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3 pounds = Probation



Kind of Bs if you ask me.... this dude is dealing near school I am sure not to children, but he obviously is sketchy having a shotgun.

I have friends that are getting older now a days and showing their true sides, most of them deal and some are getting into harder shit and including many weapons. No thanks that aint for me.

i guess I would be happy if I was caught with something now though seeing as they barely charged him. So like an ounce of buds should get a slap on the wrist right? PEACE


WOW.........goes to show the extremes we have punishing people for the same crimes.
Theres guys sittin in Prison NOW for less than that and no wepons charges or near kids. :fsu: :badday:

herbal essences

caligreen said:
i guess I would be happy if I was caught with something now though seeing as they barely charged him. So like an ounce of buds should get a slap on the wrist right? PEACE

Think again, someone i know got the same sentence with seriously 1/4 of a gram had a scale... in a school zone


Active member
what? cuz he had a shotgun in his house and happen to live in a school zone,he should get more then 18 months? i don't understand........


Custom User Title
Weapons and school zones are things anybody involved in any way with illegal drugs should be extremely aware of. I won't rent an apartment that's in a school zone, and I wouldn't feel comfortable owning a weapon until I'm done growing. Those things can make stuff so much more complicated if you get caught, it's just not worth it.


Considering it was that much marijuana, with a firearm involved near a school district..........I would thank jebus I only got probation personally.


i don't get some of you people you act like this dude should get punished more.for christ sakes we're all breaking the law i'm glad he didn't get more time


not to mention the fact that if weed was legal, almost certainly he would not have had 3 pounds on him... but then again it would probably be 3 kilos of coke or something instead...


Herbal relaxation...
I was about to agree with you Mr Celcius, but then I started thinking it deeper..

That could be the case in general level, but at the end of the day we make our own choices about what we are involved with..

Not every potgrower & "dealer" start fucking with harder substances after they have mastered their weedgame and are making good profit out of it!!

It´s simply to think like weed is taking too much time to mature & grower/dealer is loosing money, so they go with powder thang and start drop volumes of it, just because of simply greedines! If you are growing for money, you better play it quiet & lowprofile and you probably have pretty good odd´s to make money, but which is more important -> stay out of the jail!!!

I was involved with harddrugs for years, before getting enough of that lifestyle, which constantly did put in jail & in dangerous situations and im not even talking about stress it produces when you have to constantly look over your shoulder for cop´s etc...

I have quit all criminal activity to ZERO after starting to grow, it really does relax me mentally & physically and made me much kind humanbeing :2cents:

Caligreen: I perfectly understand your point of view + I respect that :respect:

If someone of those "harder" guys are really close/good friend for you, I would suggest you to tell about attitude and that you dont wanna get involved in any way if you hang out with your friend! If they are real friends, they respect your opinion :wink:


where i live the laws are so vague(a commonwealth) basically its the same charge from 3.5grams to 49.9 pounds(possesion with intent to distribute class d) above 50 pounds triggers the maditory minimum sentence im pretty sure the sentence can carry a max of 2 1/2 years(which is different than then mand minimum sent. i think its 6 months min)....my friend, 4 years ago got arrested with 30 lbs of mid grade his bail was 40 dollars....he was charged with possesion with intent to distribute class d.....the same charge i encountered when gettin arrested with 10 1 gram baggies of same kind of weed(not at the same time)......so basically what im sayin is you shouldnt worry about jail time(you mite have to stop smoking) for a while but if you do the crime you have to be willing to do the time/probation(however miniscule it may be)

P.s.this message was not directed towards anyone...... i have not touched on hand to hand that is a whole nother monster if you sell to a cop or a cop sees you selling something you suck at what your doin anyways....maybe consider a carrer change....lol
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A hundred years ago EVERY single household had at least one gun!!Half the schoolkids were shooting rabbits and squirrels by age ten!!

Today you mention shotgun and look at all the responses,I own several guns,shotguns,rifles,pistols......and I dont feel one bit bad about it.

You dont think there war on drugs is working???Look how ya feel about guns,ALL because weed is involved :bashhead:

Mr Celsius

I am patient with stupidity but not with those who
caligreen said:
Kind of Bs if you ask me.... this dude is dealing near school I am sure not to children, but he obviously is sketchy having a shotgun.

I have friends that are getting older now a days and showing their true sides, most of them deal and some are getting into harder shit and including many weapons. No thanks that aint for me.

i guess I would be happy if I was caught with something now though seeing as they barely charged him. So like an ounce of buds should get a slap on the wrist right? PEACE

All natural progressions of the drug trade/use.


Bong Smoking News Hound
RED145 said:
A hundred years ago EVERY single household had at least one gun!!Half the schoolkids were shooting rabbits and squirrels by age ten!!

Today you mention shotgun and look at all the responses,I own several guns,shotguns,rifles,pistols......and I dont feel one bit bad about it.

You dont think there war on drugs is working???Look how ya feel about guns,ALL because weed is involved :bashhead:

And if us Marijuana Users think that way. Think about how the rest of the US feels.....