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330CMH 400/150HPS Vert/Soil/tent


Happy Sunday all,

Having lurked in the vert area, I decided to give it ago. You guys do some amazing stuff! I strictly grow for personal use, friends etc so my tent is big enough but I wanted a way to maximize the space. The a/c took the temp problem out of the way, but I lost space too... I learn more every day :ying:

Any feedback is appreciated.

Cabinet info:
Temps 78-85 inside
48” x 48” x 78” Hydro Hut tent
471 CFM 8" inline fan exhausting out
Passive venting
11.5k Portable A/C - Dehuey

fan blowing up from floor across lights

3 x 5 gallon w/ GDP
3 x 5 gallon w/ Devils Weed (was so plentiful on my first grow, I had to run it again)
2 x 1 gallon w/ BlueDiamond (Blueberry x Diamondhead IND 10week strain) added 07/23/11
3 x 1 gallon w/ GDP

Vertical bare bulbs
330 watt CMH Phillips bulb
400 watt HPS LU400 bulb (Using for flower)
150 watt HPS vert at lower branches
24hrs veg

Soil mix

3.5 bags FF Ocean Forrest
2 extra MG bags perlite
1 extra bag worm castings
Bottom 1-2" inches of the buckets filled with hydroton for drainage.


Dyna Gro Foliage-Pro 9-3-6
Jacks Classic All Purpose 20-20-20

I have been watering about every 2-3 days and I am following the "make it rain" thought process for now. They seem to like it and the best thing I learned on my first grow, was LEAVE STUFF ALONE. LOL, If it aint broke dont fix it:bump:

Well, time for a bong hit and a coffee warm up,

Cheers Members,


So just like everything else, I spend way too much time "redoing "stuff!

As I sat in the yard enjoying the sunshine, I was looking at my trellis of grapes coming in and I thought " Shit, what about a "trellis or screen" vertically in my tent? From my first grow I learned LST works great for keeping stuff low and bushy and provided great amounts of bud. So, with my current grow and me wanting larger bushes/trees I decided to line the inside 3 walls of my grow area with plastic poultry netting. I will start tieing them to the walls this week and see what kind of coverage we get, who knows?

Also this weekend I opened up the jar of "greendragon" mixture from my closet. Started out as just under 4ozs of popcorn and schwag from the first grow and then filled to the top with everclear. It has been shaken daily for 65 days and man I have a thick ass tray of goooooo! Going to get my screen out later for some keif to begin rolling it up! I cant wait to s and decided to let it evap instead of making a tinct. Cant wait to see how it runs in my oil bubbler.
Got my scrubber dialed in and hung properly.

Also instead of filling a water can several times to water, i took and old pump, added a hose and sprayer and now I can water everyone without leaning/moving etc. It works awesome, and is portable and I can mist also for foiliar feeeding which I thought was a cool bonus. And as you will see in my last picture, I have a new lil helper! So far he just gets in the way lol

Oh yeah, we also planted a "royal emprees" tree in our front yard for more shade. I guess these monsters love full sun, and can get 18 FEET! in a year! Should be a great shade addition!

Well, I think I am off to the flea market. Enjoy the day people,














