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2015 Meteor Shower Thread


Active member
Perseids are coming folks, and it's gonna be stellar.

The wife and I were in the backyard last night having a campfire, enjoying the rural life. When I saw the brightest meteor I have ever seen. It looked more like a firework. Then I realized it was August and that was part of something bigger....

This year the Perseids will peak on Wednesday the 12th, however they are visible now and will be for the next 2 weeks.

Get out side, smoke some cannabis or do some dabs, and check this out.


Rubbing my glands together
Looking forward to it myself. Has been to cloudy to see it the past 2 years and is goi g to be cloudy on the 12th but clear after that. Hopefully it won't be as. Lousy as they are saying. Very often wrong on the forecast here


if it smells like fish
cool will check it out ..maybe a late night on the lake again ...like I need a reason....yeehaw..this is trouts month ...leo...I still have 3 hits of acid saved...


Well-known member
With a new moon it could be a wonderful show. This is caused by the Earth traveling thru a debris field left by the comet Swift Tuttle who's last orbit around the sun was in 1992.

It's next orbit will not be until 2126.

However, I was fortunate to be in the right time and place to see the peak of the 1993 Perseid Shower. A true shower, the Earth was traveling thru the freshly laid debris field. At midnight there was a meteor a minute. By one AM three a minute And it just kept on getting better all the way to dawn. As the sky was getting light meteors could still be seen in the Western sky. By that time they were falling who knows how many a second. I could not even begin to count.

I think if your really lucky, you get one of those in your lifetime. I got mine and it is something I will remember til' my death.

I hope this one will be your once in a lifetime.


Well-known member
I had one of those. Years ago I was in Northern Michigan during the Perseids. My room had a balcony facing the right direction and there was no light pollution. I sat there for hours drinking wine and smoking joints just thinking it couldn’t have been planned any better.


Looking forward to watching the showers over Lake Superior in a couple of weeks, no light pollution. I'll miss the peak probably but with the dark skies should still be good viewing. Punto Rojo, Perseids, and Gitche Gumee. Hell yeah. Hell yeah.


Active member
Really good viewing tonight, seems they are viawable in clusters, see 3 or 4 in 15 seconds, then none for 30-45.


Active member
I swear this was why last night's Phish show was so amazing....anyway, on the way home while driving on the highway I saw a great shooting star and then a green shooting star when I got close to home.

Completely sober, by the way. This was not one of those nights where i saw the shooting stars. haha.


Active member
Geminds Tonight, Thanks to 1.618 for the reminder. Should be some good ones!


Active member
i'm in southern US, what quadrant of the sky will they seem to be coming from? i am constellation illiterate, LOL! :tiphat:

Look to the eastern/northeastern sky around 9pm. (If it's cloudy then, really anytime over the next few days when tis dark and clear)
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Well-known member
Look to the eastern/northeastern sky around 9pm. (If it's cloudy then, really anytime over the next few days when tis dark and clear)

figures. that is straight over all the damn lights in town. gonna have to leave the porch to see...:tiphat:


Active member
ICMag Donor
While driving thru the country the other night...I saw a large falling
star streak across the night sky, then break into two before suddenly
disappearing......No sooner had the meteor broke, it vanished.
It was an awsome sight.