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2011 Outdoor 50 200gal smartpots


Active member
^^^^^^ all mine (7 two footers)went out from 18/6 in april last year. Only one flowered early and IMO that wasnt cos the change from 18/6 to whatever, it just flowered earlier than the other strains I had out. Worried so much about this, I lowered my main and largest plants light to 15 hours light to avoid flowering when put out and it flowered in the closet, hiked it back up to 24 hours FML(in effort to reveg, this was a month before put out) then I put her out in april in this limbo of flower non flower. stressed to shit she flowered immediately when i put her out. Aside from that all my 18/6 plants waited till the end of summer to bloom, except that one I mentioned that flowered earlier (midsummer) I expected my ladies to flower and not get big, I ended up with plants 3 times the size I excpected, It became a problem at my family members house I had them at so I had to U haul them to my house!!!! on top of that, the caterpillar, but now im ranting. cross fingers for a better next yr!

LOL when the guy realizes all those pallets arent going to a hydroponic distributor:laughing:

Aero is the run solely AK? or are you trying something else with your 600 gallon jiant. Sorry if you already said but what are the source of the gen's, clone only? clone from seedstock? Peace:tiphat:


Active member
LOL everyones saying how expensive the shit is? did you not hear his estimate yield for his 600 galon? that one plant would pay for the entire grow lol! please correct me if im wrong. ten pounds at 2000 a pound a lowball estimate would make 20k? isnt that large enough to take care of the bill? Lol, your ambition outlives peoples dreams.


Aero dont mess with a 600 gallon.. Thats a waste. Its all about how wide the pot is, no need for it to be more than 18" deep. But you know that already of course.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
You're not worried about the effects of putting them out from an 18/6 light cycle?
nope never had a problem going from 18/6 to outside light cycle... last year i brought the light down to 16/8 before they went out just so it was a little more adjusted.

LOL everyones saying how expensive the shit is? did you not hear his estimate yield for his 600 galon? that one plant would pay for the entire grow lol! please correct me if im wrong. ten pounds at 2000 a pound a lowball estimate would make 20k? isnt that large enough to take care of the bill? Lol, your ambition outlives peoples dreams.
That 1 600gal will and should take care of most the bill lol
Aero dont mess with a 600 gallon.. Thats a waste. Its all about how wide the pot is, no need for it to be more than 18" deep. But you know that already of course.

You can customize the smartpots if you call the company... 600gals only 24" deep will be my recommendation... i want them as tall as the 200gals bc no animals fucked with them.


Any plans for training? I understand this is a guerilla op, but with smart pots and pallets of soil maybe you'll throw some scrog screens over the girls? You must be dreaming of trees :)


I was thinking of using smart pots this year and was wondering if the roots grow out da bottom?

No I believe they get "air pruned" They grow out of the pot and then just kinda die off? Not sure I've seen/read looked at them but never used them in the field. If the bottom of the pot was on dirt it seems to me they would grow through the holes in the pot and continue into the ground.


Active member
Im pretty sure they grow through the bottom. The bottom of the pot is going to be moist as well as the earth below it, so theres no air to prune it really, it just grows down through the pot like roots grow through peat pots, I dont see how it could be any different really.


ya thats what i thought that they would just grow out the bottom. will use this year for my outdoor grow. i currntly use air pots for my indoor grow.


I’m God’s solider, devil’s apostle
Any plans for training? I understand this is a guerilla op, but with smart pots and pallets of soil maybe you'll throw some scrog screens over the girls? You must be dreaming of trees :)

Proper training and a good support system using hortitrellis netting and 8' stakes. Will use about 25' of hortitrellis netting per plant


lover of all things hashlike
we are also contemplating 200 gal smart pots for this season.

2 questions i pose.

Are they indeed worth it?

what about home assembly? could a seamstress easily make these bags given the correct material?
(landscape fabric)?

i appreciate any assistance.


Thanks for reference AG.
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Just a little numbers run down for those thinking that 10 lbs will pay for an outdoor grow this size. this was my expenses last year. nor cal prices and low balling some estimates.

soil 15 pallets FFOF@ 550-8250$
smartpots 70-200g @ 40-2800$
water rezy, pumps, hoses, wands~1000$
nutrients, guano 5000$
trimming 200lb@250ea-50,000$

then I had some labor costs that may or may not be associated with this grow, 40,000 to helpers(cause i run several indoors as well i need help on the hill) 75,000 to land owners, and another 3500 in tree cutting costs.

this didn't even include things like emergency rain cover in oct cost another G, food gas and shelter to camp and guard the shit cost several Gs..dehumidifiers and drying rooms, harvest supplies like turkey bags, sisscors, loppers, rubbermaid bins, feeding the trimmers, plus TAX, etc etc etc.

lots more than meets the eye.

heres a pic of one of the gardens with 40 of the 70 smartpots/root trappers


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