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3 plants in a pc PSU


Hells Yes on the double case! SOOOOO many people talk about doing it but I think your the first I've seen pull it off. NJ basscadet


New member
Hey, love the setup. What'd you think would be best for a server case grow: an 85W or 125W CFL? The 125W would need more than computer fans for proper ventilation if scrubbers are used, right?


Hey, love the setup. What'd you think would be best for a server case grow: an 85W or 125W CFL? The 125W would need more than computer fans for proper ventilation if scrubbers are used, right?

kkkeee, I'd go with the 125W, I'm pretty sure you can use pc fans to cool it but test to find out how hot it gets. If you have a fan blowing on it, and one fan exhausting, you should be fine. Check out ScrubNinja's pc fan thread for more info.

they looks good so far. keep goin.

Thanks fo rdropping cheese, I'm definately keeping this going no matter what happens. I think I'm addicted to growing haha, the other day I had this weird urge to germinate some seeds, I don't need to but I had to stop myself anyway haha

Hells Yes on the double case! SOOOOO many people talk about doing it but I think your the first I've seen pull it off. NJ basscadet

I think someone posted the double case in the pc case growers club, but if I'm wrong woohoo I'm a pc pioneer haha Thanks for checking out the grow Mk

Looking good, I just showed this to a friend who just got his medical card and hes stoked to try this out.

You're so lucky to get a med card to grow legal herb, I'm stuck in a backwards thinking country who still think the herb is evil. I hope you and your friend try it out and of courese, post the pics here.

Hey everyone...
Been battleing the recent heat wave, temps got to 39*C outside and a scary 48*C inside. the plants seem to be doing okay, the Thai's loved it and added a couple of cm of growth... cool!!

So far I have confirmed 2 girls and 1 male C99:woohoo:

The white skunks have yet to show, I think one may be a complete runt, but it's okay, if i get 1 male and 1 female i'll do another seed run and a cross...




The runt white skunk is that nute-burnt thing in the centre...


Active member
Hey man, may I ask what is in your tea? I have never heard of compost tea burning anything, so is it a guano?

FYI, you get the same results from top dressing guano as you do from making tea, except you have more control.

Compost tea is exactly what I would use on a stressed out plant, to bring the soil back in functioning order.


Grow like nobody is watching
mj, from #20

I fed them yesterday with a tea made from;
1 handful of EWC,
1 handful of Chicken manure,
10 ml of Nitrosol (10/ 2.3/ 6.8)
1 spoonful of blood and bone
1 spoonful of lime
water used to rinse rice before cooking and
1 spoonful of molasses mixed with 9 litres of water left out for 24 hours.


Hey man, may I ask what is in your tea? I have never heard of compost tea burning anything, so is it a guano?

FYI, you get the same results from top dressing guano as you do from making tea, except you have more control.

Compost tea is exactly what I would use on a stressed out plant, to bring the soil back in functioning order.

Thanks for posting the recipe Scrub...
mj, glad you dropped by. I thought the same thing with guano teas, but the leaf tips turned yellow and had a look of nute burn, I'm going by the pics in MyNameIsStich's sick plants thread.

The only thing I can think would or could burn is the Nitrosol (only think that because it comes in a bottle)

Seeing what I'm feeding, do you think there's something I should leave out?


Active member
I fed them yesterday with a tea made from;
1 handful of EWC,
1 handful of Chicken manure,
10 ml of Nitrosol (10/ 2.3/ 6.8)
1 spoonful of blood and bone
1 spoonful of lime
water used to rinse rice before cooking and
1 spoonful of molasses mixed with 9 litres of water left out for 24 hours.
I would use:
the handful of EWC (make it a fistful or two)
the rice wash
1/4 tsp of the molasses
per gallon of water.

stir vigorously and pour after 5 minutes. That's not feeding, that's repopulating the soil. for feeding, I'm not sure what to do. My soil has everything mixed in, and I just give fish fertilizer once a month or so. Organics does not require very much skill, so I have little.

definitely lose the chicken shit, unless you can be extremely careful with it. that stuff is very hot and can result in too many nitrates and crap bud, just like synthetic nutes can. Nitrosol I don't know what it is, so I can't really tell you. Has a very high NPK, is it salt based? If so, and you are switching to organics, you could try cleaning your soil with effective microbes. Otherwise it may be a struggle if you have a very high ppm around the root zone. That makes it hard for microbes to survive.


Grow like nobody is watching
stir vigorously and pour after 5 minutes. That's not feeding, that's repopulating the soil.

Surely this would be the perfect time for an aerated tea of your recipe? I get that the microbes will be in the liquid just from stirring but the whole point of bubbling for 24hrs (ish) is to multiply the good ones many times over in an aerobic environment. Surely better to have more than less, or did I just grow hydro too long? :biglaugh:


Active member
the point of aerating is to make a whole lot with just a little compost. If you need 50 gallons, you can imagine how it can get easier to brew rather than use a whole lotta compost. you have to be doing it right though, or it's a waste of time.

In a micro growing situation, it's optional IMO. I don't miss a cup of worm castings. sure I could bubble and do it with two tablespoons, but so what?


Grow like nobody is watching
Sure, that makes sense. I just figure it's going to discourage anaerobic ones too, being in such an environment before it gets tipped into soil. My bubbled stuff would have a higher ratio of good to bad microbes than your stuff, would it not? Man, you are one post away from 2000 posts!


Thanks guys, the reason I'm using the chicken poo is as a source of phosphorous, I've read it's rich in it.

I usually soak the tea and use it when there's foam on the top. I don't bubble it as I don't have an air stone as yet but I've heard it can still be done without one.

Can I share an embarassing story...:redface:

One of the C99 girls was looking weird with brown leaves so I thought I'll flush it to help. I poured in water and it stayed on the top and wouldn't go into the soil. I kinda freaked thinking it had compacted and wouldn't absorb like it should.:asskick:

I had covered a cut down 1 litre bottle and glued the shiny side of a chip packet around the outside to protect the roots and left it to dry. I didn't use it the last run but used it this time and after the water wouldn't go through I thought maybe the holes at the bottom had clogged up.

I looked underneath and to my shock I saw I forgot to make holes in the bottom. :wallbash:So I grabed my pocket knife, used the spike attatchment and pocked a hole in the bottom and out flooded crusty water.:spank:

It would have to be the female wouldn't it...:pointlaug

This is what happens when you don't smoke for a month

Fingers crossed she pulls through...
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Active member
I not sure how much P is in chicken shit as I have no chickens (yet), but most people use it for N, not P. Keep an eye out for leggy growth that is very green and has a lot of leaves. My strategy would probably be to top dress it and forget about it. Let the soil life do the work. same goes for guano.

Scrub, the method I describe is a simple extraction. You can't get a better balance of microbes than the one you start with. Proper brewing attempts to maintain the balance found in the compost while fostering rapid reproduction, not to improve on it. After 24 hrs good aeration, the microbiota drift inexorably to monoculture. Without proper aeration, and with all the food listed in the above recipe, I would expect things to go anaerobic. Basscadet, do you remember how it smelled?

If you are making tea without a pump, you do need lots of agitation to get it sufficiently aerated. I'll be honest guys, after microbeman set me right about proper tea making, i stopped brewing and started making an extraction instead. It's less elegant and can't be scaled up to do a whole yard, but for micro growing it's plenty. I'll probably never brew again until I have a significant plot land to work with a electrical hookup.


Grow like nobody is watching
the shiny side of a chip packet

Man that's ghetto genius!

Thanks mj for explaining. I'm not convinced just yet but I'll keep reading. My thoughts are, how do you know that you can't get a better balance of microbes? Is your compost perfect? Is mine? (answer: no).

Approximate NPKs on the net for chook poo are all over the place, but I've found them to be high in N, and ridiculously so when fresh. Some do indeed say it's high in P.


Active member
Man that's ghetto genius!

Thanks mj for explaining. I'm not convinced just yet but I'll keep reading. My thoughts are, how do you know that you can't get a better balance of microbes? Is your compost perfect? Is mine? (answer: no).

I agree on the ghetto genius. Bravo.

Scrub, no compost is perfect, and some genius soil people advocate brewing at the temperature of the soil to select for things that do well in that environment. Aerating tea is not a reliable way to counter pathogens in unsafe compost. But what you get is a function of what you start out with as well. Aerating tea is a technology whose main advantage is the extension of a valuable resource. As imperfect as it is, my compost is worked over by worms for a long time before I use it, and it's never dried or processed. I put a nice layer of it in the bottom of each container when I fill them, and I top dress it constantly.

Brewing tea for micro is not a waste of time, don't get me wrong. You can use it as a foliar spray, you can use one fifth the compost, and for a gallon of water all you need is an aquarium pump. I just don't do it because I am lazy and have a good resource - an extraction of my fresh worm castings made from kitchen scraps, having almost all the benefits of Aerated Tea, is good enough for me. Scrub you have enough going on just with veggies outside to make it worthwhile to brew many gallons. My outside garden is not next to my home, and I can't brew there. Thus I do not brew. We just top dress.

If I had chicken shit, by the way, I might be tempted to ferment and compost it right in my basement. The worms would love it.


Grow like nobody is watching
Excellent explanation. I think I get it now. :eek:: I will give your methods a try, it makes sense.

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