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2010/2011 Butane List For BHO Newbies


Just Call me Urkle!!
That's nice! I definitely am getting a glass extractor for my next batch of trim when I finish the run I just started and I'll have a bunch of grape koolaid tasting trim so the oil should be interesting. I'll have some OG trim to do also.....

Here is the glass on glass one ambertrich mentioned and is what I'm going to go for unless I find and better one cheaper... Thanks ambertrich!




These essential oil extractor tubes are made right here in Humboldt by Humboldt Honey Extractor llc.

These are the best on the market, ask anyone who owns one!!

The difference between this design and the others that i have seen around is simply the double ended glass on glass tube..as most have one open end and then a tiny hole on the other end...i used to make mine that way until recently,...i got fed up w/ trying to poke at all the matter to get it out between running consecutive batches one after the other....so i thought it would make more sense to have a double ended open tube so that you can just push the matter right out either side QUICKLY and EASY.
Each end has a male joint w/ a tiny hole just like the other designs, one end for the nozzle as shown below, and the other for drainage...the drainage end can be tight packed, or has room for torn coffee filters to be placed if desired.

The design for these oilers truely is the best i have seen yet...although i am making a larger extractor and it will be ready in the near future...

**These rigs assembled are just at 11 inches.....all 18mm fittings.It comes w/ keck clips on each joint(2 per rig) The tube rests on the clips when not in use or just chillin'...as seen in pic...
Each rig comes w/ 8inch stuff tube, a nozzle end, a drain/filter end,two keck clips, and even the small nozzle that fits the end....6 piece sets.

**Humboldt Honey Extractors llc makes products solely for the process of extracting LEGAL essential oils, and are not responsible or liable for any misuse of product.
Buyer/Owner/User assumes full responsibility for compliance of laws and safety procedures.
Use at your own risk.
Be safe.


Just Call me Urkle!!
I think that glass on glass is just AWESOME, just like the creator I was getting tired of poking the trim out of my turkey baster with a shishkabobb stick and his design is perfect for easily removing the material.


honey oil addict
i've heard that design isnt the best actually. it has a flaw in that it has to be packed tight and full or both gong joints dont seal perfect, and it leaks. makes sense. i like the idea of the replaceable top section tho, those break once in awhile.


Active member
was this entire thread even needed ? there are already plenty of accurate information on what to do with BHO .... this Thread is going to confuse people and pump them full of whack ass information..... I'd use a SS turkey Baster any day over those piece of shit glass tubes.... if your using a kabob stick to pack it in....you need to go grab a mag lite...i can stuff almost an ounce into one....


Just Call me Urkle!!
Bro I aint packin my shit with the stick I use a wooden spoon and I too can pack close to a zip in my baster... This thread isn't confusing at all what was confusing was all the old threads with "old" cans of butane I don't see around town...


this thread is confusing...

i understand your intentions are good, however the validity of your information is questionable

your info comes from personal experience and "some dude", or a couple individuals

i know some dudes that think NEON is the best. honest to god they think its better than vector. i also have another dude i know that absolutely hates POWER butane. go figure.

we recommend vector/lucienne/colibri because they are still in production and there are a good number of members who have sprayed vector, lucienne, or colibri for YEARS as well as completed and documented mirror tests for purity. many process concentrates as medication for truly sick individuals so there is great importance placed on purity

the BHO for dummies thread is good because it has step by step instructions as well as information on assessing the purity of the butane being used:

it's not your fault if these brands are not easily accessible locally. however i know for fact multiple sellers sell vector on eBay so it's not entirely impossible to get ahold of. if budget/cutting costs is your concern, i advise switching methodology altogether (Bubblebags, QWISO, Acetone HO) and not cut costs on the solvent.

what would be helpful is if you were to purchase alternate brands and perhaps do some sort of testing other than simply personal taste preference, some of us are more sensitive than others when detecting impurities.


i've heard that design isnt the best actually. it has a flaw in that it has to be packed tight and full or both gong joints dont seal perfect, and it leaks. makes sense. i like the idea of the replaceable top section tho, those break once in awhile.

Can you recommend a good glass extractor?


IMO for glass id say one end sealed 32 or 38mm bore (might wanna bump the di if going longer than 12") with can injection hole and flared mouth to anchor ziptie/hoseclamp


I like the vector ones the best. I have a Rev Oiler which is a pretty good tool, I dont really see a difference between that and a turkey baster though, you can see the butane shooting through with the glass extractor. And you dont need to be outside the whole time, I usually do it until the butane is not liquid anymore then move it inside on top of a double boiler.

If you can Id suggest going out to the nearest HS/tobacco store to check the butane it might be a better price. Locally vector is 5 bucks a can.


Active member
Hey denvermmj, have you had a chance to use your glass extractor tube yet. That is the one I have and I love it. Is very easy to pack, nice butane tip adapter(no spary everywhere), easy to clean and no rubber to give a nasty taste. Small enough to run a batch at any time, can run multiple runs back to back if have a lot of product.
Hell, its just cool to look at. Definition of functional glass.

Thundurkel, did you give the glass extractor a go? Interested to see your results and how you like it if you did.

Good luck everyone, have fun but be careful




Ello guys, I just got a can of this stuff, it says it contains less than 30 ppm of impurities, and I believe it's triple filtered. Do you think it'll work or should I wait until I find something better? Also, I have the okief tube and an 8oz can of the butane, how much butane should I use for one extraction?