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25 AK47 clones dead


Anyone have a tough time cloning AK47?

I have rooted thousands and thousands of clones in rapid rooter plugs. On this batch I had 10 Blueberry cuts and 25 AK47 cuts. The BB rooted but all the AK's died. I examined most of them, and when I opened the plug, the part of the stem that was in the plug was swollen

Is the swollen stem a sign of overwatering?

Rapid Rooters in tray with dome, clonex, and heating mat around 78.


Maby they are just taking longer to grow new roots vs Blue Berry? I don't think swelling is a bad thing because all of mine puff up a bit.


Active member
Anyone have a tough time cloning AK47?

I have rooted thousands and thousands of clones in rapid rooter plugs. On this batch I had 10 Blueberry cuts and 25 AK47 cuts. The BB rooted but all the AK's died. I examined most of them, and when I opened the plug, the part of the stem that was in the plug was swollen

Is the swollen stem a sign of overwatering?

Rapid Rooters in tray with dome, clonex, and heating mat around 78.

How long did you give the AK's? How long did it take for the BB's?

I just grew out a pack of serious seeds Ak47. I didn't have a problem rooting them, but they did take longer then most of the strains I've grown, but not all. I have sour bubbles showing roots in 9 days sometimes, usually 10. The ak's took like 22 days. I chose not to keep any of them, but thats a different thread.


The BB's were rooted around 10 days. The AKs were at 21ish days and they just died off one by one.

The dome gets opened a couple times aday.

The stems were swollen in the plug area. I tore most of them open and no bumps, or signs of roots.

I am about to do another batch, will try a little different approach. hygrozyme in the water for the plugs to presoak in, watch the temps better, and a little less moisture in the plugs

I really needed these AKs to root, this sucks


Active member
The BB's were rooted around 10 days. The AKs were at 21ish days and they just died off one by one.

The dome gets opened a couple times aday.

The stems were swollen in the plug area. I tore most of them open and no bumps, or signs of roots.

I am about to do another batch, will try a little different approach. hygrozyme in the water for the plugs to presoak in, watch the temps better, and a little less moisture in the plugs

I really needed these AKs to root, this sucks
Yeah man, I know how it goes to loose a whole batch when they are needed, really sucks. I'm feeling for you right now..

Unless your area is REALLY dry, I would suggest trying to take the dome off earlier. The place my clones are in is usually about 35-45% RH. After the first or second day, the dome is off. I dont know why that may change something, because it sounds like you have a working routine.. But just thought I would throw that out there.


I am also over 5000ft and had one hell of a time getting anything to clone . Now I do not cover them at all . Keep them wet for 1 week and then let them dry out so far about 95% so try that on a few. I also think this time of year sucks to grow .



i've not noticed AK taking longer to root than other strains-and i must have made over 1000 AK babies over the past couple of years



I took about 60 this go around. I tried a couple different things.

I split a few of the stems with a razor. I heard this gives more surface area for roots to pop. On a few more, I just scraped the stem. On a few I used no Clonex. The rest I did normal no cutting or scraping and used clonex. I also have two thermometers in the tray to verify the heat mat is at the right temp. The air temp is around 75, and the plug temps are around 78-79.

I am also going to try leaving the dome off and watch for wilting

I have cloned AK47's before w/o much problem that I remember. This is a new cut as all my old cuts are gone.


Active member
Hardest rooting strain I have tried. Out of 3 moms, 1 was impossible to root, 1 took FOREVER and even then 2 of 3 would just get nubs and nothing more, and the other is just a PIA, but does root. Definitely a pheno dependent trait.

I had alright luck with a bucket, wet perlite, and white trash beg filtering the light.
Anything else I put in there exploded with root growth, but the Ak's were a real bitch.


i was wondering about the 'swollen stems'. They do swell up and go knobbly as part of the rooting process (is it called abscission?) but stems can swell when there are problems-
did they go at all mushy or soft?



i was wondering about the 'swollen stems'. They do swell up and go knobbly as part of the rooting process (is it called abscission?) but stems can swell when there are problems-
did they go at all mushy or soft?


a couple did but most still were very solid. The leaves were very yellow and wilting, just real crappy. I checked a couple for roots, then tore into all of them. I think all of them had the swollen stems, but they were swollen only below the plug. I wonder if the clone x had anything to do with it

BTW leaving the dome off for long periods. today it was off for 3 hours. I think tomorrow I will go longer. see if I can keep the dome off permanently


if they have gone v yellow it is usually too much light or heat-at some stage. I've found that if they get too much of either, even for a short period it can mess them up for weeks-or do them in completely.
i know that you are monitering plug temps-but given what you have said i'd put my money on the heat mat being the problem. The most frequent problem when people are using them is cooking the roots. I've done it and i've seen a good percentage of others using heater mats do it-
that's my guess-and yeah Clonex can go off and cause problems if it is old or has been kept in warm place-sniff it-you should be able to tell if it has gone off
good luck


Active member


i was wondering about the 'swollen stems'. They do swell up and go knobbly as part of the rooting process (is it called abscission?) but stems can swell when there are problems-
did they go at all mushy or soft?

No its not called abscision
abscision is when leaves fall of decidious trees in autumn caused by absic acid produces in trees and bushes .A


Sorcerer's Apprentice
My Serious AK47 (circa 2005) develop decent roots in about 12-13 days. I used to clone in a home-made bubble cloner, but I feel I get more vigorous vegging when I use jiffy pellets.


if they have gone v yellow it is usually too much light or heat-at some stage. I've found that if they get too much of either, even for a short period it can mess them up for weeks-or do them in completely.
i know that you are monitering plug temps-but given what you have said i'd put my money on the heat mat being the problem. The most frequent problem when people are using them is cooking the roots. I've done it and i've seen a good percentage of others using heater mats do it-
that's my guess-and yeah Clonex can go off and cause problems if it is old or has been kept in warm place-sniff it-you should be able to tell if it has gone off
good luck

Light and heat could be problems.

I bumped up the mat to 83 for a while because I felt the plugs were not warm enough. Turns out my heater was right on. I use an aquarium thermostat inserted into the plug to verify temp. I am now in the high 70's

I am using a 4 foot fluro that seemed very bright so I covered most of it up with silver foil recently

the clone x should be good, just bought it


Active member
prob just take a good bit longer. i have a bud that has a strain that takes almost 8wks to root and some of his strains root in a week, wtf!


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
been cloning ak47 for a few years now and its by far my easiest and quickest rooting strain... very vigorous root growth hard to kill. before i bought my aerocloner i was using domes with soil the rooting gel all that bullshit.. now i jus take a cutting and put in in the cloner, turn it on and 7 days later i got roots

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