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2nd Diary: Anything Goes...


Things are looking up! I've take the good advice from mexilandrance and hydrofome420 and I've put the aeroponic set away for a short spell.

I reverted back to my ordinary propagation method and within 2 days I saw roots emerging from 2 cubes. Then on the third day there were 5; and on the forth day there were 14. To date, all of the 24 cuttings have shown me roots.

I didn't use an ordinary propagator. I simply put the cubes back into the cube tray and sat them within the aerodome. I left the aero heater on, as well as the circulation pump. I let the misters run for 1-2 hours per day which kept the dome condensed with water. I sprayed the cubes daily with Formulex and a very dilute addition of House & Gardens Root Excelerator. I refrained from spraying the leaves and just concentrated on the cubes. It worked and showed me roots. Before using this method I had already checked each cutting for rootage and non was present. I believe it was the switch in the method that has got things moving.

I have since been able to select cubes with nice roots showing for potting. Saturday 17th Jan 2009 was the day I potted 15 clones into 1L pots using Canna Coco as the medium or choice. I have watered them for the past 2 days with Mother Earth Super Tea Grow by Advanced Nutrients at and EC1.0/pH6.2 which included a very dilute addition of House & Gardens Root Excelerator. Each pot has had only a 60mL syringe dose of feed per day. I don't want to water log the coco for many days, so I have chosen to water minimally as to provide a quicker drying time for the coco, thereby enabling me better control over the feeding. Today I will miss a feed, while tomorrow I shall continue 60mL until one or more of the plants begin to show me that 60mL is no longer enough per 24hrs.

I plan to use Mother Earth super Tea as my organic feed and Sensi Grow as my synthetic feed. After another few days I will be concocting a formula between those two products and House & Gardens Root Excelerator to push these 15 cheese as much as I can under the 500W of cfl 6400K lighting before landing them under 2.4kW of HPS.

The Alaskan Ice has suffered from over water and pH problems... It might also have suffered from a slight over feeding, but that has been remedied with a good flush. The AI had 1L of Mother Earth Super Tea at the same time the cutting had their first feed; in fact it was out of the same reservoir. I think I still may have pH problems with his plant as I'm not too hot on soil growing. Any help appreciated... I'll get some pics up soon.

The tent is still set up the same but in its new space. The 9" fan is still running. I have all 4 125W cfls illuminating the interior. 18C/27C are the day/night fluctuations, but it has been a little chilly.

The bloom room is now 80% lined and almost ready for the new equipment to be installed. Its all go, so I haven't been able to update this thread. Now that I'm over the cuttings worry, I'm going to get on with the show. Tune in for future developments.


There's something not right with the Alaskan. The leaves roll up and in along their length.. I'm sure its a pH problem... It hah 2L of pH 6.3 today.. I wasn't really sure what pH I should use with this plant.. Advanced Nutrients recommend 6.3 so I shall give it a whirl for a few days.. It looks a bit droopy and dry.. I think I'm going to repot her into coco and attempt to scrape away the majority of the soil.. The Alaskan went through a period of over water, but I then let it dry out.. I'm not keen on the water retention of soil so it's gunna have to go... I'm not keen on having to give it a higher pH... The Alaskan is the problem plant at the moment.. I'll try and take some photos soon..

The Cheese clones are growing very well. They are still getting 60mL per day. Today they had pH 5.5 and EC1.0 of Sensi Grow. Some of them are drying out quicker than others but that is to be expected. Today I spotted signs of spider mite on the underside of a couple of leaves. I'm quite disappointed. They have all been sprayed with a cyanide based insecticide. I will continue to treat the problem on a weekly basis.

All is in order.. I've found that my temperatures have too great a difference between night and day. I'm getting a maximum of 30C and a minimum of 9C. I had a stable 27C when I ran the CFLs for 24hrs, but the new home for the tent is now suffering extreme low temps. I've chosen to have my lights off during the middle of the day as oppose to off 0200-0800.. I hope the days will warm up a little by the time I replenish the clones but I don't know how likely that will be within the next 2-3weeks.


Diary Check....

Diary Check....

Cheese clones were taken from selected stock and put on the aeroponic propagator under. Alaskan Ice, 3 weeks from seed, invited to join the fun.

Things not going too well with the new technology so, clones removed from net pots and put back in cube tray and left under aero propagator dome.
Alaskan Ice, doing well, a bit water logged.

2 of 24 Cheese clones show their roots.

5 of 24 Cheese clones show their roots.

14 of 24 Cheese clones show their roots.

Potted 15 of the best rooted clones into 1L pots using Canna Coco. Now running 4 * 125W CFL. Feed: House & Gardens Root Excelerator + Mother Earth Super Tea Grow by Advanced Nutrients EC1.0/Ph6.2 60mL dose.

The Alaskan Ice still looking a little stressed. Unsure what to give it to bring it back to life.

Alaskan Ice's leaves are rolling 'up and in' along their length. Possible pH problem. Given 2L of pH 6.3, no nutes.

Cheese clones growing very well. Dosing daily 60mL per day: pH 5.5 and EC1.0 of Sensi Grow. Spotted signs of spider mite on the underside of a couple of leaves. Blasted with a cyanide based insecticide. Realised I'm getting a maximum of 30C and a minimum of 9C. Now suffering extreme low night time temperatures. Changes lighting hours to try and work around the night-time drop.

60mL of pH 5.5 and EC1.0 of Sensi Grow + Root Excelerator for cheeses.
Re-pot Alaskan Ice into a 15L pot with coco; 200mL of the same Sensi Grow mix for the Alaskan Ice.

No feed.

120mL dose of pH5.4 and EC1.0 of Sensi Grow + Root Excelerator for each cheese. 2.5L of same Sensi Grow mix for the Alaskan Ice.




The veg set up currently looks like this:


The Alaskan Ice, now apparently little over 6 weeks from seed:


Looking a little stressed and beaten... I'm still looking for answers:


Leaf curl on Alaskan Ice :( :


The 15 Cheeses after 7 days in coco:






Since feeding on 24/01/2009 issuing a 120mL dose pH5.4 and EC1.0 of Sensi Grow + Root Excelerator for each of the cheese and 2.5L of the same mix for the Alaskan Ice, I haven't made any amendments until today.

Max and Min temps are crazy. 9.9C at the low end and maxing at 30C. I'm now going to run a 20/4 day/night cycle with a hope to keep the temps in a better workable range. The stems are purple, but I think this is because of the huge temp fluctuation more over a feeding problem. The uptake of the correct nutes is probably lacking during the low temp period.

I wasn't anticipating vegging in pots. But because I had problems with the aeroponic cloning device I had to revert back to traditional rooting methods, so I decided to continue growing using my older methods. When cloning time comes I shall be using the aeroponic cloner again. By doing that I believe the temperatures will balance out because the reservoir is heated, so the ambient temperature should be more in the required range.

The Alaskan is looking better, but I fear it might be a hermie, or even worse a male. The temperatures and cause of the crinkled leaves could be responsible for forcing this plant away from being female. All will be confirmed in the next couple of weeks.

More recently, EC1.0 pH5.3, Mother Earth Super Tea Grow, Root Excelerator, and Sensi Grow. 180-200mL per cheese and 2L for the Alaskan. Growth is pretty good for the cheeses which are now at day 10 in pots.




Day 11 in pots for the 15 cheeses.






Alaskan Ice Profile 1:


Alaskan Ice Profile 2:


Alaskan Ice Top:


Alaskan Ice Issues:


Tent Content:


Yesterday I left the lights on all day. This was an attempt to keep the temperatures up. I forgot to switch back to timed mode before sleeping, so I woke up to the lights still running, high humidity, 29C and healthy looking plants. All was not lost. I've given them an hour and a half night time break, but the lights will be back on before they know it. I'm quite impressed for 11 days in coco. They haven't required a feed today so I'll nourish them tomorrow.




The Veg Dept. 06/02/2009... Day 21(ish) of growth... EC1.0/pH5.3-5.7; Sensi Grow, Mother Earth Super Tea Grow, Root Excelerator and Potassium Silicate... Temperatures all over the shop... Development: not too bad all things considered... Purple stems are definately related to cold minimum temperatures... Its hard to tell if they would have performed better with a more adequate temperature balance... Almost ready to take cuttings for "round 2"...




More Updates...

More Updates...

Today... Bloom room 92% assembled and complete...


Reflectors hanging.. Ballasts positioned... Carbon filter linked to 10" extractor... All wired and looking good...

Day 21 for the cheese, today, they've been moved from the veg tent to the bloom room. A single 600W hps in illuminating them at the moment still in veg... tomorrow I will repot them to their 6.5L wilma pots which they will finish up in... Before moving them I took a cutting from the lowest branch of each one and fired up the aeroponic propagator for the 2nd time...

Aero - This time round I've pH'd the water to 5.6, Added some root excelerator, and have decided against using cubes... The cuttings were dipped in clonex and placed on the system... All in all I took 20 cuttings, 5 of which were from the Alaskan Ice which I am contemplating blooming because she's far too big to sit with the aeroponic propagator in the tent.

The cheese were fed yesterday with 300mL of Sensi Grow, Mother Earth Grow, Barricade (Potassium Silicate), Root excelerator up to EC1.2/pH5.6...

Today they haven't needed feeding...




Monday will be the 12/12 initiation ceremony with a plan perpetually yielding beneficial 'erbs...

I'll take photos of the aero in action pt.II in the next day or so..


New member
Spiritlevel, I have an Alaskan Ice plant currently finishing it's fourth week of flowering. I started the 12/12 cycle after six weeks of vegging at which time the plant itself was 10 inches tall. It's now over three feet tall and climbing and I don't believe mine is even the super stretchy haze pheno. It's amazing! Mine also had the curling leaves but they straightened out quick once it began stretching! Have you started flowering the AI now and how tall was it when you started?