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2nd Go-Round




And now for the good news

A -Female

T -Female

So what I decided to do, while I had the chance yesterday, was cull C,Z, and X(12.17)...I'm gonna keep X(12.21) to make seeds with A & T and take some pollen, since I've liked everything about that plant all the while and would like to make something interesting of my own creation. Lemons to lemonade as they say. I also decided I will be throwing some more seeds under 12/12 alongside the others to see how that goes. I'll try to update again in a few days...til then, later :)


02.18.14 update

02.18.14 update

Well didn't get a chance to take any pics til today so my update is later than I wanted.

-Here's what's goin on in the tent

As you can see I started 6 more...my lady decided she wanted to try her hand at growing so the 3 to the left are hers (bagseed I labeled Matador, letters have gotten boring) and the right 3 are mine (most recent bagseed I labeled Green Cotton, because thats what the bud reminded me of, so soft and lime green and tasted amazing)

-T(front and back)

Looking pretty good but still hasn't started putting on any bud really, guessing she'll take a bit longer than A....speaking of...


Didn't miss a beat when I did a minor transplant 4-5 days ago, just cutting the bottom off the cup and putting in the bag. Coming along rather nicely I suppose, seems she will put out pretty good, considering only 2-3 weeks solid flowering action. Very noticeably different compared to my first grow, liking the hps alot.


02.18.14 update (P.S.)

02.18.14 update (P.S.)

Forgot to mention I collected pollen from the male and pollinated the top 3 tiers of A with a q-tip couple times to be sure...piece o cake...but since I had no use left, he got the boot.


Active member
A is looking nice she might fill in that whole stem. T is looking more sativa she might go for a long flower.


Yeah...kinda surprised as A was somewhat of a runt, slow and not very vigorous compared to the rest but she's doing well. Did my daily peek inside the tent and I can see the seed pods are developing nicely on both A and T so I'll have something different to discover next run as well. T is also starting to put on some bud as of today. Although I simply post to share, I gotta say I appreciate the interest...thanks again chief :)


02.24.14 update

02.24.14 update

Here's the tent

Got 2 sprouts each on Matador and GC

T,couple angles-

A,full and top-


3.4.14 update

3.4.14 update

-A (full and top)

Leaves got burned by the hps, had to raise to top of tent and turn fan up.

-T (couple different angles)

-Matador on left, GC on right


3.10.14 update

3.10.14 update

Hello again everyone, update time. Going good chief, thanks...also funny you mention because I gotta let it lean up against the wall a bit lol. I might have to find a way to tie the cup down to something soon. Transplanted the babies today.

-My gf's plants (labeled Matador), think she might have a mutant

-GC, both look almost identical

-A, looking kinda sad from that burn last week still...just keeping it for the seeds I made at this point mostly, which there are a lot of. (Lesson learned in pollinating)

-T, looking pretty damn good to me...although I do wish I had transplanted it like A when I did because of the top heaviness, but its ok.


5-15-14 update

5-15-14 update

Hello all...didn't realize I had been away for so long. Sorry for slacking on my thread, has been a rather stressful couple months since I was on here regularly. Anyway...got a new update to bring things up to speed.

Here' how "T" turned out-
Pictures were taken 4/15, the night I harvested

Looked cool but turned out kinda disappointing, got probably a 1/2oz also. The night I harvested I smoked about a joints worth with my fiancee and a buddy of mine, we were all rather baked. Then I let it dry and cure for a bit, about 2 wks. I ran out and had to open the cookie jar so to speak and smoked it over the course of a few days and, though I did get high, it seemed I got more of a headache and the high wasn't so great. Not sure if I did something wrong, but I'm not discouraged and I enjoyed yet another finished plant under my belt of learning experiences.

Moving on...

Here's what's happenin' as of today-
Kinda shitty, hps corrupted picture I know

Still got 1 of the 2 GC, and the 2 Matador goin...almost finished I think, I would appreciate and consider the input of someone more knowledgeable than I on when I should harvest this time around. Here's the selfies, think that's what the "cool people" call it these days. I moved them by my window in hopes for better pictures.


Glad I topped it, should've hit it again...looks good to me tho, and smells fantastic. I still remember smoking this, so excited to try the same grown by myself.

(continued-5 pic limit)...




This one surprised me actually, could have more probably...but I'm happy with how it has turned out. As you can see I had to hold it because its top-heaviness wouldn't allow it to stand on it's own on the carpet. Smells pretty good but in a different way than GC does to me. High hopes.


This is the one I thought was a mutant all along, also kinda surprised me. Turning out pretty nice, despite its lack of vigor. Kinda think this one will wind up catching me off guard cause it actually smells a little better than M2. Looking like some good popcorn.

All in all, think things are going better, not getting burned like the last few plants...probably helps that I put a window unit in my room so my closet doesn't get so hot, not to mention I sleep way better lol.