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26"x26" 220w HPS Vertical micro grow


I took those pictures literally right after transplanting/watering them, so yeah, the dirt was pretty wet :) They look better today (see pic). Temps are right between 78-80, rh 24 hour range is 35-38%, and also on my list of things to do is installing a circulation fan inside the cabinet to keep the air moving around more than just the one fan cooling the bulbs.
Thanks for stopping by!


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Nice temps :) But you got to get the rh up to 60+% from what I am seeing.

Perhaps less important but I still like to mark this. The reduced airflow round the plants would help the recovery process.

When you got that high rh and perhaps a rather slow airflow around the plants I bet they''ll look good in no time.

But hey, I am not the expert. Just suggestions. They could survive in these circumstances.


Any advice on getting the RH up to that level? I've been misting the plants every day or so lightly, they seem to like it, what other things should be done to build up some humidity?
I appreciate your help! Thanks!!!


Plants need rest and moisture. Cut this 24hr light nonsense and you'll see them start to recover.

Love the stacked micro vert :)


A If your floor is water proof, put down DE or "floor dry" and soak it. It will dry over a day or two and keep rh up. I use it like this in my clone cab and it works great.
Hey man,

Did you mean with misting the plants, that you have a fogger running in a pool of water inside the room?

You could improve that 1 mist maker setup to be humidifying that room up to the level I marked.

Perhaps a combo of the BONSAI humidifaxion proposal and the mist maker setup will get you up there.

I would like to mark again something which is; the foggy air from the mist maker is pretty cold air. A few Celcius below the air-in. Also the foggy air represents some sort of buffer zone between lamp and plant which will enable you to slow down the flow speeds around the plants.



Hey man,
Did you mean with misting the plants, that you have a fogger running in a pool of water inside the room?

I should clarify, I wasn't even thinking about fogger setups or anything like that, I meant spraying the plants with a water sprayer with a very light nute mix (per fox farm directions for foliar feeding)

I'm curious now about rigging up a mist maker inside the cabinet to increase humidity and cut temps a little bit.... thanks for the lead!

Scallywag, thanks for stopping by! Good luck with your setup, I built mine based on info and pictures from these forums, I'll be excited to see yours come together! :wave:


Plants need rest and moisture. Cut this 24hr light nonsense and you'll see them start to recover.

Love the stacked micro vert :)

Thanks Bonsai! I've gotta get a timer hooked up before I change the light schedule, I had bought a 2 in to 1 outlet splitter thing at Wal Mart a few weeks ago just for this, but can't find the damn thing anywhere! Gonna have to get another I suppose...:)


Okay, finally got the training screens up! Took some 24" wooden dowels and put two in each pot, then used (you guessed it!) zip ties to attach the screens to the dowels. The screens were actually from a universal odor eliminating air filter from Home Depot, it's just a plastic grid but it's fairly sturdy and just the right size! I'm going to be keeping the plants on one side of the screen and just training the branches along the screen.


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I'm digging the screens. How big are the openings? So what is the deal with vert scrog, some put the screen between the lamp and the herb like a horizontal scrog and let the buds poke thru. Some like you put the herb between lamp and screen. What are the benefits of each? It seems your way you will have to do more training and tying?


The openings are probably just under an inch if I had to guess, I'm not near the cab to check right now but it's something like that.

Edit: Looking at the pic, they are right about 1" because the pots are 8" pots and I count 8 squares going across through the center

I've got the inner screen that surrounds the bulbs to keep the plants from ever getting too close to the bulbs, not to train them with. I'm using the plastic screens attached to the individual plants to train the branches and keep them as exposed to the light as possible, I didn't put much thought in to it I just noticed how other people had done it and did the same. Part of the reason I guess is so that I can pull the plants out without much effort... if they were growing through screen surrounding the bulbs they'd be a pain to take out and access, because they'd all have to come out together at the same time. This way I can take one out by itself easily enough. I'm thinking (For further down the road) that I'd like to combine SOG and SCROG and have several smaller plants surrounding the lights to provide more variety and a perpetual type of harvest, but train them with a screen (or just stakes) to maximize exposure to the lights.

I don't mind spending more time training and tying, I doubt it'll be too difficult, I rigged up the screens last night while on a conference call for work, it was an enjoyable way to spend the otherwise boring time!


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
I have the same filter that you bought JDI.. I'm going to cut mine and use it for my scrog screen. I'm thinking about making 2x2 squares though, so a little cutting is in order. Dude I think that setup is going to work pretty well, I really like the way it looks


Thanks man! I'm really excited to be doing this grow, I'm having a lot of fun with it.
I cut the screens in to two pieces each, worked out to be the perfect size I was looking for!
The plastic is real easy to cut with tin snips
I'm in! :smoweed::joint:

I like the double your stacked micro and SCROG. Those "yellow" leaves you mentioned earlier could of been a nitrogen deficiency. Keep up the good work!


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
I used part of the screen for my carbon filter..it's a goofy setup but it works lol. The rest is big enough for my scrog screen


all4theluvofit - Thanks for coming by! Yeah that was the only thing I could think of for the yellow leaves, I was (and still am!) a bit nervous to feed them a stronger nute solution but I guess the plants themselves know best! I am going to have to start feeding them based on their individual needs rather than just mixing up a mix and feeding them all with it at once. I'm noticing that the blue cheese, for instance, while the youngest plant of the bunch consumes water the fastest... They're each gonna have their differences and if I don't pay attention to them, they won't all be happy, haha.

Warped- You wanna talk about goofy setups? Check out the stanley blower box hood I rigged up to see if it helps drop the temps at all! I had to make it fit in the space that's available, and couldn't have it blocking direct light from the 150 (the top bulb), so we'll see what the results are before declaring it a success or a failure. :)


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HaHa well we love our sexy ladies, and try to spoil them! What nutes are you useing again? It prob wouldn't hurt to add a lill more of your "grow". Just don't burn them, it sucks! As far as finding your plants needing individual "care" is normal and good. It's part of growing dank
I'm glad you like the nugs, and thanks for the rp!


Nutes are Fox Farm Grow Big and Big Bloom, I've heard from so many people/threads that using the recommended amounts of nutrients is usually way too much, so I've been staying somewhere between 1/2-3/4 of what it says to feed them... Next time I'll go a little bit more and see what happens. Since transplanting to bigger pots they also have some fresh FFOF soil to feed off of as well


I'm a victim of fast women and slow horses
Yep start out with less nutes just like you're doing..you can always add more the next time and see how they like it