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27 days in flowering - looking bad - pictures - can anyone help?


C Low

I know I have made a lot of mistakes on what will most likely be my first and only grow. I have a distinct disadvantage in growing, I am sight impaired. To see something clearly, I have to have my nose within an inch of the object. That gives me a very pleasant smell, :) but I miss seeing things that a person with good sight would see right away. I’m sure that my plants were showing symptoms long before I noticed them.

Let me tell you about my grow.

Oct 1 planted bag seeds (pretty good stuff) in moist 60% miracle grow potting mix, 40% perlite.

Oct 6 seeds came up.

Oct 18 transplanted into 5 gallon buckets of miracle grow potting mix and placed under 600W MH. I know now that I transplanted too soon, and should not have gone to 5 gallon size on first transplant. I wouldn't use Miracle Grow mix if I had it to do over.

Nov 5 since I transplant into too big of a pot, it took until today for the plants to use up the water that was in the soil. For the first time since they were transplanted 18 days ago, I fed/watered them today. Before today the only nutrients they had was whatever miracle grow puts in their mix. I watered them with 6.8 pH water with 1tbsp GH Flora micro mixed into 5 gallons of water, 1tbsp GH grow, 1tbsp GH bloom. The EC of this solution was 1.5, and I gave each plant 1 gallon of it.

Nov 6 Changed light to 12/12 600W HPS

Nov 12 Watered plants with clear water 6.8pH.

Nov 13 removed males

Nov 15 Watered plants with clear water 6.8pH. I have been cautioned about overfeeding and burning them, so I’ve been afraid to feed them.

Nov 18 fed/watered with 5 gallons water, 2tbsp GH Flora micro, 1tbsp GH grow, 3tbsp GH bloom. pH 6.2, EC 1.8. gave each plant 1 gallon.

Nov 22 I noticed a problem with my plants. The leaves were curling, twisting, turning yellow, getting brown patches, etc. Since I had just fed them 4 days before, I assumed that I had overfed them, so I flushed 5 gallons of water thru each one. I know now that wasn’t enough water for a thorough flush, but I learned this after I did my flush.

Nov 27 nothing has improved, worse if anything. I watered again with clear 6.8pH water.

Nov 29 still no improvement. Watered again with clear pH water. I posted pictures on another site and two people responded back to me that I had a magnesium deficiency, and advised me to add Epsom’s salt.

Nov 30 went and got Epsom’s salt and mixed up a 2% E salt solution and sprayed them down good after the light went out. I also mixed 3tbls E salt in a 5 gallon bucket of water, added 2tbsp GH micro, 1tbsp grow, 3tbsp bloom, 1tbsp Bcuzz Bloom and gave each plant about a quart of it, (I had been giving them 1 gallon) and added additional water to the ones that needed it.

Dec 2 watered again clear water pH 6.8 with epsoms salt

Dec 3 I did some testing tonight. I have seen some of these questions asked when someone was looking for help. I don’t know what is relevant, and what isn’t, but I will give as much info as I can. If someone needs additional information in order to help me, just ask.

I have two different type plants, 3 short bushy plants, and 2 tall less bushy. The shorter ones are about 32” and the taller ones 52”.

The humidity usually runs between 20 – 55%, it did get up to 76% the night that I sprayed them down with E salt.

The temperature ranges from 69 – 86*F

I have two 465CFM exhaust fans set on thermostats, first one comes on at 79*F, second one comes on at 85*F.

First fan runs most all of the time that light is on, second one runs less than ¼ of the time the light is on.

Is air exchange needed at night? Should I run a fan at night?

Two 16” oscillating fans run on high 24 hours a day.

Grow room 232 cu ft but only using half of it, black/white poly divided.

I tested the run-off water tonight. pH going in 6.8, coming out 5.6

Does this mean that I need to raise pH of the water? How much?

I don’t know if it means anything or not, but I tested the EC of the run-off also.

The EC of my clear water is 0.1

After adding 3tbsp of E salt to 5 gal of water, the EC is 2.7.

2.7 EC going in, the run-off EC is 4.3. this probably is insignificant

Does this mean that it has too much nutrients, or is there something else that is washing out of the mix that registers on the EC meter?

What is wrong with my plants?

What I should do from here? The E salt appears to have helped some of the problems, but certainly not all of them.

Should I keep adding the E salt to the water, if so, for how long?

Should I foliar feed them again with the E salt solution? If so, for how long, and how often?

What about feeding them? Am I feeding them too little? Should they be fed every other watering, every third watering, or what? What strength (EC)? Am I being paranoid about burning them?

Any help is appreciated.
the bottom 2 pictures were taken Nov 30 before the epsoms salt treatment, the other pictures were taken Dec 3 as i am preparing to post this.

Dec 3 001.jpg

Dec 3 003.jpg

Dec 3 004.jpg

Dec 3 006.jpg

Dec 3 007.jpg

Dec 3 008.jpg

Nov 30 001.jpg

Nov 30 005.jpg

C Low

The reason I use 6.8 pH is that is what it is when it comes out of my tap. Actually, it varies from 6.2 to 6.8. I have both pH down and pH up to adjust it with, but I thought that since it was that close, I wouldn't adjust it. If that is my problem, I'll gladly adjust it. I also let the water sit for a couple of days before i use it so the chlorine will evaporate.


Active member
It's a little early to see them yellow up like that...feed a little more and double check your pH, it looks like it may be a bit too high. Don't do anything too drastic. You could flush it out with 1/2 strength nutes and then give it a full feeding right away.


New member
Seems from all that I have read on here, that the ph of you runoff is too low. 6.2-6.5 should be the target in soil imo. Please correct me if I am wrong.


Active member
seems like they are overfed to me and nitrogen amongst other things is locked out, even if you put tiny plants into quite a large pot in good conditions with the right soil they will take off in 1-2 weeks, its seems very strange they didnt need water for so long, that could be one of 2 things the environment not being consistent, or the ph or ec off in the soil.. if ur ec is coming out higher try flushing and reading runoff until its not coming out so high.. but tbh your plants are so far into flowering now thats about all you can do flush the hell out of them so you dont end up with overferted shit tasting herb, then on the next run mix your own soil from scratch there are some great recipes on the organics forum, you'll save some money and have way happier plants, having well amended soil and just feeding water the whole time and the occasional Aerated compost tea is the way to go, impossible to overfeed or under feed! so to cap it off make sure your environment is spot on and flush them thru ready for harvest and get on a good soil mix ! good luck..


Active member
:thinking:Not that it will help much ,but the 3 times Ive used gh 3 part in soil I always had an issue of some sort.DWC a diffrent story ,I wonder if that has somting to do with it


"easy growing type"
:thinking:Not that it will help much ,but the 3 times Ive used gh 3 part in soil I always had an issue of some sort.DWC a diffrent story ,I wonder if that has somting to do with it
Hi Jim420, GH series are solid in soil and soil-less media.. Though it is a pain to calibrate as the GH Flora Bloom drops pH substantially. So in some cases much pH UP is required to balance out the mix.


After adding 3tbsp of E salt to 5 gal of water, the EC is 2.7.
2.7 EC going in, the run-off EC is 4.3.

You've just added 1900 ppms(0.7) of Magnesium and Sulfur to your plants. That's an incredibly high amount.

Your run-off is coming out at 3000 ppms(0.7). That's enough nutes to kill a baby elephant.

It looks like your soil was too hot for seedlings, and adding nutes on top of that has made it worse. Have the plants fully rooted in the 5-gallon buckets?

Your best course of action would be to flush the plants with plain water until the runoff comes out at EC 1.0 or less, then water with a balanced nutrient solution at an EC of 1.0 to 1.5

Unfortunately, most of the damage to your leaves is irreversible, and your plants might take a while to show signs of recovery.