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2k h3ads coco. headband, wappa, coletrain, jack herer, p91

sub dermal


i've been putting off starting a thread. i get busy, am busy, but this is my first coco grow after years of dwc, so i'm going to put it up. i'll be doing a side by side burmese kush 5gal dwc vs coco after they veg for a few weeks.

so everything is in 2gal pots with pure washed coco. wondersoil brain. runoff around 20-40ppm. i'm using h3ads formula of GH 6/9 but i'm also adding his 1gram of epsom (magnesium) per gallon too. he eventually stopped adding that.

i'll bloom boost with MOAB or another booster, and some pro-tek silica occasionally will be used. these plants got Eagle20 a while back due to some PM infected bushes in my flower room.

they've vegged under a 1k for about a week. doubled in size. they flipped to 12/12 3 days ago or so.

i'm finishing up a 3x4' table, and a 4x4' screen today.

dehumidifier set at 60% for now, co2 at 1000ppm, temps 78-82 over 24hrs. sealed room with a/c.


group shot. had some N deficits, this is from last week. they're healthy and booming now.

my room when it was first setup. i haven't put the 1k in the second hood yet.

the canopy i shoot for. roughly 5x9


Subbed. Loving the strain list. I grew out some Fire OG awhile ago but it turned out not to be so Fire. I'm thinking i was passed a mislabeled cut. Anyway I'm along for the ride.
Can't wait to see how that Headband turns out too. That is one of my personal faves.

sub dermal

damn clone swindlers

damn clone swindlers

yeah, that's the problem with so many damn OGs going around. well, just the crazy increase in clone sales. i'd take the old days of tracking someone down and mailing a cutting across the country in a 20oz soda bottle rather than this in a heartbeat. i never had to run shit through or wonder if i just grew a similar pollen chuckers seed, or an elite cut that i needed to tweak and run a few more times.

and clones are cheap almost all the time. but my time, and space in my plant count and area...that shits expensive.


good to see ya P----Tone! :)

StatesBlastin420 indeed

Subbed. Loving the strain list. I grew out some Fire OG awhile ago but it turned out not to be so Fire. I'm thinking i was passed a mislabeled cut. Anyway I'm along for the ride.
Can't wait to see how that Headband turns out too. That is one of my personal faves.

sub dermal

and our starting lineup

and our starting lineup

say cheese

ok, a quick update before i forget to post until stretch...

everythings fine so far regarding coco. i'm pleasantly surprised with the growth rate. my camera has a shit white balance, and i haven't installed photoshop on this laptop, so all my plants look like they have deficiencies in some shots...hah

i saw a little bug crawling back under the suface when i watered the jack herer. not pleased with that. i'm almost damn sure i'll be going back to dwc. medium-less cuts a lot of potential problems out of the equation. and i do like the efficiency.

running h3ads recipe of lucas for coco. 6/9 but i'm adding the gram/gallon that he eventually stopped adding.
i'm running around 750ppm. RO @ 15ppm. pH 5.8-6, 1000 ppm co2 and i turned the temps down to 78-80 steady.

the table i finished but haven't put the screen on yet...i think 5x4 after i measured the space and saw the hoods angle/distance from the canopy. gonna try to stretch on the screen like a proper SCRoG, not just grow up through it.

so, here's some benchmark pics a few days into flower.

one of two wappa. paradise seeds, makers of sensi star.

jack herer. a quicker finishing pheno, 8-9 supposedly

supposedly P91. hah! i hope so, but i'm not holding my breath. she'll be done around 45-50 days if she's the one. rumors of cubed NL, so maybe these leaves would point to some usually recessive sativa shape? who the fuck knows...

coletrain. i've known of trainwreck x old norcal haze, and this is trainwreck x jasmine haze. probably a reserva privada and not a clone only cut. it was labeled by the RP name...we'll see how she is. fat leaves...

headband. 707 or a Fn pollen chucker smashing diesel and kush together in their closet? Who knows?!?! not me. labeled 707.

and with that, off to enjoy the fruits of last sessions labor :)

stay safe ya'll


oh! forgot the burmese kush and fire og in the bucket.they're in 8/16 lucas at 800ppm. BuKu on the right, fire on the left. the chemValley and fire kush are in the hydroton with the other buku.

the buku is THSeeds hybrid. they've always got a *shit ton* of phenotype variation in their packs. it's actually, kinda of shitty sometimes. so this is an OG kush hybrid, crossed with blueberry.
i'm curious. the fire og? we'll see.

sub dermal




so, i saw a small brown bug a day ago.

had my girl inspect soil while i slowly saturated the jack herer, bringing the 'water table' higher.

spotted! one small bug, tiny like a mite. little smaller. light yellowish, aphid/mite shape.

from light to dark, three nymph stages then wings....i have root aphids.

i'm not fuckin around with pyreths or cymprethin or sms or fuck what have you whatever... imidacloprid. i'm not chopping my crop down like so many who fight organic and end up with nothing after all but a relocated grow space.

anyway, 40ml/gallon of bayer complete, complete dunks and saturation. i'll feed a few days, then dunk again. i'll do this for a week.

systemic with a 60ish day holdover. i'm ok with that. need to terminate this bug problem, over all.

anyway, that was a frenzy of unplanned activity. i'm hungry and tired.



sub dermal

40ml/g ortho complete imidacloprid effects

40ml/g ortho complete imidacloprid effects

thanks for sharing your bug recipe Mac. damn, i loved your show....and mullet.

i've got neem, and i might do a drench of that. the azi is synthetic or concentrated neem. same active ingredient. there's a synthetic pyrethrin compound that is supposedly different enough to not have to worry about pest immunity Cypermethrin, Permethrin, Deltamethrin. i'm going to cycle with neem drench and a synthetic permethrin product.

as far as dosage, i know that 5ml/gal is usually what's heard but others (online, and that i know) have used higher 'nuclear' concentrations and come out fine.

here's a pic of the girls. they've actually visibly grown, already being 20" or closer to the 1k. there's no phototoxicity.

i hate this shit. i took the jack out of her bag, and there was no wax or anything. they've definitely not suffered any loss of vigor. i think repeat applications should take care of this.

i hope. my lady said she saw one moving in the herer coco. but she didn't pull it out, so i can't be sure she saw one or some small bit of coco. i'd be surprised any insect would survive 40ml/gallon though. soil gnats and root aphids fall to imidacloprid, and those are the only two suspected culprits...

going to put the drainage in my table and setup the water lines. i might just lay the screen over them for now, if i wanna dunk them a few more times this week.



hello friend,
i would like to relate to you some of my own techniques i use to fight the war against bugs in my coco;
this is stuff i use in veg as a preventative to insure i am bug free always; im sure you have heard of this stuff before but i would just like to throw some ideas out there for you.

i use:
"ferti-lome borer, bagworm, tent caterpillar, and leafminer spray" (active ingredient spinosad)

"bayer complete insect killer"
(active ingredients - imidacloprid, B-cyfluthrin)

"Pyrethrin garden insect spray concentrate"
(active ingredient pyrethrins, piperonyl butoxide)

and last but not least
(active ingredient azadirachtin)

most of these products are designed to be used as a spray; i always go light on them when drenching. i rotate these products around while in veg;

i have used "bayer complete insect killer" in coco numerous times.
i would never ever go over 5ml per gallon. that amount seems to work for me.
it most definitely induces phototoxicity in your plants.

im not saying that 40ml/gal wont work and in fact im curious as to if that damaged your plants. -- good luck to you in your war on bugs.

sub dermal

added 15ml imidacloprid .7% per gallon into the nute res.

huh. i'm watchine Driver, awesome movie. it's at the part when he's working on a card...looks like a edelbrock kind of shape...haha. wish i coulda seen the mixture screws... :)

so, anyway. i don't want to remove the imid from the medium, so i'll keep it in the solution and do a few more mass treatments this week. ya know, the only registered insecticide for root aphids is Bayer Admire Pro. 40% + imidacloprid. so, i don't think i'll need to really bring in the pyrethroids / azidirachtin at this point.

i have pondered acephate / orthene, only because i know the devastation root aphids can cause an actual space, not just it's plants. usually that's after people jack off for weeks with a half dozen organic remedies without investigating anything else until everything they've tried has failed.

fuck that.

anyway, their growth is spectacular. i need to screen them, and apply the potions through the drip lines. the co2 and the 1k have been hittin them hard. i can't let them grow too much more or i'll have to cut a hole in the ceiling to hang the light higher...

there's hairs showing on the wappa already. fast cut. curious about the leaf marks. but not too concerned, at this point.



Active member
I highly recommend using azadiractin over neem for a soil drench. Azadiractin is an extract of the active ingredient in Neem. I would strongly caution against using any kind of oil product for a drench. I speak from [bad] experience.

I don't really want to argue the topic, but I'll just say that I won't use systemics because I don't want to smoke/eat them. Azadiractin's effectiveness is excellent on root aphids anyway. Followed by inoculation with beneficial nematodes [the gift that keeps on giving], you should have it dicked. Good luck. -granger

sub dermal


yeah, i haven't dunked them in oil, but i kind of remembered that an oil emulsion application to the roots would be a less than great idea.

i won't argue systemics, i appreciate your neutral tone, so there can be a civil discussion if there is to be one.

here's my take: not trying to convince you or anything. :)
ya know, i'm not for them either. * i'm not willing to risk any possibility of root aphid infestation of my grow area. *i just transferred a flowering room, and can't move this one. *i had a delay due to powdery mildew, so i need to see this session through.

i'm not too concerned with vestigial amounts of insecticide. it's in my grapes, beets, numerous other veggies. *100% organic anything is nice, and preferred. but i'll err and just keep my genetics and space viable and producing.

i'm reminded of those who say they can actually taste the chemical notes of chem nutrients. Even flushed. *everyones' line in the sand is different.


I highly recommend using azadiractin over neem for a soil drench. Azadiractin is an extract of the active ingredient in Neem. I would strongly caution against using any kind of oil product for a drench. I speak from [bad] experience.

I don't really want to argue the topic, but I'll just say that I won't use systemics because I don't want to smoke/eat them. Azadiractin's effectiveness is excellent on root aphids anyway. Followed by inoculation with beneficial nematodes [the gift that keeps on giving], you should have it dicked. Good luck. -granger

sub dermal

hoping for some stretch, damn bit too indica-y

hoping for some stretch, damn bit too indica-y

i'm thinking i should have put more smaller bushes under this light, instead of smaller indicas under a screen. doubt i'll get the vertical growth to justify a 1k.

dunno. i can always dim it to 750. i'll juice them hard on co2 for the stretch. it's wappa on the right, coletrain on the left back, jack herer on the left bottom, and the p91 middle bottom.

i know the jh will stretch. the wappa have already got hair clusters. i hate not knowing how much they'll stretch...well, only one way to find out.

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sub dermal

oh yeah, and i snapped my headband in half. damn.

the top got harvested as clones and the bottom half just became a mother.

so no headband love this time...


oh yeah, and i snapped my headband in half. damn.

the top got harvested as clones and the bottom half just became a mother.

so no headband love this time...

hate it when that happens!
nice grow sub- thanks for sharing.
i got those mofo root aphids a while back, i used bayer "yard and tree" or some cute name similar. it worked but it had a bunch of nitrogen in it and burned my plants a little, they were moms tho.:D

sub dermal



it was a weird shaped clone, like from a thick wiidy branch, grew one small side shoot. so it's shape was all fucked weird and shit. i'm thinking of vegging it and putting it under my second light in 2 weeks though. i have a shitload of cuts in coco and more in the fridge, so a mom shouldn't be hard to get.

as you see above, i used a shit ton of bayer. didn't see any ill effects tho. not even tip burn. i used .78% Bayer total insect killer or some such, with cluefnenthethethiodgndkjgn what the fuck ever in it.

thanks for stoppin by :)


hate it when that happens!
nice grow sub- thanks for sharing.
i got those mofo root aphids a while back, i used bayer "yard and tree" or some cute name similar. it worked but it had a bunch of nitrogen in it and burned my plants a little, they were moms tho.:D

sub dermal

high as shit PK boost. 42ml GH bloom/gallon :) let's see what happens

high as shit PK boost. 42ml GH bloom/gallon :) let's see what happens

everything has been smooth. i think i'll save the coco specific nutrient for my other light. i want to get a baseline with this. a close mimic on Rez's recipe with koolbloom equivalent nute additions (see below) is what i'm doing. i have MOAB bloom booster, but that's a diff ratio, so i'm going to try this out first. i went from 750-800ppm to 1230ppm !! so a lil boost, nothing really extreme tho.

they're coming off the screen. wappa is going FAST, jack herer not so much, p91 slooooow. coletrain is doing well too. 15 days flower.

this is a total change from DWC. all i do is mix nutes, pH them slightly, then it hits the pump/drip lines. no addback, draining, topping off...kinda cool.

i'll run coco under my second light. flip in about two weeks, veg them under the 600. i'm still not sure completely, but it looks like headband, chem dawg, burmese kush, fire OG and valley OG.

i've got my green crack revegging, and my tahoe succumbed to PM and no clones made it :( i was however able to root a SINGLE chem cut from my plant that fell dead 2 months ago. so, i'm ok with that. i'll take the chem over tahoe actually, if i had to choose.
but i didn't. . . .

i just realized i don't know if their vague labeling meant it's SFV OG or chem x SFV OG.

temps are 78, RH 50 or below. nutes are usually ~800ppm pH high 5's.

ciao motherfuckers


so, here's to adventure.

here's what i posted to H3ads thread:
Including the corrections because of GH's fucked nute calculator

i've added 32ml of grow to 6/9 (6/41 then) instead of chainging it to 6/32. which gives it a roughly 20% increase. this is re what h3ad said to someone running high watts and co2, that removing 1 out of 5 gallons of water and mixing the same (20% increase) would be fine.

but the sulphur is 3 times what he lists in this post INCORRECT GenHydro nute calc was wrong here's updated with cannastats calc, as per amounts on the bottle (i checked!)


everything else is generally on the dot, +20%

i didn't add the 1gram/gallon epsom as i believe he had stopped using that when he posted the above.

i'm using this calculator from GH
disregard the below

with 2 in Micro and 14 in Bloom (x3 and you get the ml/ppm i'm running)

H3AD say:
IMHO if one wanted to test this out without purchasing an additional product, then by simply adding 32ml/gallon GH flora bloom (which you have on hand if using my 6/9 formula). This would add to the nutrient profile as follows:
N +0
P + 212ppm **32ml/g same **42ml/g 272
K + 323ppm **32ml/g same **42ml/g 414
Mg +146ppm **32ml/g same **42ml/g 187
S +97ppm **32ml/g same **42ml/g 125

This method keeps the K/(Ca+Mg) ratio more within the parameters generally accepted as the optimum range, and provides a tad more S which is often incorporated into flower/bloom boosting products.

ok, i corrected the above. the below is no longer true.

FUCK YOU GH! their calculator was fucking offffff.....
the ** are the values if adding 6/32 or 6/42 (which is as close as the calc can do 41ml/g, ie 6/9 plus 32ml flower on top of that).

i think the ratios look ok, don't know about the S though. it's a little stronger, which i'm ok with as i'm right under a 1k with c02 in a sealed room. that i can mimic KB is awesome though. i just don't know about the sulphur.


@15 days flower about 24" under a 1k/co2. 4.5' screen. wappa closeup.
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Everythings looking healthy. They don't even looked phased by the root aphids.
I took your advice 40ml/g .78% Imid and drenched my girls. I pulled one out of the pot yesterday and all the aphids were dead!

sub dermal



fuck yeah!~ glad i could help. i treated my new cuts in 5/ml and it obv didn't stick. fuckin nukes :)

cool thing, is they don't lay eggs. just nymphs, so you kill em, they're fuckin dead. i think i might do a preventative preflower drench for the next few...

never know...



Everythings looking healthy. They don't even looked phased by the root aphids.
I took your advice 40ml/g .78% Imid and drenched my girls. I pulled one out of the pot yesterday and all the aphids were dead!

sub dermal

and it was starting to get boring...end of third week

and it was starting to get boring...end of third week

so, im starting the bulking up process (last bit o veg) for my rooted OGs and some other strains. i'll put some pics up later of those.

on the definite is Burmese kush, valley og, fire og and wappa. the BuKu is an OG hybrid from THSeeds. that makes it an OG spectacular except for the wappa. also, except for improperly labeled cuts. so, we'll see.

the chem cut i finally cloned is still throwing off single blades. she was stalled in a 5th week flower stage, and i took her cut at 6 weeks or so. then another few to root. literally, 4-5 weeks....jeez.

i think i'll large her out and veg some clones to run her after i chop the 1k.

here's a screen shot. there's probably a decent 4 sq ft of wasted space (shit!). on a 4.5 ft screen with 20 sq ft. 50 watts per sqft, but i'm wasting the penetrating power of a 1k...

i'll just have to do my best to thicken that up with lumens and co2. i know the wappa growth profile now tho, and coletrain. those will be contenders likely. not the p91fake, and not likely the jack too often.

the wappa have stopped their stretch here at the end of the third week.

the coletrain has also, much less budsites. the jack has stopped stretch, and hasn't haired up on budsites yet.

wappa on right. jack on left bottom, coletrain on left top.

peas, yo


sub dermal

mid flower update day 39 - added some new strains

mid flower update day 39 - added some new strains

39 days flower

things are going according to plan. i've removed the screen and bought them up into a sort of concave shape. closer to the light, height and center-lit wise.

the wappa is showing some ripe hairs. should bulk up nicely. it's reached a fat looking stage quickly, like green crack. i'll start checking trichs in earnest at 7 weeks. little more than a week from now.

the coletrain is beautifully crystally. my phone is awful at pics and i can't find my camera charger, so that'll have to wait. it looks like it'll need to go at least 2 more weeks for its structure to fill out.

i've been feeding them with MOAB and 3/4 strength lucas/h3ad formula (6/9). slight tip burn, then i diluted it 20% with pH'd water.

i'll feed the wappa for a week or so more, then she should be ready to flush. the coletrain probably has 2-3 to go.

here's some pics.
wappa. isn't as immaturely hairy as she looks. just HUGE thick fuzzy hair everywhere. there's actually a good amount of mass on her.


oh yeah, almost forgot. added some new girls to gauge their stretch. blueberry burmese kush, diablo og, valley og, and another wappa (not screened tho). they're in 1gal pots for now, but i'll put them in 2gal. i've got a clone run going, and want to know how many to veg out and whatnot. will be shooting to have more of these to flower in 3-5 weeks. will also put a headband in.


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