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3 days too quick?



Hey guys, my nuggies have been hanging for 3 days now, 50% RH, 68-74 is low high on temp. 3 days and these babies are feeling pretty crispy, stems aren't exactly "snapping" but definitely hard.

I'm using "a perfect cure everytime" technique from sticky, should I let em keep drying?
I'm on day 4 of my dry now, and our drying conditions are quite similar. I took some down yesterday (day three) and took a few more today. My big, main cola is still hanging though - needs a bit more 'open air' drying time IMHO, but the smaller ones were, like you said, crispy.

Just remember: Not all buds dry at the same rate. Use your judgement in combination with Simon's guide.

BTW - I'm a 'Perfect Cure' guy myself. Works very well!


At 18 degrees it takes me 9 nine days till dry, 24 degrees, maby 4 or 5 days.

Depends on the thickness of the buds too. You will know when its dry when you cut a big head apart, take a piece from the inside and smoke it, if it burns really nicely and you get the full effect from the thc then it should be dry enough.


We are Farmers
I also use Simons method but I never wait until the stems snap or it is way too dry. Once the buds start feeling crispy I jar them with hygrometers and keep an eye on them. If the RH is 70% or higher I take the lid off of the jar and let it sit.


K thats about how mine feel right now. How many zips per jar? I didn't get the same caliber III hygrometers, mine is a bit longer. Is jar size relevant?


space gardener
Simons method for curing is awesome, I followed this thread and it took about a week to get them in the jars. The timing to move to the jars is critical, like Simon sez, the buds should feel dry to the touch, after putting them in the jars, the moisture will equilize causing the buds to feel moist and spongy, from there, keep an eye on the humidity and burp them accordingly. The entire process took me a month and the buds are awesome, they burn perfectly and still feel dry/sticky to the touch plus the bouquet of the buds was preserved, they smell delicious like they should.

Your nose is your best tool once they have been put in jars... Open the lid and take a nice whiff from the mouth of the jar, if it smells like grass/hay, they were put in the jars too soon, it should smell alot like it did when trimmed if things are going well..

As far as how much fits in the jars, thats very bud dependant, depends how dense the buds are, but they should be packed loosly to give the air a chance to surround them.

After a week of drying, I could fit about 2.6oz in 1/2 gallon jar and 1.2oz in a quart jar.. These buds were very dense so much less would fit if they are on the fluffy side...

Here is a pic:



I also prefer to burp the jars daily to cure and dry properly. always nice to look at and see your wares anyhow


space gardener
By the way aero-nice pyramid. Might look more attractive with a guinness in front though lol

LOL, try a blackhawk sometime, it's alot like guinness, both are like drinking a loaf of bread but it's delicious bread indeed...


Is putting 6-8 zips in a jar cool?? That is if I can find a jar that big :tiphat: I only have 1 hygrometer...
I only have one hygrometer, so I go from 'hanging' to 'drying' in a large tupperware. No layering, no buds touching. Works great for my little 2 zip pulls from my microcab. Once they're dry - into glass jars that are vacuum sealed.


Sup guys, started jarring everything today. Ran out of jars, almost at the 1/2# mark and theres still a lot of nugs to be jarred up. I started my grow with a 250 all the way to week 3 of flower, then added the 6. So a half off that makes me happy :thank you:

Its a humid ass day, is that gonna effect cure?


Check it out guys, been jarring for 4 days, humidity is still a little unstable in jars, but its getting there


^^ This is my first real harvest, and first ever hydro grow


Simons method for curing is awesome, I followed this thread and it took about a week to get them in the jars. The timing to move to the jars is critical, like Simon sez, the buds should feel dry to the touch, after putting them in the jars, the moisture will equilize causing the buds to feel moist and spongy, from there, keep an eye on the humidity and burp them accordingly. The entire process took me a month and the buds are awesome, they burn perfectly and still feel dry/sticky to the touch plus the bouquet of the buds was preserved, they smell delicious like they should.

Your nose is your best tool once they have been put in jars... Open the lid and take a nice whiff from the mouth of the jar, if it smells like grass/hay, they were put in the jars too soon, it should smell alot like it did when trimmed if things are going well..

As far as how much fits in the jars, thats very bud dependant, depends how dense the buds are, but they should be packed loosly to give the air a chance to surround them.

After a week of drying, I could fit about 2.6oz in 1/2 gallon jar and 1.2oz in a quart jar.. These buds were very dense so much less would fit if they are on the fluffy side...

Here is a pic:

Great post above i totally agree with everything said. All i would say / repeat is that when you jar the buds up is very crucial.

Im a chronic "early jarrer" ive discovered. In the past ive been jarring after about 4 days of air drying and even though the buds feel dry on the outside they most certainly are not dry in the centre. What happens when you jar too soon is that u end up handling the buds waaaay to much cos you are taking them out of the jars a few more times to drop RH% (this is using Simons method btw)

Im going to airdry a buit longer next time round so once its jarred it can stay in the jar and just receive burps.

Just my 2 cents
