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22 days after planting bag seeds


Active member
damn i just pulled this same mistake, mine are at 20 days too and they are looking super puny...i over watered like a mother fucker

i went on vacation for 2 days (no water) and came back and they exploded in growth


Transplanting should only be done when the plant has outgrown it's pot i.e. rootbound. Any time other than that is just unnecessary stress. The roots are the most important part of the plant. A good root system will be the biggest factor in fast growth and high yield.

Please don't plant straight into perlite either. You're talking about having to water 4-5 times a day after that and be on top of EC and PH constantly.

You've overwatered is all. Let your babies dry out and start using the weight of the pot as a way to tell when to water. At 22 days you should have at least 6-8 nodes. Don't forget, overwatering can lead to root rot.

Asstastic, I know you're just trying to help but go read a gardening book. Excessive transplanting leads to a diminished root system. I know you speak from experience but so do I and so do many other people on here. Punctuation would be nice too. It's a little hard to read your posts.


i feel ya OP ...im a newb just like you and i wanna love my babies everyday, but i gotta stop myself...heh it kills me to let watering go a day just to get things dry but i have noticed good growth since doing so...im in the same ship as you as my bag seeds are about the same age and i got 4...2 have grown so big ive decided to try my hand at LST topping and FIM on both of them...wait till you get to that part youll really be worrying...like i am ;p


the only way it would stress is if you continuisly transplant like never stop i have two seeds two weeks old and one has been trans planted atleast 10 times i keep dropping it and you can not tell them apart besides pot color you are assuming im baseing this off fact and expieramentation seedlings are naturaly sowed in the leaves mj disgards not soil so untill your plant looks like bark it would be suspended above the soil if the area the roots are in are dark and slightly damp the plant will grow
so why do you belive transplanting causes stress please support your findings

So you've dropped one plant 10 times and the other one none?....

BTW...that was a hard read to get through.
I also believe if done right transplanting will cause no stress (i transplanted a HG 4 weeks in flower with no stress)

BUT i believe the plant does halt its growth a bit but i dont think this is stress. I think the plant senses more room and puts its energy into exploring the new space with root growth...this is my experiance transplanting from hempy buckets to autopot. once the root get established growth takes off again . But again i see no stress no droopyness or anything just the slowed growth for 3-7 days


i feel ya OP ...im a newb just like you and i wanna love my babies everyday, but i gotta stop myself...heh it kills me to let watering go a day just to get things dry but i have noticed good growth since doing so...im in the same ship as you as my bag seeds are about the same age and i got 4...2 have grown so big ive decided to try my hand at LST topping and FIM on both of them...wait till you get to that part youll really be worrying...like i am ;p

Don't worry about anything Dojo. You can pretty much be as mean as you want to your babies in veg and they'll come right back. I've done everything from simple lst to hacking half the branches off of my plants. I've fallen over a couple plants in veg, snapped em in half, used the snapped half as clones and the bottom just turns into a bush after. It's hard to kill weed. Flowering, that's totally different. You wanna be as nice as possible during that time. Stress during flowering means a diminished yield.


gdood i loled at falling onto the plants....haha i can totally envision that happening to me:laughing: