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2009 Southern Guerilla


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Just built a mini-greenhouse.

Just built a mini-greenhouse.

Well I finally got around to building a greenhouse of sorts. It's about 3.5 to 3ft tall, 3ft wide and 8ft deep.

Moved my plants in flower out into the mini greenhouse. Moved my flowering area's timer and one 2700 Kelvin 68watt CFL inside the mini greenhouse. Mainly to help the plants from getting too cold first thing in the morning.



New member
Hello Guerilla I'm alittle north, zone7 have harvested from early sept. to late nov. I have consistently noticed outside the earlier the harvest=less yield.Very important to find a strain that is suited for your area and will be worth the wait.Do they harvest tomatoes twice a year in your area?If so you can flower twice also[spring less dense, watch for leafing of the buds which means you waited to long]Different strains do grow differently Ive had 20 ft totem poles,christmas trees,bushes etc.If you are looking for a particular harvest date you must find the correct strain for your area.Ive waited 5 months for a two oz plant and iv'e waited 5 months for a two lb plant.Good luck and kudo's for greeting me to ic mag.


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
February 24th 2009

February 24th 2009

One of a few pure indica / Afghan seeds sprouting.

First batch of rooted clones and second batch attempting to root...

Only three mature plants left in the veg area.

Left half.

Right half.

End of show for now...


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Seedlings and Flowers

Seedlings and Flowers

Who said fluorescent lighting had to be close to seedlings?

These are Afghan or some pure indica seedlings.

See the seedling?

Oldest plant in flower, what colors do you see?



Just a note on urine after reading the thread

Urine's NPK is

N= 0.5
P= 0.003
K= 0.003

My basic Shultz ferts, etc. has NPK of 10-15-10

Doesn't seem like enough Nitrogen in urine to fool with it to me! I like Chemicals...lol


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Just a note on urine after reading the thread

Urine's NPK is

N= 0.5
P= 0.003
K= 0.003

My basic Shultz ferts, etc. has NPK of 10-15-10

Doesn't seem like enough Nitrogen in urine to fool with it to me! I like Chemicals...lol

I don't know where you got your facts but it sounds off. :D


I got my facts from one of those crazy unreliable people that I get all my crazy info from...

Marijuana Grower's Handbook by Ed Rosenthal, page 91


Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Urine has an average NPK values of 8.06gm N, 0.24gm P and 1.10gm K per litre.

Urine or Urea - yes, human urine is an excellent source of organic nitrogen for compost teas or as a free nitrogen activator for composting (45% N). (NOTE: Unlike human manure, any pathogens, diseases, or other mild toxins in human urine are quickly killed and digested within 24 hours after they escape the human body. Therefore human urine is very safe for all types of composting methods.)

45% nitrogen, sounds about right. :D

Oh and if you need a "Handbook" to grow cannabis, you'll need a lot more help than just a book. :p


Active member
Dude, your F1's lookin fantastic!! Can hardly wait to see how she matures :D


Urine has an average NPK values of 8.06gm N, 0.24gm P and 1.10gm K per litre.


45% nitrogen, sounds about right. :D

Oh and if you need a "Handbook" to grow cannabis, you'll need a lot more help than just a book. :p

Smart ass. I quote renowned marijuana grower to try and give YOU more info, and you insult me.

Looks like you get all your info on great web sites like Garden Web? If you are so damn smart, why bother reading anything on the web. Why don't you write a book.

You posted in MY thread and give me link to YOUR thread. What did you want? I should just stroke your Giant EGO? All I did was give you some info...I didn't criticise your growing methods at all.

I was growing dope long before you were baby kins. Go piss on a plant.



Gotta Smoke 'Em All!
ICMag Donor
Smart ass. I quote renowned marijuana grower to try and give YOU more info, and you insult me.

Looks like you get all your info on great web sites like Garden Web? If you are so damn smart, why bother reading anything on the web. Why don't you write a book.

You posted in MY thread and give me link to YOUR thread. What did you want? I should just stroke your Giant EGO? All I did was give you some info...I didn't criticise your growing methods at all.

I was growing dope long before you were baby kins. Go piss on a plant.


:nanana: haha. :D

Yes Lola, Stroke it. Strokin...

Appreciate the tid bit of info but like I said earlier it doesn't sound correct.

I challenge you to a duel, on guard! :dueling:


You now the rules of dueling, surely.

Since I have been challenged, I get choice of weapons.

Cannons at 100 yards at dawn.

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