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2nd Grow In New Cabinet


Just read through yer thread and sorry I can't give ya any words of advice, merely
some good Karma.
I'm just starting to learn about growing and trying to learn as much as possible.
Good Luck getting this figured out.


Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
The Beginning of the End

The Beginning of the End

Well I had to harvest one of the M plants. This was the worst of the two with the clawed and discolored leaves, and it has gotten steadily worse. Even the bud leaves were mostly brown, and I was afraid the decay might reach the buds if I let it go much longer. It was at 57 days, so not that early. But it was not quite ready (less than 50% cloudy trichs), and I don't think it ever would have been. Very disappointing plant. After trimming, the entire plant only weighed 49 grams. Which means I'll be lucky to get an 8th of an oz from her. On the bright side, it was a quick trim.

Below is a photo for your viewing dismay. You'd think after 25+ years doing this I'd be better at it by now.


Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Update at 12/12 58 Days

Update at 12/12 58 Days

Growth has now slowed dramatically, but is not quite over. I can tell they're still packing on some weight because some of the bigger colas are now starting to fall over. But at this point, none of them have more than a few cloudy trichs. So I will be patient.

Here's the non-WW, doing great as usual. It has the biggest, thickest cola of them all. But unlike the ones I grew last time, has virtually no side branches. I'm a little surprised it's still standing upright, as the others are being weighed down big time.

Here's the big brickweed plant. It's really getting weighed down, as you can see it's almost horizontal. Now, remember this pict, as the next one would be immediately to the left of it.

See that cola in the front left? That would be the left-most one in the front row of three? That's another, single-cola brickweed plant. Very small one. But all the other colas in this pict are from the plant in the previous pict. That yellowish leaf you can just see the tips of on the far right in this pict is the same yellowish leaf on the far left of the previous pict. So that girl is going to be a big yielder. Hope she doesn't suck (never thought I'd utter that phrase).

Here's the surviving M plant. It's doing way better than its deceased sibling. You can see it leaning over with the weight. It's got that "bud-growing out of bud" look going on there. And it's got several pretty big side colas as well. They were all starting to fall over and had to be tied up.

Here's a wide shot of the other side of the cabinet. On the left front is the M plant, and that tall one in the back is the non-WW one standing tall and proud. Everything else you see on the right is another pretty good sized brickweed plant.

Here's hoping this will be the last weekly update.


Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Things are looking very good Tony (well, with the one exception anyway!). Keep up the good work and keep bringing us updates.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Update at 12/12 64 Days

Update at 12/12 64 Days

There's good news and bad news. The bad news is that the spots and dying leaves have now appeared on almost all the plants. The good news is I think I know why. I had been wondering about my fertilizers, since they are over 2 years old. Since I was going to buy new for next time anyway, I went ahead and bought them now (before it gets too cold and they freeze during shipment). As I was pouring out the old I noticed they looked like tea and then discovered that there was a solid mass in the bottom of each bottle. My guess is that they settled and solidified, and that is what caused the apparent deficiencies -- bad nutes. So I gave the girls one last shot of the new nutes, and I think that helped. The new stuff looks more like YooHoo. I think this helped stop the decline and a few are even showing some new growth.

But we're at day 65 and none of the girls are really ready yet. I did harvest another of the brickweed, since it was small and not growing. When I say small, I mean the whole trimmed plant weighed in at only 13.5 grams. That's not even a half ounce wet! And I jarred the M plant that had been drying. I found a few seeds when I was chopping it up. If you'll remember, that was the plant that hermied, and I guess I didn't find all the male flowers. If it turns out to be a good plant, I will try those seeds next grow

Here's the big brickweed plant. You can see that it's started growing again, as the tip is now pointing upward toward the light, and there are lots of new white hairs on the tips of all its buds. Notice how leafy its buds are compared to the other, non-brickweed plants.

Here's the other, surviving M plant. Not really any new growth. I think it will be ready soon.

And here's the non-WW plant, looking big and thick as ever. Still growing a little and still not ready.

And finally, the tiny brickweed plant I just harvested. Pretty impressive, eh?
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Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Harvest at 12/12 71 Days

Harvest at 12/12 71 Days

The girls are all chopped and trimmed and hanging up to dry. What a pain harvest is! All that tedious trimming with gummed up scissors. Took me about 2.5 hours.

And after all that, the results are even more disappointing than I had thought. Based on wet weights, I'm estimating that this harvest of 6 plants will yield about the same as my last harvest of 2 plants. I can only hope that quality makes up for quantity. You'd think after all this time I'd be getting good at it. But no. Luckily my needs are modest.

Here are the harvest picts:

Here's the big brickweed plant, the biggest of them all. Very leafy buds and a real pain to trim. Only 84 grams wet.

Here's the other brickweed plant, weighing in at 45 grams.

Here's the M plant, weighing 47 g. That's even less than the sickly one I harvested earlier!

And finally, the non-WW. It was only 31.5 g. As you can see, no branches, just that one main cola. Last grow I had two of these, and they each weighed about 150 g wet after trimming.

Needless to say, I'm less than happy.

On the bright side, last week I sampled a small two-hit bud from one of the brickweed plants and actually got a decent buzz. So maybe they're not going to suck after all. At least not as much as I do at growing them.
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Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Looks like they turned out great except the yields. Any idea why they yielded on the low end? Genetics? Lighting? Environment?

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
K.J said:
Looks like they turned out great except the yields. Any idea why they yielded on the low end? Genetics? Lighting? Environment?
I have a few ideas. When all is said and done, and I know how much I ended up with, I'm going to post a grow recap and ask for some input.

Tony Aroma

Let's Go - Two Smokes!
Final Report

Final Report

Everything is now packed away in jars finishing the cure. Harvest over, man. So how did it all turn out? Well it's even worse than I feared. Here are the final numbers:

M 1 - 5 g
M 2 - 8 g

Brickweed 1 - 2.5 g
Brickweed 2 - 14.5 g
Brickweed 3 - 9 g

W - 6 g​

That would be a total of 45 g, or 1.59 oz to you and me, from 6 plants. Yes, I know, pretty pathetic. Embarrassing even. Oh, and I've found around 20 seeds so far from four different plants. Guess I didn't find all those pesky male flowers. Unfortunately I have no idea who pollinated whom. I think only one plant had male flowers, but who knows?

Here's what I think my problems were in no particular order:

  • Way too hot through out veg, only cooled off after switching to 12/12
  • One day of extreme heat when exhaust was left off
  • Two plants per 3 gal pot
  • Bad nutes

I think I have most of the problems solved. I got some 3 gal grow bags which look great. I can fit twice as many in the same space. And I've got fresh nutes. And heat will not be a problem growing in winter -- no more summer grows.

Comments or suggestions? Sympathy?

On the bright side, the quality seems to be quite acceptable. The brickweed is not super potent, but a nice pleasant high. Better than I expected. After sampling it I mixed up my new soil and filled up my bags. A couple of hours work flew by. And the M plants are actually quite potent, but not so much of an "up" high. So I'm not really disappointed in the quality, just the quantity.



Kief Junkie's inhaling the knowledge!
Sorry to hear about the low yields. At least you were able to identify some of the problem areas so that you can improve them. I'm sure next grow will be even more successful (and fun to watch!).


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