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220w pl-l coco scrog cupboard


Grow like nobody is watching
Haha! There is a WeedNinja around too, always catches my eye.

So my next question is, two of the AKs will need their first watering quite soon. Their cups have maybe 3 times the volume of coco (about 250 ml), so should I add 3 times the amount of water? 50 or 60 ml seems like it may be too much? I was thinking around 35 ml and see how it pans out. Any opinions?


space gardener
I'll offer my opinion, It's really hard to over water coco, I would use the Dr. Bud submerge the pot method. I haven't used coco alot, but when I did, It needed alot of attention (frequent waterings) and it grew very well. Think of it like hand watering hydro, I would dunk them until the bubbles stop.


space gardener
A true ninja catches no eyes
*BANG* (that was the smoke bomb. My escape made no noises to type)


Architechno, hahha lol.. How stoned are you? Please share the strain with us, likely sativa dominant! Cheers bro :joint:


Active member
So my next question is, two of the AKs will need their first watering quite soon.

Until you get things straightened out there and your seedlings are thriving from day one, water according to how much leaf structure they have. I'm not there so I can't say exactly what the issue is but using small amounts of water seems to be helping. Doesn't matter how much coco is in your pot, you're watering just at the base of the plant when they're this small. Much better to have a seriously underwatered plant than what you've been having. :D

Keep in mind that you'll have to water more often.

I just keep thinking forward to when it's RE-legalized and you would be able to just pop on down to the local nursery and get some help.... ya know? :D

CaliforniaCannabisInitiative.Org If you know anyone in California, pass it on! :D


Grow like nobody is watching
Haha Archi wtf :D I'm pretty smoked out myself at the moment

Aero, I tried the Dr's dunking method a few times with coco but I found the top coco just floats away leaving the roots exposed. In the past I've always used full beer cups of coco, and same watering method as now - drenching them with a large turkey baster, sort of dripping/squirting it on and letting air bubble up through the baster regularly, to oxygenate it a bit. It seemed to work well outdoors but not so well under CFLs as we see. I haven't grown a whole lot from seed but here's some old-ass outdoor coco beer cup sativas as described above.

Hydro (Soil),will do, mate. :) I understand what you're saying completely. My friend said the same thing very uh, in-depthly, so I'm pretty amped to go now!

I also cleaned my house a bit so I have reorganised and finally got the Elevation Station "home" in the place I intended it to live originally. I took a few shots while I was moving it. I can get good angles on it now.

The aquarium foam fell off so I need to make the new light trap some day soonish, it will look pretty slick on the back there. :)


Grow like nobody is watching
The Hashcan - it's a cross between Darth Vader and R2D2

And a bowl of noodles :)

Been messing around



Grow like nobody is watching
Heheh Kahn, I can afford to leave them like that but I'll tidy it up soon since it's on the internets :)

All seedlings doing well :)

I love life. Good morning!


Grow like nobody is watching
Sorry about the optimism I had just woken up and hadn't had my glass of hatorade yet :)

Still got 5 quite healthy, fast growing AKs, 1 "decent" outdoor, and one poorly outdoor. I'm quite obsessed with measuring exactly how much water each one gets now :D I'll spare you the detailed breakdown in millilitres, hehe. But needless to say, I really have a good handle on the watering now so I decided to throw in 12 more seeds of the Full Moon x Shiva Skunks - the ones that had approx 33% sprout rate, but all grew elephant ears only.

I'm fuckin' positive that there's no way I could have such bad luck that all my seeds would be genetic fuckups. I made so many crosses with different parents. So I'm hoping it was just some random variable (probably closeness to lights) that screwed em up last time. Would be nice to have 4 or so of them in the mix. :)

Oh yeah and I noticed earlier that all the AKs had nice white roots hitting the bottom of the beer cups! :woohoo: I am back in love with coco. I always come crawling back <3


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Sorry about the optimism I had just woken up and hadn't had my glass of hatorade yet :)

Still got 5 quite healthy, fast growing AKs, 1 "decent" outdoor, and one poorly outdoor. I'm quite obsessed with measuring exactly how much water each one gets now :D I'll spare you the detailed breakdown in millilitres, hehe. But needless to say, I really have a good handle on the watering now so I decided to throw in 12 more seeds of the Full Moon x Shiva Skunks - the ones that had approx 33% sprout rate, but all grew elephant ears only.

I'm fuckin' positive that there's no way I could have such bad luck that all my seeds would be genetic fuckups. I made so many crosses with different parents. So I'm hoping it was just some random variable (probably closeness to lights) that screwed em up last time. Would be nice to have 4 or so of them in the mix. :)

Oh yeah and I noticed earlier that all the AKs had nice white roots hitting the bottom of the beer cups! :woohoo: I am back in love with coco. I always come crawling back <3

That's the spirit bro, don't let something little like low seedling strike rate stop what ya doing, valuable lessons learned and thanks for sharing them too. We are persistent little ganja growers :nanana: :dueling: :nanana: :joint: :abduct:


Grow like nobody is watching
For real :D This has changed my whole outlook

Hey dudez, I have started a thread in the organics forum if anyone can help - it's mostly asking about tea making. If anyone has any micro tips or just wants to share how they run 'ting, please do. Like, does it stink much? I was gonna do it indoors near the grow. Basically I just want a generic recipe for young vegies that doesn't need to be diluted - just water it straight on plants.

Root porn pics tomorrow :cool:


Grow like nobody is watching
I have my first aerated tea bubbling! Friggin' awesome. My air pump is a zillion times more than I need so it's getting quite some aeration! For half a gallon 0.04 cfm is recommended, and I have 0.32 cfm. FEEL THE RUSH!

My Light Trap DIY can be found here although it's nothing that hasn't been covered here already.

Will get pics at some stage of all the goings on :cool:

Including some materials I found for a diy carbon filter.

Right after this pipe :smoke:

Hella THC

Word up, ScrubNinja! :joint:
The tea is sounding great... I mean, not to consume, of course :crazy: but your plants will love it :D

Keep it up,

- Hella


Grow like nobody is watching
Thanks Hella, it smells really nice! You're just in time for a big update

Tea (one hose inside bag, one to airstone/disc thing)

Organic optimization process and h2o dechlorination plant...or something


Poor little outdoor

And those bits for a filter

a wire pencil holder (80mm) - I think $2 or less from a cheapo dollar store
a 100mm vent cowl - $6 or 7 aud at Bunningz.


Happy growin'


~No Guts~ ~No Glory~
Morning bro, seedlings are looking great, sorry haven't replied to you about my tea process(bloody new job) but you have got the ball rolling nicely looks like. I have been looking for one of those wire pencil holders, maybe shoot me a PM on the actual store bro. Will chat later gotta go to work.:mad: