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3 new flavors in cook's kitchen

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Greetings my IC family!
This cook likes to mix it up a bit in the kitchen, so I'm starting a new grow with 3 new strains (well, new for me).
This time out, the Chef's Specials include....

Sour Bubble Bx3... Our main course. Good with or without the side of mashed potatoes! :yummy: This is the type I have the most plants of in this grow.
Bx2 was absolutely outstanding in my last grow. Really fabulous smoke, so...I had to grow Bx3 this time out. Thanks BOG :wave:

Dutch Passion's Blue Moonshine is the fruit plate special. I'm hopin for the best on this one. At the time I bought these beans, Gypsy wasn't carrying DJ Shorts's genetics, and I generally only order from Gypsy, soooo my friend and I split a pack of these from Dutch Passion. I've heard some mixed reports on their version of DJ's Moonshine, but I guess I'm going to just find out how it is for myself. Let's hope for colorful tasty buds!

Billygoat's Bangkok Betty Thai rounds out the menu with a taste from the Orient.
Though I'm VERY excited about the other varieties I'm growing, this one will be a big focus in this garden for many reasons. First off, sativas aren't THAT east to grow in a little chamber like mine, so it'll be a challenge. I think i'm up to it after having success with SSC's Sativa Mexicana. :yes:
I'm excited about getting a taste of some oldshool Thai. It's been a loooong time. :canabis:
Also, these beans carry a lot of good karma with them. They've had quite the round the world adventure before reaching me. Billygoat produced them in the US before his bust, sent them to Dutchgrown in Amsterdam, who sent them to our old friend Leeroy & Co. in Oz as a contest prize. He was nice enough to send me 3 of these prize beans back here to the US of A just because he's a hell of a guy. Fortunately I got 3 for 3 to germ.
I miss seein ol Leeroy around. I hope he's well.
:wave: Hi Buddy, wherever you may roam.

This first part of the grow thread is dedicated to our dear friend Billygoat who just got some happy words that included FREEDOM. :wink: Right on, bro :yes:
I'll give you all an in depth look at the Betties. In further installments, we'll look at what's simmering in other pots.
I took these first pics a couple weeks back, so everthing is a little larger now. I'll catch up eventually :pointlaug

So, without further excessive commentary from IC's kitchen staff,....let's look at some pics, shall we?

Here's a rack of seedlings just chillin under some flouro lighting.

can you spot the sativas in the bunch?

Here they are... cropped around the 3 Betties.

Right off the bat, they're showing those long, thin tropical looking leaves :D

What's that?!?!? You'd like to meet the Betties in person? Sure...I think I can arrange an intro.

First is Betty Rubble...

looking very similar in appearance is Betty Ford...

and last but not least...this one was kinda freaky lookin, so we'll call her Betty Davis...

strange lookin leaves on that one. But that's ok, I AM foodservice, so I DIG FREAKS :biglaugh: some of my best friends are freaks.
If I had a wish...I wish that I get a male and female out of the similar looking ones and a freaky lookin female from the 3rd. We'll see what happens.

As I mentioned, I'm a little behind on uploading pics, so here's another pic of the 3 Betties about a week later.

They'd be even bigger, but I had to run out of town all of a sudden and had to leave them in the cooler spot under flouros. Now they're in the main chamber where it's warm and the 400 HPS is kickin. The Betties were growing VERY rapidly and needed a quick transplant, even before their neighbors. They got some nice new 1 Gallon pots in which to stretch their roots. The others get transplanted tomorrow.
Well, I hope you've enjoyed this sneak peak at the Fall/Winter menu. Stick around, the cook will be cookin up lots of tasty things for your enjoyment.
much love

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Watch out Cook, because as soon as you transplant them. They are going to take off on you full force. Nice to hear you got the 3/3 germ with those, because as we talked in PM. They've been through alot going around the world a couple of times. Glad to see Leeroy was kind enough to share these with you. I'm miss the guy and hope he's doing well. Good luck with your Betties and watch them closely, because they can get out of control on you very fast and the root system will bunch up very fast also. Good luck and enjoy the fun.
Take care


Basement Garden Gnome
Leeroy I Miss you

Leeroy I Miss you

Wonderful to see that Leeroy got you those BB Seeds,
What a wonderful person Leeroy is and I miss him around here, and in Chat.
It's a shame when good people like Leeroy leave.

I was also lucky and blessed by Leeroys kindness. 2 Bancok Betty Seeds.
I'll Germ those with GODZUKI Next week, my next Project will be Billy Goat Beans! :yoinks:



Cook my man, cookin'up a STORM in this kitchen thats what i like to see brother :canabis:

And dont worry bout ol'Leeroy, he isnt far for those who know how to find him :wink: :friends:

Got to chime in and say CONGRATS to Billygoat, much respect, hope his freedom lasts an eternity.

Im lovin'this grow report already, your cooking metaphors are makin'me hungry damnit, now i got to go look at whats to eat in the fridge!

:sasmokin: :canabis: :friends:


Rubbing my glands together
Got em started off nice cook. I'll slide a bar stool up to the counter and watch as the "dishes" are prepared. Glad to see the BillyGoats in the mix.


Well-known member
go cook go cook you going to need way bigger pots when betty stretches her leggs
i'll be pulling up my recliner for this one ,good growing to ya bro

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
thanks for the love, friends

thanks for the love, friends

Sin- glad to hear you were also blessed by Leeroy's generosity. We've almost got that whole pack accounted for now :biglaugh:
Good luck with all your BG beans. :yes:

Rodriguez... good to see you tuned in on this cooking show, brother :smile:

chucky... I hope I do half as well with the Betties as you did. Nice work there, bro. And YEAH it's clear I'd better have big pots close at hand. I was shocked :yoinks: at how fast they filled up the first ones and wanted to start acting rootbound. Nope...none of that! I usually finish in 3 gal pots, but may have to go for the 5 gal pots on this one.

I also meant to mention that I JUST topped these bad girls (above 3rd node)before their replanting, so they're starting to branch out on me. I'll probably top them again, and use some LST on them later. I certainly used my share of twine on that Sativa Mexicana grow :biglaugh:
The other thing I have going in the kitchen that you may see in the background of some shots in the future is my first attempt at a re-veg.
So far it's going well. I had a G13 from the last grow that was WAY frostier than the other ones I was growing. Naturally this one was the one I thought looked kind of weak early in flowering so I did not keep a clone :bat:
The re-veg is moving along slowly, but well. The G13 I call Frostillicus will live again! She'll make a hell of a mom.
Well, break's over. gotta put on the apron and head back into the kitchen.


Sinfuldreams said:
Wonderful to see that Leeroy got you those BB Seeds,
What a wonderful person Leeroy is and I miss him around here, and in Chat.
It's a shame when good people like Leeroy leave.

I was also lucky and blessed by Leeroys kindness. 2 Bancok Betty Seeds.
I'll Germ those with GODZUKI Next week, my next Project will be Billy Goat Beans! :yoinks:


Hi Sin,

You're gonna love the Godzuki. I found a great mom last year. Here's a pic of a 4th generation clone of her.

Apologies for the hijack, Cook. :wave:

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
today's special

today's special

is Sour Bubble Bx3

I just love the look of the Sour Bubbles. CLASSIC Indica. Those dark green, wide leaves with the overlapping blades. Too cool!
Here they are after first veg transplant. They'll get at least 1 more, then into flower. After the GREAT smoke I got from the Bx2s, I'm really looking forward to these.

Next up- Blue Moonshine!

Crazy Composer

Mushkeeki Gitigay • Medicine Planter
ICMag Donor
Sour Bubble rocks!

Nice line-up bro! Much fun and delerium in your future ;)


cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
Uncle Jessie is runnin Moonshine?!??!?!

Uncle Jessie is runnin Moonshine?!??!?!

Oh, no, Uncle Cookie is growin BLUE Moonshine!
Dutch Passion's version here.

I've got 4 of em, yet to be sexed.
These are showing a good bit of purple in the stems. Not quite as seriously Indica looking as the Sour Bubbles, but still looking mostly like an indica. So we got that goin for us. :smile:
These should be interesting. I'm keeping a close eye on them when I get to flower. My buddy I split the pack with had some hermie issues, so I got my big ol red eye on them :bigeye:
These should have been transplanted a little quicker...when will I learn? :bat:
So, all 3 flavors have had their first veg transplant.
As is usual, in the cook's kitchen, things are movin a little slow, at least up until we hit 12/12 "the dinner rush" around here. Then I seem to work harder and faster! LOL
Next up.... we'll check back in on our 3 Betty babes. Such pretty ladies. They are growin with turbo speed. Despite the fact that I've topped em once, they're already much taller than the other 2 flavors. So, I'll be raising up the indicas closer to the light, and I guess I'm off to obtain a series of ropes and shackles with which to restrain these sativas :pointlaug
We're gonna do some LST on em and keep em low and wide.
Stay safe and keep em green, folks.


Moonshine, boy you got some nice flavors in this run. Can't wait to see them all in full bloom. I personal like the UM and can't wait to see them. Your in for some treats.
Good luck and nice show.

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
thanks O. Lots more fun to come. I'll also have to snap a pic of some G13s I'm revegging from my last crop. They're lookin good :smile:

cooked cook

bake at 420 until nicely toasted
table 3, the Betty party

table 3, the Betty party

Howsabout we take another look at those Bangkok Betty Thais.
As I've mentioned,I've topped tem and am hopeing to do my est to keep them low and bushy. I know...good luck with that, cookie :pointlaug

Betty Rubble- really gettin shrubby. You can see how those side branches are just reaching out after being topped.

Betty Ford, the tallest of the 3.

and that strange little Betty Davis.

he shortest of the 3, but lots of side growth.

and for perspective, here's a shot of the 3 of them with a gallon water jug

and in one of my earlier posts, I mentioned a G13 I'm re-vegging from my last crop. Here she is...

doing pretty well. Not a ton of branches, but she's getting there. I'm just happy that I got this first re-veg to work for me, as this G13 was SUPER frosty. Much more than the others. I'll be passing a couple clones of this on to a friend of mine. I know that this particular grower will di ti proud, and keep it safe. This is really the only SURE way I can keep a clone is to give it to somebody else :biglaugh:
Well, that's it...coffee break is over. Back into the kitchen.
Those betty's look sweet, your names had me laughing....

I like to see grows of less mainstream strains, it is cool to see something thats a little different

I can't wait to see how they turn out, I hope they don't get too wild on you :sasmokin:


Looking good Cook, had to post these pictures before i rest some. Here are the parents to compair. All your plants are looking really well. Keep up the great work. Your going to be very happy in a couple of months. PS, that picture of them mother doesn't look good because of the leafs, looking list shit. Had three different strains going in the same Ebb&Flo table at one time and it's hard to keep them all happy at once.



And the wild Thai sex party that made the seeds. Males and Females making love.