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250w hps, Lemon Skunk & Frends

Thank you guys for following my grow.

I did "just shake/brush" soil off those roots, wanted to do that quickly and been done that with many plants in the past, none ever died for it.
Yes, i've been careful, but not like surgeon careful.

well, for now, i've seen that Hawaiian Snow liked the transplant, and it started to lift those leaves again and showed up more perky.

Big Bang is looking bad.. let's all pray for her... :D

Lemon Skunk doesn't show any signs right now, but she was in worst condition so lets give her some time.


Hey alecto, :)

good to see your getting on. :) I do the same though I never worry about my watering schedules as I watch the plant with a super prcise eye as when the plant looks thirsty I feed, the leaves will begin to drop little by little and the plant itself will look less excited.


very nice setup and very good planning. Im sure the plants will give you all the lessons you need.

Namaste :joint:


Not this time, but plant more, keep trucking, I have only seen a dried up plant that small come back once and it was a bit more moist. :)

Carry on though it will be nice.

Namaste :joint:
ok Hawaiian snow is barely alive, but I got 4x rooted Ice clones!

Bought some new soil and placed them under hps :) maybe now we get something growing in my cab.

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