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2024 US Presidential Election

Who will become next President in U.S. what do you think?

  • Donald Trump

    Votes: 26 55.3%
  • Joe Biden

    Votes: 21 44.7%

  • Total voters

moose eater

Well-known member
"If you are neutral in situations of injustice, You have chosen the side of the oppressor"

Narges Mohammadi Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2023

Ales Bialiatski Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2022

Dmitry Muratov Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2021

Maria Ressa Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2021

Abiy Ahmed Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2019

Denis Mukwege Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2018

Nadia Murad Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2018

Juan Manuel Santos Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2016

Kailash Satyarthi Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2014

Malala Yousafzai Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2014

Barack Obama Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2009

Muhammad Yunus Nobel Peace Prize Winner 2006
"Those who do not move, do not notice their chains.”. ― Rosa Luxemburg.
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moose eater

Well-known member
ya gunna peddle Alka Seltzer? or maybe advocate Canadian style euthanasia?

the Supreme Court could use some new blood, that's not a bad thing. ya got the DEI hire from the last appointment what else are you looking to get? i think majority.
the left is attacking Justice Alito for what appears to be his Patriotism....so much for diversity of opinion. Patriotism didn't used to be pejorative.
Impartiality among the judiciary has been a mandate for a long time, and especially when it involves issues or personalities before the court.

If I recall correctly, Thomas' stay at Koch's country club home occurred while Citizens United was on the SCOTUS docket, no less. Pretty brazen ethical violation for any judge, at any level, anywhere.
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Kiss My Ring

moose eater

Well-known member
How about they're booing him because Trump (less than convincingly) pretends to be a member of the populist underdog working stiff class wanting something closer to freedom, when Trump really primarily wants freedom for himself and those he pretends to like. His real ideology, as defined by his actions (not his words) is not in synch with the libertarians much at all. He's got his nose so far up the preferential treatment that Wall St. enjoys, when he sneezes, ticker tape comes out his nostrils.

The libertarians aren't really big on Oligarchists or their hand-puppets.


Well-known member
libertarians will boo any proposed restrictions on citizens making their own decisions. are seat belts/motorcycle helmets a good idea ? hell yes! should the legislature/LEO be able to force you to wear one, or pay fines for refusing to ? hell no...

moose eater

Well-known member
Apparently the infractions against free speech that the pro-Israeli movement's authoritarian ethnocentrism and resulting impact is having on the US presidential election, as well as a generic rejection of Joe Biden's handling of the Gaza genocide, is having a measurable influence on polling numbers... still... and it's not just Arab Americans..

Or, how an old corporatist Wall St. Dem can manage to slit his own proverbial throat at just the wrong moment, out of questionable allegiance to apartheid-supporting, land-stealing, spoiled adult children suffering from a form of delusional toxic entitlement, solely for the 'benefit' of maintaining the USA's military and corporate foothold in that region.

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Well-known member
I missed the moment when DHS officers were disappearing demonstrators at college campuses. That happened in 2020, and not in 2024, so far as I'm aware.

But sure, blame Biden and elect Trump.
