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30% of 21 to 34 year-olds now live back with Mom & Dad


Active member
only idiots think they are free today.

slaves indeed.

if you have got a lord, you have got a lord, whether they call you free or a slave.

course they dont call them lords anymore, lol , its out of style.

but basically this is a world of lords and slaves and if you have the right stuff.

you get to be a houseslave (porchmonkey?)

the unfortunets go to the fields or worse.

the funny part, its all in your minds.

the lords are so few, the slaves could take the house and everything.

anytime they want lol.

and the lords are obviously not running the house well.

but you get what you give.

most people are far too concerned about their own status in the world to consider how limited their choices really are.

and when i say status, i mean which rung they get to sit on and who they get to shit on and who gets to shit on them.


props for this thread.

im in tooling and die industry and have seen so many entry level operators in this age bracket who cant load a clip in a device or set a part into a fixture, probably 500 or so a year at my plant, most of them are useless, dont even know how to push a broom.

they come in ready for a job, and blame everything around them for why they cant work.
also i notice the younger generation shows zero initiative. its very sad.

Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
only idiots think they are free today.

the funny part, its all in your minds.

Free your mind and your ass will follow. :D

what about the people getting into houses they cant afford, and then losing their jobs which led to them losing their houses and moving in with their kids? how many of those are in that statistic?

debt = slavery..... basically. at least until bankruptcy.
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only idiots think they are free today.

slaves indeed.

if you have got a lord, you have got a lord, whether they call you free or a slave.

course they dont call them lords anymore, lol , its out of style.

but basically this is a world of lords and slaves and if you have the right stuff.

you get to be a houseslave (porchmonkey?)

the unfortunets go to the fields or worse.

the funny part, its all in your minds.

the lords are so few, the slaves could take the house and everything.

anytime they want lol.

and the lords are obviously not running the house well.

but you get what you give.

most people are far too concerned about their own status in the world to consider how limited their choices really are.

and when i say status, i mean which rung they get to sit on and who they get to shit on and who gets to shit on them.

Agreed with your post... I know you're not from USA, nor does it particularly bother me, just thought i'd let you know...

Porchmonkey is a pretty seriously racist comment towards african americans/blacks in america.

I personally find it humorous, but there you go.



Inveterate Tinkerer
ICMag Donor
In all of this lengthy thread, I didn’t see anything about what I consider to be the real cause of this shit. We have exported virtually every manufacturing job this country once had – we were once the world leaders at this, and were sold down the river by the corporations moving overseas. Instead, we have a “service economy”….. the only thing is, nobody figured out that there wouldn’t be anything left to “service”. The little industry that is left is so wrapped up in environmental regulation, lack of access to resources and prohibitively expensive benefit packages that they are looking for a way out, too.

The problem is not that the CEO’s make 480 times the average worker’s wage. The average manufacturing worker makes about $14,000 a year because that worker happens to be in China. If you think that the current crop of fat cats is rolling in it, take a look at some of the remaining estates around the Gold Coast area of Long Island from the Gatsby era. Those industrialists did things on a scale that very, very few contemporary billionaires could dream of. For an example that is a little closer to our hearts and hobby, take a look at the “homes” that belonged to William Randolph Hearst. Yellow journalism paid pretty well.

The other major contributor to our current state is credit. It became so common for people to live wildly beyond their means that it morphed into an expectation. While my daughter was in college, she called me to ask me to take a look at a house that she wanted to buy. I was incredulous – I asked how she ever expected to get a loan as a full-time student and part-time waitress. She told me that she already had preliminary loan approvals from three different banks!

I see elements of the truth in almost everyone’s posts….. for example, my brother is a finish carpenter, cabinet maker, welder, wrought-iron fabricator, etc, etc. He lives in an expensive resort area, and for the first time in 35 years he cannot find work there because nobody that is still hanging on to property is spending money remodeling.

We are now working on the second generation of kids that largely have no idea how to work on cars, consider manual labor something for immigrants to do, and feel entitled to expensive, worthless, mind-numbing toys. I keep seeing posts blaming the boomers. Perhaps it is our fault. More of us should have thrown the fucking televisions away, refused to hook up cable, banished computers, cell phones, discmen, Ipads, and all of the other technocrap, and sent our kids off to work at minimum wage jobs to instill a little puritan work ethic. Unfortunately, many of us didn’t realize at the time that this stepping-stone was critical to the kid’s future success.

Anyone that thinks that a college degree was ever a sure meal ticket obviously wasn’t there. Even 35+ years ago, that degree was usually only good to show that you might have a little more potential in a given area than the average person on the street. I never worked a day in the discipline that my college education was in, but I’ve never regretted it for a second. It was invaluable for the tools that it gave me – the ability to research things (it was a bit more difficult in the dark ages before the internet!), the ability to communicate reasonably well, and the knowledge that if you are well and truly stumped, you just keep kicking until you fight your way out of it.


Active member
just about every western country is 150%+ in debt yes, the governments led the way in irresponsible borrowing.

demand for cheaper stuff, led to all the stuff being made by foreign slaves. (the modern equivalent anyway..)

leading to the economy tanking, because all that was left was service jobs and who was there left to service?

probably gonna get real handy soon, the ability to grow your own food lol.

(oh im laughing, cause this was plain to see, at least quarter of a century ago and there were warning voices and yet still this happened and yet still, this will continue to happen

either, there is an ulterior agenda behind this and the majority of mankind is retarded or

simply the vast majority of mankind, is retarded.

either way, things are gonna change, how drastically?

depends on how retarded mankind is. )


I'm one of those who live at my parent's place (it's a big house), because nowadays it's just not financially feasible for many people to own, or rent their own apartment, especially if you're single. Even if I had enough money for that, I would probably build a simple wooden cottage somewhere in the woods and live there. I'm more and more attracted to the idea of simple living.


I know a couple guys 22 ish...strong and have some common sense etc(and they work more than most of their friends do) NO work/full time careers in our area for the most part(very rural northern town) so they will have to travel/move for any decent job anyhow.My union is going to be taking a LOT of apprentices soon (boomers retiring en masse) and they could immediately go work on the oil sands making BIG coin and a trade while they are at it. Easily have enough cash within a few years of being an apprentice alone..to buy a starter home...once done apprenticeship..easily make 150 K + a year.

ZERO interest and they are happen enough to have qualified for unemployment from various crap jobs.Hell even if they want to do something different later-take the opportunity to get ahead.I worked 3 jobs during my apprenticeship to survive as i quit a lucrative but dead end career to get into my trade.And I STILL partied hard and did not miss out.

These guys seem happy barely scraping along..then again mom and dad facilitate that too..no room n board/ given car/constant oops speeding etc bailouts..(good advantages that they do not seem to be leveraging)

I bought my own car/insurance/clothes and paid $ 400 a month board from 16 as I started full time at 15.Everyone I knew at home and working-paid room and board.

They do not seem to have any drive or goals towards a house/career /travel hell anything etc etc and I do not get it.I bought my first house (a few peers did the same at that time =45% ish ) at their age and NO woman would have dated me seriously unless I had some ambition and goals in life. All the young women seem to not be bothered by slacker dudes and almost want a gangster as first choice.

I am sure I sound like an old curmudgeon and eery generation has their "differences" but I seriously feel the current early 20ish ones are a LOT different than preceding generations...am I seeing something others are not?

I imagine "lesser" opportunities/high insurance costs/high youth unemployment etc effect their motivation to an extent but when opportunities do present themselves.these ones seem unwilling to sacrifice/work little more than hoped to get a start. A lot I have spoken to do not even remotely have ANY idea of what they might want to be or do/never talk about it with peers.

Entitlement is rampant for sure..it blows me AWAY watching house hunting shows...people complaining about a first 4000 sq ft home that does not have stainless appliances and granite counters/5'x5' walk in closet is too small etc etc-meanwhile the place is flawless and they barely have enough for a down payment...it seems like a sickness if you as me (kudos to those that can afford what they want and have earned the ability-nothing wrong with obtaining your goals) BUT on a first house they want it ALL

I think of every one I knew growing up-small 900 to 1200 sq ft bungalows with 5 + kids lots of times..small recrooms /NO a/c/unfinished basements/sharing bedrooms /NO one car for every person in the house etc..everyone had fun and enjoyed life that I recall.

Hank Hemp

Active member
In the end they'll only have fucked themselves. I have to believe you, but it's hard if I didn't know a couple young buck exactly like that.
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Hash Zeppelin

Ski Bum Rodeo Clown
Premium user
ICMag Donor
I think half the problem is lack of jobs, and the other half the problem is people dont want to work. much less work for a wage that is about half of what they should be paid. who does? but work is life. When I realized all that I quit what I considered work and worked at making what I love my work. now I have a career and not a job.

fuck being a corporate slave.


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
Micro and macro bankruptcy.

Economy can't grow to because of the debt overhang (micro and macro) so no more jobs. Plus the multitude of other unfixable structural problems.

Going to be this way for a very very very long time.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I used to hang around an old European guy in a sauna... he liked nice shoes and fancy tee shirts, go finger yourself out dude, *cough,,, or more like he was always at the gym and I liked the girls who went to the gym.

Besides the obvious comments about our jobs and who was saving more money for a vacation we didn't need, we sometimes talked about real or slightly real life issues with some sort of sincerity. This could be categorized as something that most people feel is fatalistic or other various complicated situational discomfort that is associated with being directly honesty about their live's, as it makes life seem short or predetermined, and no doubt scares them into thinking that they are inferior, as this position is not acceptable to any human being without at least two beers in them.

Back to the gym though, where we felt free enough after getting our rocks off with daily bodily abuse, in the most fatal attempts to maintain our vanity without suffering the scarring of random fads and failed diets. Now this fellow was interesting, so interesting to be honest that I couldn't pronounce his name, and as the man at the front desk kept suggesting, I was shortening names to remember them better. His has Ahdo or thats the best I can match the words to the sounds that dropped out of his gut and reflected off his chest in what Russians pass for English. It was impossible to understand him basically without acting out scenes and walking through what we were talking about so as not to get lost in the absurdity of trying to breach a 30 year age gap and a thin connection as fellow lovers of spirits and beer. Somedays he couldn't stand the effort required to talk, cause of this or because of that. Somedays he was all in my face and begging me to talk to him about something that had come to him in the midst of a treadmill session.

He once told me that Americans are all stupid pigs, and I didn't slap him. Can you fucking believe that shit home grill? Like bull-am Dud Greensburg. He was a good guy and naturalized citizen so what could I say... he had his citizenship too to worry about.

He basically said that Americans are fools for thinking it is good for your development or social structure to have unmarried men running around and living on their own. He said there is no reason for a man to learn how to cook if his mother is still alive and willing. I agreed with him as usual, but it is fair to say this is required to keep the story rolling, and he did not like to be humored or talked down to perhaps because he was speaking a second language not I, myself having learned an older and hasher tongue which comes from one of the hills in the Urial mountains [sp[

At this point it must be safe to say it makes you feel a little bit drunk to be talking to someone who's life is so different from your own. Its exciting in the way its exciting to find another true fan of your favorite team. To know what it means to have sat in a car outside a Rolling Stones concert in Germany around the time of the war that was there in the 1980s. Germany is weird man, good beer, but lots of cops, if you get my jog there home boy. Glad to know you come from a place like the united states when you run across a bunch of stiff pirates like them krauss boys.


that aint nothing but 10 cent lovin
I know a couple guys 22 ish...strong and have some common sense etc(and they work more than most of their friends do) NO work/full time careers in our area for the most part(very rural northern town) so they will have to travel/move for any decent job anyhow.My union is going to be taking a LOT of apprentices soon (boomers retiring en masse) and they could immediately go work on the oil sands making BIG coin and a trade while they are at it. Easily have enough cash within a few years of being an apprentice alone..to buy a starter home...once done apprenticeship..easily make 150 K + a year.

ZERO interest and they are happen enough to have qualified for unemployment from various crap jobs.Hell even if they want to do something different later-take the opportunity to get ahead.I worked 3 jobs during my apprenticeship to survive as i quit a lucrative but dead end career to get into my trade.And I STILL partied hard and did not miss out.

These guys seem happy barely scraping along..then again mom and dad facilitate that too..no room n board/ given car/constant oops speeding etc bailouts..(good advantages that they do not seem to be leveraging)

I bought my own car/insurance/clothes and paid $ 400 a month board from 16 as I started full time at 15.Everyone I knew at home and working-paid room and board.

They do not seem to have any drive or goals towards a house/career /travel hell anything etc etc and I do not get it.I bought my first house (a few peers did the same at that time =45% ish ) at their age and NO woman would have dated me seriously unless I had some ambition and goals in life. All the young women seem to not be bothered by slacker dudes and almost want a gangster as first choice.

I am sure I sound like an old curmudgeon and eery generation has their "differences" but I seriously feel the current early 20ish ones are a LOT different than preceding generations...am I seeing something others are not?

I imagine "lesser" opportunities/high insurance costs/high youth unemployment etc effect their motivation to an extent but when opportunities do present themselves.these ones seem unwilling to sacrifice/work little more than hoped to get a start. A lot I have spoken to do not even remotely have ANY idea of what they might want to be or do/never talk about it with peers.

Entitlement is rampant for sure..it blows me AWAY watching house hunting shows...people complaining about a first 4000 sq ft home that does not have stainless appliances and granite counters/5'x5' walk in closet is too small etc etc-meanwhile the place is flawless and they barely have enough for a down payment...it seems like a sickness if you as me (kudos to those that can afford what they want and have earned the ability-nothing wrong with obtaining your goals) BUT on a first house they want it ALL

I think of every one I knew growing up-small 900 to 1200 sq ft bungalows with 5 + kids lots of times..small recrooms /NO a/c/unfinished basements/sharing bedrooms /NO one car for every person in the house etc..everyone had fun and enjoyed life that I recall.

keep waving that flag you freak!!!

(right on man, right on)

** supper sorry about the triple post

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