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2k New Setup. First timer =] Looking for some recomondations !!!11


New member
I have some purrty ladies which some where planted from seed, i know 2 are snow caps and 1 is afghan goo, and the rest are clones of Soul assassin and Chem Dog.


I have been reading alot of amazing info for years on icmag. I Would like to say I LOVE YOU:thank you: to all the people who constantly provide aid to us noobs.

Anyways Im about to take 6 ladys and move them to the flowering room.

Also I would like to Use

Humboldts Bush master and Gravity

Im going to add the bush master after a 1-2 weeks into veg. 1/2 Tsp per gallon

Then i will add the gravity 3 weeks before harvest so i can use it for 2 weeks then flush.

Oh Yes and IM using the MSM Mix 2 are original MSM mix and the rest are the new CoCo MSM

I only water once a week

So PlZ let me know what you guys think and suggest !!!

Oh and im Cali medicated s.b 420

1k lights weren't so friendly in a small closet. Temps reached 120 !!! [3 weeks]

Much Better !! well not the picture [7 weeks]

Also What Nute Def Is this? all my plants have this

I like this mix =]

Also I suggest this Sunleaves Efficient exhaust fan Only $150 and im running 2 1k Hoods. The duct shrivels tight as the fan sucks air out

More Pics !!

1st week of veg.


I fuking spilled half of my Bush master on the ground.....

Pistils Started to show 5 days into flower = ]]]

I noticed some ROOTS !!

This Monster was A Male.. which is kinda weird since it was a clone...

Day 20 Flower

Day 30

Update 2010 !!
Cured !!!



New member
!!! do you mean they are hard to see cause they are small? If u click the image it was show a bigger picture.

or you cant see anything at all?


Active member
Can't see anything, but you cannot have 2 1000 watt lights in a small closet. Way too hot! Should keep temps around 78-82 degrees with lights on.


Well-known member
ICMag Donor
Can't see anything, but you cannot have 2 1000 watt lights in a small closet. Way too hot! Should keep temps around 78-82 degrees with lights on.

very true man, i had plants growing in a LARGE closet with a 250 watt HPS and they still got fried. you need some good ventilation and a strong fan. :wave:


New member
Sorry i forgot to mention i have since moved from the shitty closet into a big enough room for the 2k.

SO my real question Right now is im about to go into flower so what is the correct process.

24 hr of darkness then 12/12 cycle Right???

Also My avg temps now are 77 with the lights on but The humidity is around 30% is int that too low?


Tarus Bulbar

Im now able to check out the pics!!
Id say their are about ten ways you
could switch em over....but I
personally just switch 24hr to 12/12
I've never really messed around with
any other techniques!? Keep it nice
and simple daoud!! Cheers bro


New member
Thank you green !

and My room is 12ft x 12 and its split into two 6 x 6. 1k each 1 has 6 ladys and the other 12 girls

Any one have any experience with the Huboldts own ??
fuck that 24hrs shit, never heard of it before, and frankly that is not what i would think the plants want. just 12/12 is great, takes a week and they really start taking off. after 6 weeks of that i have heard of adding an hour, 13/11, dont know if it does anything. also at the end you can turn your lights off for 24 or 48hrs, so do and some dont. but for the flip, never have i heard of a days black out. not recommended.


Active member
What's up daoud :wave:

As far as switching from veg to flowering goes...I do the same as Greenadian and just move them from 24/0 or 18/6 to 12/12. But there's nothing wrong with a little experimentation....I'd do 1 @ 24hrs, 1 @ 36hrs and 1 @ 48hrs of total darkness and see if they trigger sooner then the control plants (the ones put straight into 12/12) and if so then which one triggered first....24, 36 or 48? I have 12 clones going into 12/12 tomorrow so I'll give it a try....I love experiments :jump:

Something I do a week or two prior to putting my plants into bloom is to feed them with increased levels of phosphorus....not a lot but probably close to double what they would normally get in veg.

I also leave my plants in darkness right before I cut them down, anywhere from a few days to a few weeks depending on what strain it is. I like doing this....I think it gives the plants a chance to relax a bit. But I have zero proof that it actually does anything special like increase resin production or potency.

Oh and I too am using Bushmaster for the first time. I only used it on two plants at first (about a month ago) and gave them both 1ml/gal on three separate occasions. One of the two took really well to it and she's getting fat really quick. Then I tried it on two more plants that started getting too tall during the stretch and 2ml/gal stopped them dead in their tracks. I'm afraid to use too much because it's been known to make leaves curl and get all deformed looking but I might see if I can get away with 3 or 4ml/gal on a test clone or two.

Good luck and hope your first grow comes out awesome :)



don't mess around on your first 1, go with the straight up known facts. just go straight into 12/12, once you have some weed in your freezer then experiment.


New member
Actually i read the 24 darkness from this site and im already in 20 of darkness so imma go ahead and start the 12/12

Im going to add the BM next watering at 1/2 tsp per gallon

And also I know this is my first grow but i am experimenting

I have 2 plants with the original Moonshine man mix

and the rest are the updated MSM mix with coco ..

I also am experimenting with Super thrive i only folar feed at 1/2 strength and they are already starting to smell while still under the mh light.

I also use super thrive at full strength and spray the roots during transplant, which is one of ST main uses, and the shock time of plants have been greatly reduced.

And dark you have reminded me what is the best way to store weed.

I was vacuum sealing for AWHILe but i believe i was poisoning myself with mold and fungi so i just was zip loc bags now..

Does anyone have any knowledge on smoking this stuff.

I Feel like shit. I Throw up acid or dry heave like crazy almost every morning. I have lost 50 pounds in one year because food makes my stomach hurt, i dont do any hardcore stuff only bud and budlight ;]

also Theres bones that crack in my chest when i stretch and not to mention some weird bones sticking out of my chest and ribs have formed. IDK !!! im dying and im only 18 :[

And a doctors out of the question, im broke and have no insurance...


Active member
daoud....have you been having anxiety or panic attacks?

And when vacuum sealing it is extremely important that the herb be 100% dry before you seal it up. But you've obviously learned that already....how long have you been feeling shitty? And was the weight loss rapid?

I would definitely 86 the moldy bud....you don't want to be smoking that nasty shit. You might be able to use it for making hash but I would just toss it in the compost pile.



Active member
Nice start man! Just learn learn learn! Those plants bounced back! That before and after pic is awesome :p

24 hours of darkness is fine if not beneficial. I've done tests up to 36 hours of darkness to which I found little to no benefit over 24. But my Romulans responded really well to it showing flowers a full day 1/2 to two days earlier then the roms that didn't. Yield was about the same lol, it was just a day. I think they yielded about 5% more on average


New member
Thanks for all the help again.

Im about to hit them with

Fish Mix (from Bio Bizz)
Mother Earth Organic Tea grow (advanced Nutrients)
Mother Earth Tea Bloom (Advanced Nutrients)
Dr Hornbys Iguana Juice Bloom (Advanced Nutrients)

Any advice mixing up the nutes? pour one by one and stir then let sit an bubble for 24 hours.

I believe some one of the above products has a ph stabilizer so in with time the ph will fix

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