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250W CFL 2xregular Seedsman White Widow


Guest 263194

vinegar is not buffer'ed, strongly. you need a proper ph down/up kit. even if you use vineger to lower your ph, it will swing fast when you water it. once is ok, twice is bad. get it asap.


Tap water?

Do you allow your tap water to sit out 24 hours before you use it? Their are chlorines and chloramines in municipal water supplies that need to off gas before feeding to your plants.

Check your soil Ph. Nute solution Ph is important but not as important as soil Ph imo. I don't Ph my nutes.

I am not sure if vinegar will hurt your plants or not.


t is it actually good idea to use vinegar to down pH? I know there are special pH downers but i dont have this stuff so i have to use vinegar.
I use Lime/Lemons to ph down my bottled water it doesn't seem to do anything to my girls...Btw, Nice plants you've got growing there ! :tiphat:


Altruistic Hazeist
kudos, ml156! That lady looks wayyy happy!

Next time apart from topping it you could try some LST or SCROG, to optimize light reaching to the buds, that lady looks ideal for that!

Get phosphoric acid to tune your PH, vinegar/lemn etc don't keep the PH for long time.