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Active member
Do you know how to grow?

Your wife's attitude towards you is a direct result of the time you've spent working on your relationship with her. Mine is awesome... after nearly 10 years of work. I'm a better man myself as well. Totally worth it.

You should be building her up, not trashing her in posts online. :(

Stay Safe! :blowbubbles:


Active member
get her to meet you half way at least 600-1000 watts might be best trying to persuade her with kindness if its that much of an issue to her.

me personally id take not a blind bit of notice and do as i pleased lmao.



^^valid point
I thought she was being controlling but she has cause for concern.

High Country

Give me a Kenworth truck, an 18 speed box and I'll
You say "drunk at the moment"... perhaps the grow is not the issue.

Give her a bit of respect.


Hazes 12/12. And be more respectful of your wife, that's the future mother of some guy you don't know's kids. Or will be if the booze keeps flowing like this.



you're getting stoned and not paying attention to her, is what it sounds like. you're couchlocked and she's pissed, which is understandable.

you need more sativa leaning strains. like spayce said, hazy as fuck.

nothing wrong with thinning the blood every once in a while. i'm pretty drunk right now. might have something to do with the crushing loneliness of my current situation. i sure the fuck wouldn't be sitting with a guitar in my lap slamming bourbon if i had kids running around. wouldn't need or want to.

good luck


Active member
i couldnt let my wife gf tell me what to do per say

more wed come to an agreement, but i wouldnt be sat around stoned 24/7 or drunk thats what not acceptable.

not the ammount of watts your using in your garden.make some changes if you show willingness maybe she will too.

Treat her well sounds like a great woman. Best wishes all will be ok.....4 children need a good momma and dad no drunks brudda!