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3 or 7 Gallons?


Active member
Here is the question: I just transplanted my plants from 4x4 pots into 3 gallon containers within the last two days and am considering placing them into the 7 gallon containers instead.

The issue here is that I would like to flip these to flower within two weeks from now so what real difference in yield can result in keeping them in the 3 gallon pots rather than moving them to the 7?

I am attaching a couple of pics with the first one being a shot of the small pot that they were transferred from:

To what they look in the new pots:

To the 3 gallon by itself so that you can compare it with the 7 gallon:

So do I keep them in the 3 or transfer them into the 7?

i flowering in 1 or 3 gallon bags, 2 weeks isnt long for 2.5 extra gallons of soil.. but i her the more medium the better.. but personnally i think 3 will be good..


Active member


is there a vertical height restriction? if not then are there holes in the bottom of the 3 gallon buckets? I was reading one of BOGS threads somewhere a long time ago probably OG but he had left the plant in the 3 gallon container and set it in the 7 gallon container and covered it on the sides to stabilize it and the roots grew out of the 3 gallon bucket into the 7 gallon bucket. Well I had the same dilema where I tried that a few years ago and it works so well I have done it many times since. But to answer the original question. The more soil depth and width you can have will make the plant bigger better stronger. The ideal method of this is multiple transplants to get the root base/bulb to grow as thick and encompass as much of the soil as possible before turning and growing down thus mandating the need for transplant. One day I am going to grow three trees in rubbermaid containers indoors. I will just keep flattening them out maybe do a scrog.


Active member
The more soil the better, that said 7 is probably overkill if you plan to flower so soon and the roots have not filled the 3 gallon yet. If you have the ability to get 5 gallon air pots or smart pots that would be the best option if you ask me.
7 will grow you a monster if done right. Its all about what size you want in the end, and how rooted she gets in the 3Gal.


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