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23 states and D.C. have provisions for medical cannabis how many allow home growing?


Active member
I think anyone who has their medical exemption should be allowed to grow a limited amount
of plants at home. Most people can afford to grow a few plants. It's not everybody who can
afford to purchase cannabis though. Most people in serious need of medical cannabis are
on a fixed income.

Also the ability to grow any strain out there is important for people like myself.
Being forced to buy what somebody thinks is good for me sucks. Actually growing
the plants is very therapeutic. I'm sure you growers know how nice it is to have
plants with you vs buying something that was grown by some idiot who may
have sprayed the plants, etc.


Well-known member
I do not think we are on safe ground with cannabis at all. If the likes of Christe make the call, I think we could see it all go away real fast.
Perdue phama, who gave us Oxycontin are funding anti cannabis efforts and they work with the nastier elements in our society.


In my empire of dirt
Premium user
I think anyone who has their medical exemption should be allowed to grow a limited amount
of plants at home. Most people can afford to grow a few plants. It's not everybody who can
afford to purchase cannabis though. Most people in serious need of medical cannabis are
on a fixed income.

Also the ability to grow any strain out there is important for people like myself.
Being forced to buy what somebody thinks is good for me sucks. Actually growing
the plants is very therapeutic. I'm sure you growers know how nice it is to have
plants with you vs buying something that was grown by some idiot who may
have sprayed the plants, etc.

this is all very good stuff,man.
esp the part about how the act of growing is very theraputicin and of iteself!
some of the most peaceful moments are in the garden and the best smoke is always one you nurtured and raised yourself

any so called legalization with out provisions for home growing are jsut money grabs
fook that


Dear Haters, I Have So Much More For You To Be Mad
Cannabis will be the new tobacco, watch and see....

Soon, NO ONE will be able to grow it except for the few that are licenced... Good luck getting one of those after the Government finds out how much money they can make of this plant...

As will tobacco, chemicals and flavorings will be added to what they put into their "cigarettes"...

Cancer will start to arise from this practice....

People will start to get charged with TAX EVASION as they are busted for their 1000 watt grow....

Ya, im pretty high this morning....:biggrin:


To Have More ... Desire Less
it's VERY illegal to grow in W@A state.... the Medical community has been destroyed...
and by summers end... the idea of getting a Medical request from a REAL Doctor is being made next to impossible by the insurance companies that control the Doc's...
ALL medical dispensaries either... get state retail license... or CLOSE .
there is NO in-between or exceptions.... the mutha fuck'in tax man comeTH....
and he wants his.... BIGTIME!!!!.... and after the government saw the 1st years increase in tax revenue.... they want TOTAL DOMINATION & CONTROL......

MEDical is dead and will be buried by the state....
the ONLY growin is under a State license .... and that is a HUGH governmental bureaucratic ball of wax's, that can cost 100k to accomplish.... as is there is no more licenses to be given ....

the only thing main stream legalization and taxation has done for WA.............
IS recreate a dormant black market that will ALWAYS survive ....
just to piss off the MAN....


Well-known member
Something similar in Ohio, slightly reversed, legislators just passed a MMJ bill basically to stymie a ballot issue this fall that permitted growing. The OH bill allows vape and edibles only, produced by licensees, for limited conditions. No growing, no flowers. And I'm sure getting a doctor's script will be difficult unless you're on your death bed.


Well-known member
I hear there is a resurgence of states that are allowing debtors prisons.
So far, 23 states and the District of Columbia have each come up with distinctly different approaches for providing much needed medical cannabis.

How many of these states have made provisions for patients to provide themselves with their own medicine without being forced to purchase a commercialized product that may or may not be the type (strain ect.) that functions best to suite that particular patient needs?

How many states allow the patient to decide for themselves the type (strain ect.) of cannabis that works best for that particular patients needs?

If they so choose can they grow what works best for them at home?

For some patients that are not able to work this may be a necessity as most patients in this category are on a fixed income and can not afford the currently high dispensary prices.

I am very interested in any and all feedback on this subject.
But please folks let us keep the elementary school type arguments out of this thread for once.

To me this is a very serious issue at hand here and may even have a profound effect on the current legalization language.

Peace to all

Both NORML and Leafly have the quick and dirty on regs. You can find the lists and a state by state analysis between the two of em.

moose eater

Alaska has had some degree of protection for home-growers since the 1975 Ravin Decision (Ravin v. State of Alaska), coupled with what was then the legislative decrim in May 1975 (same month as the Ravin Decision).

That said, our revised (partly gutted by Loren Leman's 'substitute bill' in 1999) 1998 medical initiative, as of the 1999 substitute, only permitted for up to 6 plants, with 3 in bloom at a time, whereas the implementation in March 1983 of the legislative compromise re. Ravin permitted for up to 24 plants, with 25 being one too many; no medical registry needed..

Our rec law now permits for up to 6 per adult, with a max per household of 12, and no more than half of those in bloom (3 in bloom per adult at any given time).

BUT, our rec initiative stated that nothing in the law would be construed as displacing Ravin, which allowed for the 24 plant limit, with no talk of bloom versus veg.

If the State were taken to task on the binding nature of Ravin, my suspicion is that the State Supreme Court or State Appellate Court (either one of which would be binding) would rule that yes, Ravin is still the law where Alaska's Article 1, Section 22 Right of Privacy is concerned re. "small amounts of cannabis in the homes of adults," but that, yes, the State reserves the authority to define what is the threshold for commercial/illegal aggregate weight or plant counts, no matter how much it's obviously an arbitrary line, or per se' law, if only as a matter of the State of Alaska retaining regulatory powers.

Will they eventually go for "zero home-grows" in Alaska? I doubt it, but the tide turns legislatively every 2 years, and more than a few times we've seen one gummint or another create boogeymen, fabricating 'needs,' allowing them opportunity to circle their histrionic wagons over non-issues, in order to prime one conflict or another over what amounts to issues of control. So who knows?


Active member
Thanks Moose eater!
You do seem to be insulated, good news brother!

Is the whole "home growing is a public safety risk" scam less of a thing where you are?
In other words, would that be silly to assume it was a risk or are things the same as here in the big city?

Do you still have a med program there?

moose eater

There's still a medical registry, as far as I know, but most folks I knew back then, who valued various aspects of life, from future security clearance potential, employment future, gun ownership, etc., had little interest in signing up.

Then -Senator Leman's gutting of our 1998 original initiative with his substitute legislation in '99, made the registry mandatory, and opened it up to ANY LEO's perusal, for ANY LE function. The way most of us read that, it included feds, as well as overzealous locals.

Preceding his gutting of it, the registry was voluntary, I don't believe the 6-plant limit was in effect, and the aggregate weight limits were based on what your Doc said you might need. not to mention a more broad interpretation of what might be treated with med canna.

In the beginning, after the 1998 Peoples' initiative, only a Doc's letter was needed, and I knew of at least one fellow, in the early days, who had security and police called to his hotel room, who seized his FIVE ROAHES, AND HIS DOC'S letter!!! And the woman cop in charge that night lectured him, wagging her finger under his nose about the 'dangers of marijuana."

Public safety issues, as a component of growing at home, have been asserted, but more often in re. to Ravin-covered busts, & more often during the gray days.

The bulk of those that I was aware of tended to involve children's services, formerly DFYS, now OCS, AND the cops, in tandem.. A lovely bunch of blind-to-their-own-sins crusaders. Some of whom had their own skeletons in their closets; one of them was married to a former juvenile probation officer who was caught up in the Happy Creek Greenhouse raids in about 1992, and later went to work for both the State and the feds, as a ongoing informant/CI.

There were limited numbers of home-invasions during the uncertain days from 1990 through 2001, when Ravin was in question as a result of an unconstitutional recrim vote in 1990, (set right by attorney Bill Satterberg in the David Noy case from north Pole, Alaska) and a maybe a few since.

In select cases during that time, and a few afterward, they might claim that the home was a potential target by virtue of growing cannabis, therefore growing with children present, left the children exposed to potential harm/violence.

They also put forth some claims of parental neglect for being stoned while parenting, apparently missing the beer-drinkers at the July 4th picnics, with kids all around, and far less coherent than the weed imbibers..

I haven't seen or heard of those types of charges in quite some time. Doesn't mean it hasn't been still happening, as I sequester myself more often than not these days, socially.

What I stated back then, in debate, etc., was that to charge a parent with endangerment, or similar, as a result of some other entity's criminal propensity to break in and use violence in a home-invasion over weed, is tantamount to saying that (back in the day when specific SUVs were targeted for car-jacking in Florida or Arizona), to drive such an SUV with children on-board should also invoke a child endangerment charge.

That was a paradigm shift that I think was too sensible for them to grasp. But times are changing, too.


Well-known member
Cannabis will be the new tobacco, watch and see....

Soon, NO ONE will be able to grow it except for the few that are licenced... Good luck getting one of those after the Government finds out how much money they can make of this plant...

As will tobacco, chemicals and flavorings will be added to what they put into their "cigarettes"...

Cancer will start to arise from this practice....

People will start to get charged with TAX EVASION as they are busted for their 1000 watt grow....

Ya, im pretty high this morning....:biggrin:

A lot of people grow tobacco, I just popped some Virginia Gold tobacco seeds. :biggrin:

People are going to grow weed regardless. Of course if I grew a field of tobacco and tried to sell it I could get into pretty serious trouble.


Elite Growers Club
I know my dumbass should've stayed in the Midwest, I wasn't far from Michigan, definitely would move there if i was still there. Hell you can grow alot indoor and outdoor in MI. You can't grow a tomato garden around here unless the local authorities come check it out first lol. We don't have medical marijuana around here. Most folks dont think weed is anything more than something to get high on. Yea people know it helps with chemo and things like that. But the wide range cannabis can be used for medically many don't believe in or understand. It's hard to believe how the laws vary accross this country. How can there be a place you can grow 12 plants indoor legally and 4hrs away it's illegal to grow anything


Active member
It's hard to believe how the laws vary accross this country. How can there be a place you can grow 12 plants indoor legally and 4hrs away it's illegal to grow anything

It is even harder to believe the judges, cops and politicians are all cashing in on cannabis as we speak.

Meanwhile in another state the judges brother is locking up folks for cannabis.

End the madness, do we really need legaization in place to tell us this sort of practice is just wrong on any level.


Arizona is forcing future dispos to open in rural areas, in order to snatch up more grow rights (the idiots don't seem to realize 90% of caretakers are growing on Res permits and the engines arent going to give up that revenue source without a fight)


Arizona NORML told the Arizona Legislature that they supported the bill because Medical Marijuana Patients in rural Arizona being able to grow their own Medical Marijuana is "of little comfort to those who are sickest who may have little interest in cultivation and, more to the point, need alternate forms of the drug, like inhaling through a “vape” pen which requires a liquid that only a dispensary can produce."

And my obvious reply: How the fuck is the trash sold at dispensaries in Az helping anyone? It does not even smell taste or feel like any Cannabis, at all,but smells and feels like smoking moldy jugs of grow products.

Still think Norml are your friends?


Elite Growers Club
I watch Live PD as im sure almost every American on here probably does. I notice alot of difference for marijuana poss. in different states. Everybody knows S.C. is pretty easy going, and then there's Texas....damn sure don't wanna get caught with a roach your going to jail. Now I dunno about growing, im sure SC is like all southern states opposed to letting folks grow a few plants.