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2nd 400 watt HPS grow help?


I have used sta-green soil from lowes. I agree Biobizz would be a good organic choice (but pricey), I've also used jack's gen purpose and bloom, it lacks calcium so be sure to use tap water. BUT if I was gonna recommend a fertilizer for a noob, which you still are no disrespect intented at all, we all were once I'd suggest one of the package deals available like the GO box from general organics or the Recipe for success box from technaflora both cheap $20-40 for a full line up of bottled nutes. and I'd start by following their feeding charts.
as you said in your original post "you truly get out of it what you put into it"
you can learn to grow with Lowe's ferts or buy a complete line of nutes that you will be sure has everything in it they need. if I was starting out now I'd start with the GObox or the recipe for success.


From what I've read CMH fires on a HPS ballast also, until I get a CMH/MH bulb that will work will my 400 watt HPS be fine for early vegging? And thanks Urban, 20-20-20 is fine for vegging and the tub of bloom for flowering?

Great topic on CMH here:

Jacks Blossom Booster 10-30-20

Get the "Dynamic Duo" lol

There is some great reading on CMH/UVB over at riddlem3.com, stop on by ;)

I have used sta-green soil from lowes. I agree Biobizz would be a good organic choice (but pricey), I've also used jack's gen purpose and bloom, it lacks calcium so be sure to use tap water. BUT if I was gonna recommend a fertilizer for a noob, which you still are no disrespect intented at all, we all were once I'd suggest one of the package deals available like the GO box from general organics or the Recipe for success box from technaflora both cheap $20-40 for a full line up of bottled nutes. and I'd start by following their feeding charts.
as you said in your original post "you truly get out of it what you put into it"
you can learn to grow with Lowe's ferts or buy a complete line of nutes that you will be sure has everything in it they need. if I was starting out now I'd start with the GObox or the recipe for success.

agree with him.. :laughing: general organics ROCKS!! MAYBE SOMETHING WITH THE HUMMUS?


Picked up a goodie pack today, let me know what you guys think. I actually located a hydroponics store about 30 minutes away and he directed me towards some good products.



I did get another bulb, but I showed my ballast to the guy at the store which teaches on Pennstate Main campus about indoor growing and he said that the Sun System ballast is digital and can run both Metal Halide and HPS without being a mechanical ballast (having to flip a switch) he claims he uses one of the same ballasts at home and doesn't have a problem with switching out the bulb. The first bulb was just a shitty Lowe's bulb that might have been bad. I'll post results if it does burn out though, he offered a refund etc. The current light is a 4200k spectrum light and he said that's a significant upgrade between output as well as usable light for the plants.

As for the re-cycler stuff it breaks down salts in the soil into available nutrients, breaks down toxins. It's basically just a good soil cleanser. He also recommended a soil, so I grabbed a bag of that. It was something with a "Frog" in the name. It's down in my trunk, my plant's aren't pot bound yet so I'll wait to bring that up for transplanting. Here's an updated picture on how the grow is going though.


Those buds are gorgeous OPT. Two thumbs up. How long did you flower those babies for?

On a side note here's a picture of how the grow is going. 3 days ago they pushed through the soil and they seem to be growing at a high rate. Tomorrow I plan on putting the rooting mix and a few other of the nutes that I got into the feeding cycle. I realized my humidity was very low and should be around 50-70 for veg growth so I just put a humidifier in the closet.


How are they looking? :D

I was told to induce flowering at around 1.5-2 feet tall for my grow space for my first grow. Does this seem about accurate?

who dat is

Cave Dweller
I would still definitely hold off on nutes man, trust me. They won't need anything for awhile yet and like I said the plants will let you know if something is amiss. Think of it like this, you got a brand spanking new baby and all the baby can eat is a little ol' baby jar of goopy food. You can't force feed the baby more food 'cause he just doesn't need it yet. But as that baby gets bigger he's eating more and eventually he's eating flintstone steaks and chugging 40's. That's when you can start throwing nutes at them. They are coming along nicely but patience is crucial. I can't stress how important it is to get lost in some of the threads on here and just sit down and read about anything and everything. You will learn so much from this and you will already be familiar with what to do if some speed bumps should occur. :yes:


I have been searching through most how to guides. Should I definitely get familiar with topping plants on this grow?

who dat is

Cave Dweller
Read this thread if you haven't already, https://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=115377 All training involves is manipulating the plants to do exactly what you want to do. First ask yourself what you want your plants to do and go from there. Second would be what kind of area you have as far as a footprint and height restrictions. Check that thread out, it should answer all your questions.


I have been reading this thread for the past few days, I just feel so bad at the thought of mutilating my plant's with not ever doing it before. I guess there's gotta be a first for everything though. Got to do it to learn. So looks like I'll be supercropping a bit.


Definitely some good looking plants. Hoping to invest in some good medical seeds within the next few weeks.

Little update, bulb seems to be doing fine. Went off at 1 am automatically, and then automatically came back on at 7 am. It fired right up.


Yeah, I was pretty confident because once I showed him my ballast he showed me a whole wall of the same ballast. So he knew what he was talking about. Thanks for staying in tune Stonedar.

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