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2020Lock Down Projects and Grow


Well-known member
Let me start out by saying I was an out door grower in my youth.
Later in life I had to move to indoors .. lots of learning and I found IC Mag and its been info to the max .. I be happy camper now.

A few years go by and many experiments also.
More learning then this Lock Down cause the world is on fire.

I'm good , I got my system just about dialed in .. you never really finish .. something new always.

My Grow is in 5' X 5' Tent and 4 5 gal black buckets with 6"
net pot lids filled with lava rock for a Bio Bucket system.
The rez is about 12 to 14 gal giving me a 12" drop water fall.
In rez I put a 4" air stone like in each bucket but in the rez it sits at the bottom of the cage that holds more lava rock.

The Top on :

The basis for the system is bio (Lava) .. lots of long threads or stickies on it and more links to follow .. took me months then I converted my RDWC to this with a few tweaks to match my style.

and a root porn shot ..

I will continue to the end of this harvest then switch to a DIY light system that I learned and will play with for a round or two.
I love trying lights out , and will show what I have used so far in pages to come.

But for now .. making my first grow diary
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Well-known member
This B the Tent

This B the Tent

First this will show the A/C hookup and the filter/fan.
I DYI the A/C to duct it in 6" hose to tent center by lights.
and pull it through from the top from 8" to 10" (2 pieces of hose adapter duck taped) and a 10" flex hose to the 10" Phesh Fan and filter canister mounted at ceiling.



This last couple of months my new toy had been the dehumidifier.
No pictures it went right in and been waiting on a fan for cycling air .. its late.

This is just a basic shop but much can not be seen cause of tight fit.

I use movable pvc screens learned about on this sit .. to improve the light reflection for the girls.
Dont forget to put a Humidity/Temp Gauge in many places so you can have perspective of YOUR environment and grow room as well as the tent(s).

Break time puff puff pass .. wait this is Lock Down .. social distant .. a smoke for each .. no passing allowed , we all want to
be safe.



Well-known member
These are the current beans 3 Auto Aurora Borealis (NL X LowRider) and 1 Auto Chem OG
From Oasis Genetics.

I am using this light currently for the last 3 grows .. it was experiment for cheap (power bill) to yield and its on a light mover to cover 4 planets with delays on the end.


I will put another thread together in future to show all that I've used in the many years as well as the Sil setups I am trying and will try.

But for now .. I'll wait to see if anyone is interested in my digs.



Well-known member
Think I'll tag along. Gotta respect any man that uses as much duct tape and spray foam as I do. :biggrin: :lurk:


Well-known member
I was reviewing what I have been doing towards
lights v.s. actual power

I left out some photos of the hang-able COBs
2 types , white (Looks Yellow) & Plurple (Looks Orange)

Each has own fan and heat sink Cob rated at 50 actual watts.
I bought sets from Amazon to test , I have 8 ready to hang ..

And always back ups cause you don't want to be caught with your pants down. (I don't have problem with that , but thats another convo.

If I wanted to stay with the $99 Homer.Depoe Light , and wanted the additional Plurple as needed in flower. That might help (maybe test in combos in a future thread). For now , this is almost all the lights that I have tested individually for the most par .. and I just started the SIL & socket (no idea what SIL means) but it was how I found info to build something that would give good lite and penetration over 3 grows even tho one grow was a stunted auto , net'd 2 j's

Let me know if anything interests you , maybe I been thru it to answer .. IC Mag is a wealth of knowledge but like anything else you will have to learn from experience.

Hope this helps , I will be on break .. till the world heals up a bit.
See ya all in cyber land.



Well-known member
Today is day 85 week 7 , I had to check with microscope to see trics and they were clear to milky .. very little umber.
I will let them go to day 90 for next check and possible chop.






Well-known member
Up Coming Events

Up Coming Events

The remaining Chem OG will go to week 9 or 10 and after the Aurora is all out of tent I plan to move light over the Chem and add the blurple Cobs to fatten her up.



Well-known member
These are the current beans 3 Auto Aurora Borealis (NL X LowRider) and 1 Auto Chem OG
From Oasis Genetics.
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I am using this light currently for the last 3 grows .. it was experiment for cheap (power bill) to yield and its on a light mover to cover 4 planets with delays on the end.
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I will put another thread together in future to show all that I've used in the many years as well as the Sil setups I am trying and will try.
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But for now .. I'll wait to see if anyone is interested in my digs.


I am not sure I will ever get to run a grow with these now that I have this rack of SIL's A19 sockets.

I just added the middle to the rack I built , this is the build


And don't forget to test continuity before you ever plug it in.
Make sure the Hot is where it should be.

This turned out well .. I did not photo it .. but I needed to put a reflective skirt around the front edge to keep lite in bay.

Fun times.
