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2009 Southern Guerilla


Im sorry to hear that. My best wishes to you and the family. We just loss my grandfather three days ago. Just remember with evey loss there is renowed life.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Yeah its pretty much sunk in. Though I still can't believe he's dead. He was cremated so there was no "viewing", weird shit in my opinion.

I pollinated my 3 female indicas with several different indica males. I dont think they should reveg since I vegged them on 18/6, but we'll see.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Well I've knocked up my 3 female indicas with pollen from the 5 males. This morning I checked the 3 females and they're pregnant! :D Starting to push trichomes too.

Here in the next few days I'll hit 14+ hours of daylight per day and Summer Solstice is about 5 weeks away. The indicas were vegged under 18/6, we'll see if they reveg before I can harvest ripe seed. I've pollinated all 3 plants top to bottom, not looking to harvest sensi bud. Lots of seed heading my way. :joint:

Today I get paid(new job), so it'll be this weekend or the next by the time I get some more plots prepped and setup.

Two days ago I sprayed down my plants with neem oil, some of them have minor damage from leaf hoppers. Should be good for a couple weeks. :D


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Well I said I had knocked up my indicas....

I just hope the seeds ripen if and when these girls reveg.

#1 indica female and a male in a pot getting root bound


Largest indica female -


and then the smallest -



looking good except the mite problem, isnt chucking fun, wait till ya grow out a keeper from those seeds


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I sprayed neem oil on them about a week ago I suppose(scroll up :p ) Since then there hasnt been any new damage to the plants.

Not really intending to chunk, I just want to see all the traits of these males. I have had some of my F1s get pollinated that are less than 100feet away.

All 30 of my F1 seeds that I had soaking in water have popped and are now in trays, waiting to break the surface and reach for the sky. :D Also found a couple seeds from my F1s that apparently hermied, i didnt see any balls... hrm? So these few seeds should be feminized. I have popped one and put it in its own pot.
Pictures when they all break the surface.

I know its a bit late to start seeds but oh well, I need to find a few decent males to make an F2 cross.


I sprayed neem oil on them about a week ago I suppose(scroll up :p ) Since then there hasnt been any new damage to the plants.

Not really intending to chunk, I just want to see all the traits of these males. I have had some of my F1s get pollinated that are less than 100feet away.

All 30 of my F1 seeds that I had soaking in water have popped and are now in trays, waiting to break the surface and reach for the sky. :D Also found a couple seeds from my F1s that apparently hermied, i didnt see any balls... hrm? So these few seeds should be feminized. I have popped one and put it in its own pot.
Pictures when they all break the surface.

I know its a bit late to start seeds but oh well, I need to find a few decent males to make an F2 cross.

I just started some more seeds also. I usually don't start em this late...let's hope they do well. Your plants are looking really healthy:D


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
June 22nd 2009

June 22nd 2009

Okay so it's been awhile again since I've posted to this thread.

Pictures are of female plants only.

First 3 pics are Afghanis (ibl indica)

Then comes my unknown polyhybrid F1s


This is my largest plant. I should of had several of these, but..... maybe next year.

So far the rain has been good to my plants, no longer in a drought condition here. :woohoo:

Only one plant is having a noticeable pest problem. I was having problems with caterpillars but between hand picking and using neem oil I think they're all dead(for now). Now its leaf hoppers and some bug that leaves a silky? white mess on the leafs/stems.

Either way this is looking better than my 1st and last grow.

Also I have pretty much abandoned(due to lack of time) fertilizing with urine and black strap molasses.

I intend to resume feeding them black strap molasses at least mid way into flowering or before then.


I have some of those lil white bugs. They make a nice white mess in my buds. Annoying lil bastards!

Your grow is looking good so far.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I have some of those lil white bugs. They make a nice white mess in my buds. Annoying lil bastards!

Your grow is looking good so far.

Thanks BigTex. I wish I started more from seed in April. But I should yield more than I did last year.

Tomorrow I'm going to throw out some clones and keep doing such until August, try to have a staggering harvest of sorts.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor

Well I've mailed off 200 Afghani seeds for Freebies or the Server Fund.
Plan on donating more seed, depending on people's interest in them.

In other news, its HOT! :(
Plants are doing well though, appears more drought / heat tolerant than most of the natural vegetation.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I'm shutting down my veg/clone area. Thinking about setting up a little veg/clone cab later on. Something more proper than having to go into the crawl space to check on clones. :D

This means I'll be putting my clones outdoors tomorrow. Still not exactly sure where, have a few ideas....

Should have pics posted up probably soon after the 4th of July. I'm off to lug gallons of water to my girls. :wallbash:


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Well I've shut down my veg area, put all my plants(clones) out into the bush.

Total plant count is around 20+. Roughly 3 times as many as I had last year. Not the size I'd like them to be, but eh its a learning experience. :D I'm going to eat something and I'll try to take pics and post them later on today.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor

So I've neglected my plants far too much.

But here are some pics from August 1st

August 15th -


Afghanis -

Lighter green plants in bottom left of pics are my F1 clones

I trimmed a bit off the one below, desperate times... :1help:


Those guys look a little lonely! Security first though for sure bro! I hope everything works out there for you in the outside. Don't let the neglect deter you friend, just hang out for that shit. And everyone around here gets desperate from time to time, other than the OG's lol


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
I just collected some seeds off my F1s and had a pin head sized piece of fingertip hash. :D

Here are two pics I took last week.

F1 -

Afghani -