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300w Kabniet of Kush


Active member
hey everyone whats up?

this is my first hydro grow, and id like to document it and share it with all you fellow growers. here we go-

strain- og kush
cabniet- inside deminsions 46" wide 19"deep and 33 inches tall. 6.7 square feet

lights- two 150w hps security lights and two cfl florescent lights. i DIY remoted the security lights to a diy cool tube and a store bought cool tube. i have two store bought cool tubes but i couldnt get them to fit in the cabniet.

hydroponics sytem- three 5 gallon rubbermaid containers, 80-130 gph pond pump wich recirculates the water so it gets oxygen. about half way through i threw in an airstone in each tub to keep the humidity higher.

growing medium- 6" net pots filled with red pumice stone. the clones i got were in 4" rockwool wich is way to big but seems to be working.

nutrients- pure blend pro grow and bloom, cal-mag plus, Sweet, bio nova pk 13-14 boost.
i guess thats about it. o yea im on day 32 flowering. i hope you enjoy the pictures. and feel free to critisize or help me inprove my grow.

peace, senseless

bio tub

flower day 1

flower day 17, i stopped training and let the nugs grow straight up.

flower day 21

flower day 26

flower day 28

flower day 30

flower day 33

flower day 33

flower day 33

flower day 33

flower day 33 root shot
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Boba Fett

New member
The roots on that bottom picture is insane looking.. With roots like hydro definately produces the weight... Definately nice job man...


Active member
heres what the cabniet originally looked like but i diddnt like the "y" connecter and i got real cool tubes so i changed it around. both lights are diy cooltubes made from hurricane glass tubes.

the only thing that sucks is that i think i had a way better light footprint originally.
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Active member
Very nice. I have an OG cut vegging out for clones outdoors this year. Cant wait to see what these babys look like in a month. They are gonna be covered in crystals! Tagged for sure.



Active member
clayill420, are you going to flower outdoor too?

after i harvest hopefully i can reveg my plants and take cuttings for outdoor kush. that would be sweet.

its day flowering day 38 and the buds are starting to pack on the crystals big time, the smell isnt that strong so thats good but if i rub my fingers on a nug they are soooo sticky and smeell super sweet and dank.

i think i might have a slight calcium defficiency. i started a thread in the Cannabis Infirmarary- http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=27593 it would help if you checked it out and i would really appreciate all your expert opinions.

i hope you enjoy the pics. peace.

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Active member
hey Ic'ers hows it growin?

it looks only a few people have tuned in so far, o well it looks like we'll have the dank for ourselves.... speaking of wich its day 42 and the buds are looking frosty as hell. i got to tell you bio tubs with pbp nutrients and a pk boost is the shiznit. it seems like overnight the buds have packed on crystals and the hairs have changed colors.

on this nug the leaves are getting discolored towards the top. do you think this is a difficiency or heriditary?

believe it or not those close up shots are marcos.!!!!


Looking good there senseless!
I got to say I'm impressed with your cab grow. I'm into my 2nd week of flowering in my cab and was just wondering if scrog is the best way to go with a micro grow? I'm using LST to keep the plants low, seems to do quite well.

Anyways, keep up the good work!


Active member
looking good dude im digging your setup and i must say The OG kush looks tasty i will watch this and see what comes of it i have a small room with 2 400w HPS and have yet to use it so im pretty sure i will be able to pull some goodies from my room...

Cant wait to bud these Trainwreck clones i got they are gonna be something special...


nice kushes you got there, Senseless
I think the strange colours on the tops are not a sign of defficiency, I have kinda the same colour on my Snow White plant. I think it's genetically, but I'm not 100% sure

Anyway your kushes look very resinous & tasty, good job :yummy:


Active member
Blazed out- Scrog is for sure one of the best ways of growing in in a micro cabniet. however if Low Stress Training is done properly and you max out your growing space it shouldnt make a different.
heres a tip when training, lst or scrog, instead of focusing your light on multiple bud sites wich gives you a bunch of small buds, try to focous your energy on like 6-8 budsites per square foot. this method will give you more like mini kohlas (3-6in) that can get closer to the light and pack on more weight.

thanks Coloradro, i think i agree with you because i was looking at 'em last night and that nug actually kind of has a purple hue to it. come to think of it the exact same kush my freind harvested had purple on it....hopefully it im right.


Active member
That is very true sensless. Alot of people find it hard to believe that taking off the small buds can increase the yeilds in the long run. Plus when using LST or sCrOg the canopy is usually so thick that most of these buds wont get light in the first place. Selective trimming and fan leaf removal is a must for the micro-growers. Things look awsome and the plants are really filling out. Have you found the OG to "knuckle" at the base of the branches?



Active member
Claykill, by knuckle do you mean these fat ass lumps on the stem....
Its almost like i super cropped them. but i diddnt.

do you know how many days it takes og kush to flower?

i think that the people that have a hard time believing that trimming lower growth and selective trimming is better is because they have never grown scrog or LST before or never grown at all.

day 45, 1 minute after lights off.
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Thanks for the advice senseless!
The stem looks real thick, I've only seen that on my Master Kush x Lowryder plants.
Looks like your OG Kush is coming along nicely.


looking quite nice!
great cab layout too,
I absolutely fuckin love those green 5gal containers ..found a stack of them clearanced at walmart one day & bought 2, figured Id go back and get the rest but they were all gone, never seen em since. :pointlaug


hey senseless dont take that og kush any days less that 60 my friend if you can hold out try and go close to 70 if its the s1 trust me... if its the real og the even better let her go as close to 70 days as posssible to see her real ecffects shine.. she will be one heavy hitter if you let her go til 70 .. i hitter quiter.looking good. a little heat burn but overall a nice scrog. my friend i just finish up a 250wt scrog and yeilded 4.5 ounces.i now have a 400wt scrog of bogbubble grow. then after this harvest the big scrog 600wt 4'x4' screen SFV OG kush,Pre-98Bubba,Purple Kush(old Skool),and Pure kush.. a giant big fat kush grow.....

greeat kab o kush man


Active member
thanks for the info swerve. i was looking for info on when the OG is supposed to finish. and trust me it is the real deal og, ive already smoked buds from 2 seperate harvests of it. you see, last year in august i had to stop growing and my kush plants were only like a week old from seed. i gave them to one of my best buddie thats a grower and he made a mother plant and succsessfully pulled 2 harvests. 1. was two pounds off 2000w and a 4x8 flood and drain table. and 2. was 6oz off a turbo garden.

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