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3+ lbs of shake and trim


Active member
Hey so I have 3 or more lbs of that fine trim you take off right next to the nug when trimming. Its all covered in THC and I have a trash bag full of it.

I also have about 1.5-2 lbs of little pop corn nug BS that I dont have the patients to trim. You know all that little shit from the bottom of the plant.

It is ugly as hell but again, it is all just covered in THC.

I have saved all of this over the last 1.5 yrs from my harvests.

What the hell should I do with it?


Active member
Its all been mainly put into trash bag. The little nug stuff looks pretty good too but it just isnt stuff I would want to give to a customer.

I wouldnt mind refining it into something that people would want like a tincture but dont know how too.


Active member
make it into bho.. just make sure u run the tubes outdoors!! butane is an explosive gas..(if u didnt already know that)
n sell it or smoke it.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
Well the first suggestion that pops into my mind is give it to me as I have been in a 2 month dry spell and it'll be another 2 months before the crop I recently got started after numerous problems that delayed me, will provide me any relief. I figure though you were looking more for suggestions that might benefit you more meaningfully then just the warm fuzzies of being charitable. :)

I had a similar situation a few years back with about a pound or two of C-99 trim and popcorn. I ended up taking that to a friend who had a silk screen and made about an ounce of very nice dry sifted hash from that. Then after sifting the trim I took the remains and made some bho with some of it and some ISO with the rest.

Another good thing you could do with all that trim is make some canna butter which can then be used for making edibles.

If any of the items in bold sound appealing to you you should be able to, with the help of this site's search engine, find DIY instructions here on this site for making each of said bolded items.


Active member
I make dry sift and then do a coconut oil extraction for cooking with what's left. Both are very nice to have.
Well I was hoping you had it jarred or frozen.

If its stale then BHO would be the best bet. Then iso wash or bubble hash.

If its stale then it probably isnt going to taste very good so edibles is probably the last option.


Just A Simple Old Dirt Farmer
As I said I had almost the same thing except it was probably a bit less like 1.5lbs or 2lbs at most. I had it in a trashbag which I did keep tied up to keep the odor down. ITtwas kept like that for a year or maybe a bit more and seemed perfectly fine when I made it into hash. Very tasty hash I might add. I did cure it first though by periodically letting it air out, otherwise it would probably would have gotten all moldy, nasty and unusable.

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