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Cowboys have been shitty thus far, well their offense is raking up plenty of yards, but its not equating into points on the field,... Their offensive line, now healthy, looks fine,Their kicking woes of the past, do not look to be fixed, at all...Not only has David Beuhler missed 2 of 4 FG's, he has not had a touch back on kickoffs all year...last year he led the NFL, as a rookie.....
I do, honestly think, they will get it figured out and still make the playoffs, if not win the NFC East still.....BUT.....BUT, this weekends game vs, the Texans will tell the tale...If they lose, its pretty much over, If they win, it can be a start of a great season....
After this year, i hope to see Jason Garrett go, he has no identity to give this team whats-o-ever....Wade Phillips, is a GREAT Defensive coach, but Head Coach, he is not, I like the guy, but he has no discapline and his team shows it on the field.... I say Dan Reeves, or Jeff Fischer, please help, Hope to see one of them as the Head Coach Of THE Dallas Cowboys!
Cowboys WILL win this Sunday against the Houston Texans, bet on it, they are 3 point dogs on the road, but will win.. Take the points and put some money on The 'Boys.
Cowboys 36 - Texans 24
Another freebie... The Cowboys will make it to the playoffs....
Have a good season, and death to the Skins, (even though, Shanihan and the new GM have done a damn fine job at turning this team around in such a small amount of time.)


Don't Drone Me, Bro!
ICMag Donor
The Boys are really stinking it up this year. Houston looks really good. This game is getting close to do or die for Wade Phillips IMO. Jerry wants the Boys in the Super Bowl in his new stadium this year.

Oh one more thing......

WHO DAT??!! ;)

Cowboys are overated every year. Aikman, Emmitt and Irvin are long gone bro. Wade Phillips looks like he just stumbled in off a bar stool half the time lol. You guys are done
Bear Down. Really excited about MNF Packers/Bears. After beating the Cowboys I am feeling real good about beating the Packers. Clay Matthews is going to be trouble.


Tony Romo, the most over rated qb in history. not to say that he won't one day fill somebodies expectations in the qb slot but that time isn't now.

americas team my butt, the cowgirls suck.


OK so on Wednesday Oct 20th the yearly players vote came in and most are in agreement with me, Tony Romo is the most over-rated qb in the game (this year anyway) -- this was done right before his injury btw.

In a poll of 269 NFL players released on Wednesday by Sports Illustrated, Owens was named most overrated by 14 percent of respondents, far outdistancing Tony Romo (7 percent), Mark Sanchez (5 percent), Albert Haynesworth (5 percent) and Eli Manning (4 percent).

and now they're 1 & 6 almost halfway through the season, get out your forks folks the Cowboys are done.


1 & 7 and Jerry Jones is claiming 'heads are gonna roll' only problem as I see it is that his Boy Blunder Romo sits on the sidelines looking somewhat blameless even though the team won't ever be fixed until he's gone or matured and who's got time for that.