactures are allowed to do,” he told Ars. “I can sell some of the pieces that we've been making. I can do firearms transactions and transport.”


Fast forward xx years ... (20? 30? 50? surely no more than 50 given the rate this tech is advancing - and think about how far computers, phones, even regular printers themselves etc have progressed so much every 10 years) ...
"damnit, where the hell is my <insert just about any random small-medium object here> ........... ah bugger it, I'll just download one from blueprintpiratebay and print a new one" :)
^ this has already started ... but the price of 3D printers (generally at least $1k), it's relative newness, and therefore subsequent lack of users and 3d-printer-specific blueprints means it'll be a slow start -- but this is absolutely no different from any other technology, so everything is definitely going on track, and the 3D printing market is now starting to explode. Interesting times ahead!
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Well-known member
true that! just like when the pc industry started, but this will be far faster since the pc is such a great tool for advancing anything these days. i guess we had to get that done first to really be able to turn the crank.


Living Organic Soil...
ICMag Donor
Fuck yeah perhaps one day we can download our own spaceships. I want one shaped like a Fender Strat. :smoke: