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2011 Great Lakes Grow....


I went to that site for Rothbury '08. The forest is incredible especially if you like getting dosed. I wasn't a fan of the Electric Forest lineup so I didn't attend but i'd love to go back to that ranch sometime. I just got back from Camp Bisco, damn that was fun.
some great lakes outdoor action...

some great lakes outdoor action...

pic is about 3 weeks old now.... time for some new ones lol



I'll update pixs real soon...Its been HOT AS HELL & the plants are taking up water & nutes like crazy...BUT..The wildlife is starting to look for the REAL LUSH stuff... a real catch 22... Varmints...Going to water & Take Pixs..Peace Mates...


Maybe someone here can help, I've been spotting for next years grow and I found a site that would be perfect, along the way I found a fallen tree that had scratch marks. They looked like it could just be an animal trail and those are several scratches over time, but I've also seen what a curious bear can do to a stash of growing materials during spring before you get to them.

the log was only 3ft off the ground and the scratch's were surface deep. If there are just alot of racoons, fine, more chicken wire. but bears are a no fly zone lol.

PS. great plants slider! I'm jealous you only have to walk to your backyard :p


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Nice grow slider, are u planting in ground at all or they stay in pots?

Niggle, those look like lynx or bobcat scratches where they climb over log on trail

too small for bear IMO...Besides black bears are not gunna hurt you...


I've worked near bears along time ago while doing actual job related work, and I wouldn't be afraid of walking up to one, but they would destroy my grow supplies in spring since I'll be stashing them early winter....

I asked a friend who hunts in the area and he told me it most likely was racoon's trails.

The Boys

Damn! when i saw the pic you posted a week ago i thought your plants were looking pretty unimpressive but obviosly thing have picked up! Lookin good.


Active member
Wow looking already big here :)

This grow is kickin' man!
Plants looks realy enjoying the summer :)

Peace :rasta: