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2017 tester run - KC x Zamaldelica fem


Well-known member
Hey, all, here we go again;) These are testers provided by Sir Dubi and friends at ACE. If everyone did business like these guys, it would be a great planet. Muchisimas gracias! I'll try to provide as much detail as possible.

I have so many different Panamas to smoke every day, I decided to go with the Kali China / Zam cross to add a little Indica goodness to my pile;)

2 days ago I chose 4/7 of the beans to drop in water. It wasn't too hard to choose as seeds were uniformly mottled and equal sizewise. Dropped 'em 2/10, and by yesterday evening they had all popped like littleneck clams. I potted them this morning in 4"pots w/happy frog soil that hopefully isn't too spicy, and turned on the heat mat under 'em. I'm hoping to see little green faces by Valentine's day;) I think last year I had some pop on the same date.

I've prepared a mix of Happy Frog, Slacker coco mix and seedling mix in their final container. It holds about 10gal of medium, or 40 liters, and over the next couple of weeks will get leeched of most of the nutes, as they're pretty strong in the slacker. I shouldn't really have to feed until flower in 4-6weeks. It's about 50-50 coco/soil

Here da pics.


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Hi dude!Very interested to see if there will be much variation...I popped only one and looks very stumpy indica with good branching.I popped my seeds on Val's day last year,too:biggrin:
Good luck!


Well-known member
Watcha, Syd;) I was looking for variation in the seeds, and there really wasn't much or any. I thought if I found one with less striping I'd definitely run it, but they were homogenous. Now, like you say, interesting to see if there's a sleeper in there. I'll run all four regardless. If they're nice and squat and branchy, that should be good for mainlining. Did you subject yours to any stress/training?


I always try not to top them,silly of me,I know,but I somewhat pity them.I 'd like to let her do her thing,but in flowering she may change her ways,we are in unchartered waters here :biggrin: The alternative being LST once in the final pot (gonna be soon) .:)
Mainlining sound like a sweet plan!


Well-known member
Ha, I wish I could take credit for this cross, I just chose from a long and rich list;) I did find a very few seeds in my favorite green lemon zinger Panama that I think are from Tikal. Both parents great plants so I saved 'em. There were a lot of Ethiopian and Honduras crosses that sounded good, and after having seen a few grown out, I'll have to pick some of that up, too.


Well-known member
15 Feb and 3/4 are above ground; the fourth is grower error as I saw yesterday that the seed and taproot were sitting on the top of the soil, washed up while getting water and I didn't notice. May have dried out too much to recover so I dropped another bean in water while I hope for the best. No sweat.


Well-known member
I was going to pop a ZMDxKC but I gotta pick some other test variety.
Maybe PurplePCK x Panama will be a good choice.

DWD, best of luck with these, I'm very interested to see their development.



Well-known member
Day 1 - all up!

Day 1 - all up!

I was going to pop a ZMDxKC but I gotta pick some other test variety.
Maybe PurplePCK x Panama will be a good choice.

DWD, best of luck with these, I'm very interested to see their development.


Thanks, Koondense. I'd say go ahead and pop a couple anyway:biggrin:, unless you want to do a big selection. I think Sir Doobs wants to see them grown by many in many different ways possible. Could be cool to have a bunch of side by sides going on.

That said, of COURSE Purple PCK x Pam is a good idea. Pretty much always;) nice choice. I been wanting to taste Zam for a while so I opted for PamZam.

Today's nudes; #s 1, 2 and 4 have been above ground a full 24hrs, and number three, the one I thought wouldn't make it, is just poking her head out now. Meanwhile, there's # 5 just shooting a tail in the glass (which is usually covered). So they're gonna be cinco for at least veg. Hell, we'll see. FUll on.

Here da pics. They're under 200w of t5. Badass high output light, but may soon put them in the tent under about the same wattage of LED.

Other news, gonna dump that soil/coco mix I made for fear of the same root aphid problem and go for some Batch64 pioneer or something. Or Lambert's soil mix w/added npk. Not sure yet. Got time;)


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Well-known member
Day 4 - Going faast

Day 4 - Going faast

I'm already getting attached to these hairy legged girls. I love one that faces adversity and shows a real will to live, like #3. Number one has the reddest stem and is slightly darker than the others, other than that, very uniform after a few days under the light. I've got a fan on 'em and they are not going vertical, staying squat. I've also got good humidity for once, running a humidifier almost 24/7 to get to 65-70%. Normal is 10-15.

The alternate bean (#5) having shown its tail is now in the muck 2 days. Should be up by tomorrow, my guess. First five pics are feb 18, second five feb 19. DOn't want to spam with pics, just got closer shots the 18th.

*side note; went on a CO dispensary run for a friend who wanted edibles for post surgery recovery, so of course I took advantage of the situation to grab a few cheap grams; 2 of NYC sour diesel (real nice, just smoked some - eyes very heavy but good vibes), 1 of Bruce Banner (rolling it now - OG x Strawberry cough) and a gram of pitch black Skywalker OG. I haven't smoked this kinda stuff in a year, so after a heavy week, I'm pretty happy sitting here too stoned to be in public;)


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ACE Seeds Breeder
Hi deepwaterdude :)

Thanks for the kind words and for starting a grow diary about the new Zamaldelica x Kali China hybrid, i have big hopes on this cross! Best wishes!


Well-known member
Zam x KC fem @1 week life. Looking Zam?

Zam x KC fem @1 week life. Looking Zam?

This is of course my pleasure, Dubi. One good turn deserves another;) The Sour Diesel I had the other day was very nice, so I have been salivating over this cross, and the Malawi x PCK, nice strong hybrids.

Here they are 22 feb, 1, 2, 4 are one week, 3 is 5 days or so, 5 is 3 I think. Soil is too acidic; I pHd the runoff and it was at 6.1-6.3, so I need to correct their soil up a bit. Could be why they look so light green, or not;) Just gave them a bit of Great White with their water and got it right at 6.8.

Syd, did yours look like this little?

I'm excited about the batch64 coco mixes I found. Last two pics are their ingredients. I will mix 1/1ratio. + top dress with the heavier one from time to time. They'll be auto-watered with the blumat system, just pHd RO.

*In other news, hugely impressed with the screw in LED grows, spugg, Terp and other's. I finally cracked the diffusers off the 6 I have and wow, they are bright as hell for the little things they are (14, 15 and 17watt "bulbs"). I think I'll set them up in the tent for veg;) I'll take a pic when they're up. Need another 4-6 of these for my 3x3 (correct me if wrong), then I'll put my LED panel 2 ft above the canopy so they'll get added spectrum. That compact Malawi and Zam grow with these convinced me.:biggrin:


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Well-known member
Lighting changeup 2/22

Lighting changeup 2/22

Giving these screw-in LEDs a go with the 160w Hydrogrow 2' above. Total wattage of the 6 leds is 90w. So now we have 250w of the very intense directional LED light, as opposed to the more diffused 4ft 200w t-5 ficture, even if it is badass high output and all. Heat mat still on as temps are low, but buffered by a couple of towels.

Judging by spuggs' great success in his 2x2, I should be able to cover the 3x3 footprint with 16 or so of these plus the overhead panel. It's an outlay of 50-100clams, but I gain a room/house in which there's no jet engine can fan running 24/7, dealing with high wattage lights and heat output... I'll run max a 200w air intake in a ventilated room with an open tent. I may end up circulating more air, but not until it's really important. Just open a skylight and crack a window and it's a wind tunnel;)

I realize this is overkill at the moment for 5 seedlings; I could just put one of the screw-ins on each and be fine at the moment, but I'm a curious sort, I've always loved playing with LEDs, saving money, simplifying etc, and i find these elegant, bright as hell and the plants dig 'em.


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Well-known member
Those screw in LEDs are great I been using for seedlings too nice set up DWDUDE happy babies. B


Well-known member
Day 12-new baby, because hey, can't stop.

Day 12-new baby, because hey, can't stop.

Those screw in LEDs are great I been using for seedlings too nice set up DWDUDE happy babies. B

Thanks for the kind words, Buddler;) these are nice, fat little girls, seem to be liking them. I didn't put them closer than 10" because of the overhead, which has 3w diodes and is more than enough already.

The Zam x KC are very uniform at this point, so I won't look too closely until flower, when they'll probably show some distinct character. I can say they're thriving in some colder temps than I'd like and growing well every day. I've upped the light schedule to 17.5hrs on, to keep 'em squat and discourage any sort of early flower. They've all got that wrinkly leaved look that could be from heating the root zone a little too intensely at times, cooking some tender roots maybe after watering, which is every 3-4 days at the moment after letting them get very light.

The new baby is just for a lark; might be california orangebud seeds I got in an outdoor batch from south of France. Very nice hybrid with great orange terps. It's cold as a witches' tit in her room, but she's in a south facing window and'll probably get eaten or peed on by a cat in the next week. Variety (and surprise) are the spice of life, eh?

Here's da proof. Edit: Anyone know how to remove a pic?


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Well-known member
2 week headshots

2 week headshots

Doing well, growing exponentially. Gonna be a good week numba 3. Getting pure water today as they're getting very light. Ph 6.9. Only 1,2 and 4 are 2 weeks, 3 is a couple days behind, whereas 5 is about a week. I've had my eye on #2 from the start as a squat, vigorous babe, whereas 1 and 4 are starting to look more alike, taller, slightly thinner leaved. 3 follows in their footsteps, but who knows anything until flower;) Believe it or not, almost time to top the eldest.

The small tent is keeping me reasonable; mainlining for four tops each for either 16 or 20 total, or 16 with the 4 eldest and numba 5 going for it in the middle, untopped or topped once in case height too much, should I keep all five. The Panama that inhabited this 3x3 up until a few weeks ago had 16 and it was pretty full in there. It'll also be easier to train plants in separate pots, so I'm thinking the final configuration out. Dats it.


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Beautiful babies!I was going to ask when you'll top,but as you said it should be soon for mainlining...Having a solid plan is a great thing ,I would like to have topped earlier,too.


Well-known member
Thanks, syd, I looked in on your bitches (where's tangwena?) this AM and wow, they look stellar. They remind me of my healthy outdoor beginnings last year. As for mine today, for some reason they look huge. Prolly because I heated better at night. 3rd week so no more heatpad.

So, yes, topping 1, 2 and 4 tomorrow at 3rd node. I'll give them a few days to recover, maybe week, then pinch off anything below that when the two shoots off node 3 are long enough to tie down. Then they get topped in their turn, I let those four shoots develop until the manifold is woody and flower away. I've decided to use the big container I'd planned on for 3 plants; two mainlined in back corners and #5 in front center (center of the tent) fed by 2 blumats. Then the other two mainlined in 3 gal with one blumat each at the front.