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3D Organics LLC out of Ukiah


Hey all

Went to the store yesterday to get some 3/2/1 and some top dress for the outies and the lady at the shop hooked it up with a sample of 3D Organics line of liquid nutrients. Funny, one of my buddys in mendo recommended it to me but i never payed any mind.


SINCE it's free, i'm giving it a test on some 707 Mrniceguys and OG cuttings i have.


The line is structured similar to a GH 3 part, except they claim organic, and, from what i can tell there is more Calcium present in all 3 products.

I will be using them in conjuction with eachother, isolated from any other products, and following feeding charts exactly to try and get a good idea of if/how the product works for me. Will also be documenting progress, as the owner of the shop asked for my feedback and will be supplying free nutes in the process :)

The only tweak i made was doubling the recommended grow formula, as the sample bottle i have is 'indoor grow' which is 7-0-1.


The product i SHOULD be using is their 'outdoor grow' which is 16-0-0, similar ingredients. I'm going to double the indoor dose to simulate the strength of the outdoor grow product.

The other 2 products are fairly straight forward:



Here are the niceguys, just transplanted out of 1gal buckets into 3 gal, and given a thorough watering with reccomended doses of all 3 products, one of them was severly rootbound coming out of the 3inch square pot INTO the 1gal and never recovered. I did a root prune, and a stem scrape, and repotted her to recover:


The other 3 niceguys are looking dandy:




Oh, also starting to have doubts about the Sea Crop product as a watering nute, so switching to light foliar feeds ONLY of that, and not on these test girls.

The DWC set up, that previously ran Sea Crop + Pure Blend Pro (successfully) has now been switched to the 3 part 3D Organics nutrient line. We'll see how it goes!


Thanks for stoppin in and keepin me entertained!


Oh, also starting to have doubts about the Sea Crop product as a watering nute, so switching to light foliar feeds ONLY of that, and not on these test girls.
How much were you using as a 'watering nute'? In soil, watering applications are really the most important. All the studies I've read and people I've talked to would say the same thing so wondering what you're seeing. How much are you using as a foliar and how often?


How much were you using as a 'watering nute'? In soil, watering applications are really the most important. All the studies I've read and people I've talked to would say the same thing so wondering what you're seeing. How much are you using as a foliar and how often?

I was using them in an NFT actually (which may have been the first mistake), but at the recommended dose which came out to about 1300ppm. Was also supplementing with 200ish ppm of pbp.

I gave the girls in smarties a foliar of 1/2 recommended strength sea crop, 1/4 strength aussie tonic, and 1/4 strength pbp and they were quite satisfied. I havn't learned enough about the sea crop to say anything useful, except, that along with many other products in this 'sport', less seems to be more.


I havn't learned enough about the sea crop to say anything useful, except, that along with many other products in this 'sport', less seems to be more.
With Sea Crop that's definitely the case. I truly believe it should only be used as a supplement/additive and not the feature ingredient. Not a lot of work has been done on it in straight hydro. I can tell ya it's used by the tanker load on some farms...every year. If you're just going by ppm's that ratio of Sea Crop to PBP is out of whack and should be the other way around if anything. The goal with hydro is to deliver at least 1-2 ml per meter of canopy squared per week...not much at all. That's what one study was based on. A bit complicated but look at your solution usage (gallons per week) then calculate how much Sea Crop you need to add. Easier way in my opinion with hydro is just do foliars.

I know I said like 1 tsp per gallon of solution before but that looks like it might be a bit much. If you're going by ppms then your formula will get out of whack fast cause Sea Crop adds a lot to the ppm's. These ppm's aren't nutes though like N-P-K so a bit different.

Anyway...in soil this stuff is much easier to regulate.

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