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2x400w organic soil by candamo


Sup ICmaggers, ive been lurking in the site for some time now and ive really learned alot. Now i think its time to open a thread about what ive got going on and hopefully get some constructive criticism in order to get better results.

Here in south america, Peru to be precise, getting some of the products that are commonly used on the forum is kinda complicated. However, Ive managed to get seabird guano which i can literally pick up from the islands on the shore, worm castings, bat guano. Ill be making teas from this ingredients.
For my soil mix i use 20% perlite, 60% sunshine pro mix #3 and 20% worm castings and some lime.
The lighting consists in two 400w HPS with a regular hood. I tried to get an air cooled hood but shipping and taxes where too much so i aborted that operation.

Got no idea whats the CFM on my exhaust fan but the bastard can keep the inside temps below 28C and the humidity between 60-80% depending how it is outside. ATM the intake is passive and it seems to work well in the 1.2m x 2m x 2.2m area.

The clones where taken from a WW (sensi seeds) mother that was 1.2 years old and now rests in peace.
They have been vegging for a week now and i think maybe another one will do the trick.

Here is a pic of how they are looking right now.
The 5 big ones are mine and the small ones are from a friend that will pick em up soon.



its been 2 weeks since the clones started vegging and they are growing pretty fast. Today i did some LST on em and they seem to look alright.
Only one thing thats worrying me is the temperature. ATM outside is like 18-20C and inside the cab it can get up to 32C. Any thoughts on how to control this without using A/C?

Hopefully next week ill flip to 12/12.

now the pictarz :jump:



turned off one of the bulbs since i cant keep the temps below 30C sometimes, now the max temp i got was 26C. I guess ill stay that way until i can fix the temp problem. Other than that is just going smooth.

1 more week of veg and ill flip 12/12



Active member
Good move, removing one light. I like to ramp up light anyway as going to flower and 400 should be plenty for 5 in veg. Can you add any co2 in veg to use the high temps? I see that fan in your pic, would get that blowing directly over the plants, under the light (sure your doing that), and have another oscillating fan circulating the hot air. Will need to get the humidity down too when in flower as well as the heat. Challenging to say the least given geographic circumstance. Should be interesting to see how this crop turns out! Why no AC?


im already over my budget atm and on top of that summer is just getting started. Ive already managed before to get descent crops and now that i got better stuff i guess itll go smoother this time.
I will research about the co2.
thanks for the reply luv2grow :D


flipped 12/12 now, they have gotten big enough i think.

fed with an organic tea :
50ml liquid high P bat guano
1/2 cup peruvian seabird guano
3/4 earthworm castings
3 tbsp molasses

that looks like this:

and this is how the ladies are looking right now.



### update ###

its been 3 weeks flowering and they look pretty good except the little nute burn i had a couple of waterings ago. I think i got that nute formula handled now.

added an intake that has 2/3 as much power as the exhaust. Temps get to 32C for a few minutes when both shut down but when one starts pulling hot air or getting colder air in the temp sits in 28C.
I guess im on the temp limit atm. And it will keep getting hotter because the summer is coming :(

now some pictarz. :joint:


Black Ra1n

Cannaculturist ~OGA~
Check out some of the do it yourself threads... you can make a cool tube for your 400's. I made one for my 150, works great. You may need to up your exhaust to handle the heat as well. If you can get your hands on a 6" vortex that would solve your problem, they're expensive but worth it in the end. Hope you get your heat down, next thing will be the humidity as they get farther into bud, good luck man.


### update ###

week 5 of flower atm, summer is starting and the temp issue is getting worse as the ambient temp increases. Cant afford A/C so ill just have to deal with it.

Here some pics.

I found this guy outside the room playing with a tennis ball hehe.

And a couple of shots that i liked.

Need to get my hands on a manual camera and a tripod asap :cuss:



harvest finally!!

harvest finally!!

At last, after 9 weeks of flowering i harvested the widows and this is how they looked right after the haircut.

cheerss :joint:

hangin' out...


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