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2012 gorilla, shooting for 10 LBS.


Active member
Hey all.

I've been growing in the same outdoors spot for a few seasons now. This year I want to add screen and cause a mini outdoor scrog.

I am planning for 10 plants and would be more then happy if I yield 10lbs. This soil is one of a kind in my books and has only been improved over the last two seasons I've used it.

This year I amended with fresh compost and forest leafs, kelp, alflafa, rock phosphates, azomite, dry molasses, and a pinch of lime (about 2 weeks ago). This spot is super unique because the soil stays moist on it own due to a near by marsh land. I never have had to worry about watering the last two seasons I've used the spot and the plants I grew were easily 10-11 feet tall. Just fucking massive. I had to use a damn Christmas tree saw to cut them down.

Anyway, In my area I have to be fearful of frost, I have to plan the season right so I don't plant to early and get hit with the last frost or let them go to late and get snowed on or forst.

My strains are going to be, Pure Power plant and Sour Diesel. I usually let plants go until the 3rd or 4th week of October but of course that is all weather permitting.

My goals for this grow are to keep it simple, keep it organic, and yield enough to pay off my debts so I can move to Colorado bills free.

Ill post some pictures soon. I started vegging late like a fool so I may have to wait 2 weeks until they are ready to be put outdoors.

My main concerns are pest and stupid deer along with other Human beings of course. I try to make my grows blend in with there surroundings really well. This year I will be adding small screens which of course automatically means these plants were put there by someone. I have always in the past planted in a manor that if someone was to walk up on the plants for whatever reason they would assume the just grew naturally. Ehhh well that is the hope!

here are some plants from previous seasons.





(I love this picture)


Active member
Cool, how did you do for yield last year? Did you take the power plant and sd down at the same time?

I've only grew two plants the last two years getting a solid feel for the spot. Both plants gave me a LB a piece and I didnt do any type of training like I want to do this year.

I never grown PPP or Sour Diesel outdoors so I dont know what to expect but I feel like I will get some killers with the PPP.

I wouldnt doubt if I get 1 or 2 PPP plants with close to two LBS on them. I would shit my self silly.


Active member
I got faith, good luck to ya. Are you hoping for a 10 pound plant, or 10 pounds overall?

Just 10 lbs overall. I'm setting my standards low so I can get everything done I want out of it and in return move to a state a state that always it. Although I would still be weary as fuck about the Fed. Gov. Its risky but Im going for it. If I can pull this off I will be the happiest person in the world.

Its the green rush! Nothing better then the free power of mother nature to grow you some of the most beautiful plants in the world.

Buddah Watcha

Well-known member
Hey Benny, seems like a solid plan and very doable!

I would reconsider the SCROG... sun is so intense that you might be able to achieve better results just topping/super cropping/lst the shit outta your plants instead of installing a screen!

Either way, I'm pulling a seat for this one!

Good luck!


Active member
Ya man its funny you say that because this whole time Im wondering if it is feasible. I bought some smaller square tomato cages which is all I plan to do for training. I plan to heavily top and bend.

The more and more I think about it Im down to hear any ideas! I havent planted yet and am still in the final idea phase of final thoughts and decisions. We only get one chance a year!

I hope the best year for all outdoor farmers out there. Especially you Cali folks because thats gotta be the best experience in the world! So much excitement and preparation for the end results, this is my favorite time of year.

Hey Benny, seems like a solid plan and very doable!

I would reconsider the SCROG... sun is so intense that you might be able to achieve better results just topping/super cropping/lst the shit outta your plants instead of installing a screen!

Either way, I'm pulling a seat for this one!

Good luck!


Active member
And here are the plants. Vegging at 18/6. Not all of them are for the outdoor grow, only 10 of them. So I will pick the best looking girls at that time. They are all clones from momma plants so I dont have to worry about sex. (I have some veggies in there too so don't be alarmed!)

I have to keep them smaller before I plant outdoors because I like to be able to really conceal them during traveling and large plants inhibit that.

It is also a risk another risk because smaller plants do pose a greater chance of dying do to pesty animals that seem to love eating the shit out of these plants or stamping them out. LOL.

I usually place out a box of mothballs and try to pee when I am out there and it seems to do the trick.

(The plant in the blue cup is a sweet heirloom sun flower. The are supposed to achieve heights of 12-14ft so I want to baby this sunflower in my front yard this year and just see how huge I can grow it with ACT teas and the liking)


Good luck Benny. Try not to think to much about the money. Concentrate on the plants and love them everything else will be. I would reconsider SCROGing. Some positive karma for you!

I'm also planting PPP this year. From seed though.

PS: You're very lucky to have such spot :)


Active member
Good luck Benny. Try not to think to much about the money. Concentrate on the plants and love them everything else will be. I would reconsider SCROGing. Some positive karma for you!

I'm also planting PPP this year. From seed though.

PS: You're very lucky to have such spot :)

Thank you for the kind words and your absolutely right. Are you going to be running your PPP outdoors as well? Id be interested in hearing about your plans if you dont mind sharing. Thanks again for the good karma. Best of luck to you too!
A few growers on here lay down 5 x 5 screens ON THE GROUND, and then use them to tie the plants down to it, haven't seen pics but sounds killer & have thought about doing it myself.

What sour are you running? ECSD or Rez's ibl? I'll be running a lot of ECSD outdoors this year, it's not so much by choice as it is the fact that the shlt is just SOOOO easy to root that I ended up with an abundance of them.
plants and spot look lovely benny!, get us a photo of that soil :D
i wish you the best for this season you are about to have, and am looking forward to it all coming to fruition.

stay safe.


Thank you for the kind words and your absolutely right. Are you going to be running your PPP outdoors as well? Id be interested in hearing about your plans if you dont mind sharing. Thanks again for the good karma. Best of luck to you too!

Yes, I only do outdoors. There are less worries, you don't have to look after them, pest control is nature itself... Basically I have more freedom this way and I rip benefits of smoking better quality imo. I preveged in previous years until plants were 2 months old, sexed and all but not this time. Carrying big plants to woods isn't stealthy in my book and I'm trying to put them out as soon as possible this year. I can take a ride with mtnbike and store all plants/seedlings into a rucksack (20 - 30 pcs) per trip. I'm looking for a timeframe with some rain atm so transplanting go as smooth as possible.
What worries me is wildlife and small seedlings. I'm thinking about caging them but that's just more shit to carry into the woods. I believe the key is to put them out as soon as other wild plants start shooting out of the ground so animals have lots of other food to eat. I'll probably do it in stages so I can check what's going on with the ones I already planted and not loose all seedlings.

I've never transplanted into the woods so early. We'll see.

I'm also planing a male patch. I'll separate males once they're identified and carry them to a special patch. Than I'll decide what males to choose for making beans.

One thing I've noticed about PPP is exceptional vigor. Seeds popped hours after I placed them in moist cotton and wanted to grow.

If time permits I have some more things to test this year.
Nepalese Highland x F13
Deep Chunk
Kush x Jack Herer
Kush x Blockhead
C99 x DC

So many things to test so little time to dig and prepare holes :D


Active member
Thanks for the good words everyone :tiphat:.

I am thinking around the 20th of this month the weather should be permitting to allow me to plant outdoors. Only time will tell though. I feel the frost is over but it still gets in the low 40s at night. It just a waiting game. I believe the 20th though.


Active member
When I dug my holes I didnt add all my amendments yet because I didnt have them all together.

What the holes did receive was:

rock phosphates
food grade diatomaceous earth
dry molasses
blood/bone meal
bat guano/ 2 types n/pk

When I transplant the girls I will add to the top layer soil:

Crab meal
fish meal
cottom seed meal
neem seed meal
oyster shell

and using cotton burr as a mulch

These girls will have everything they need to get huge! Im stoked!

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