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2009..my date with Density..

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Woo woo woo......purple sky! I didnt know you made another strain, sir...what do the parents look like???


Russian Rocket Fuel..Diesel Ryder..LR#2...White Russian...AK-47...
and JEM...

That is why she is going straight through to f3..without passing go
she will be a little mine-field of dominants and crosses..
so if I pass her straight through to f3..

I can go straight to the heart of the action...and start hyb-ing what looks best from there.
There should be a hell of a selection.

(If she was human..it would be like crossing..say..
a chinese..african..english..indian..swede..and an italian..
and saying..what colour/creed will the child be...)

Wey Hey cyber echo..you are out and about m8.....:wave:
Self-coloured m8..well spotted.
I have just put her in the Cup thread against an ALF..
which are high reflective...to show people just that.
The white girls are looking glamorous as usual
Cheers m8.

as i was looking at the trics i saw one that had landed on a tric covered leaf and got stuck and died! I had to laugh as he died a wonderful death, in the fields of BW trics!!
What a way to Go....:dance013:

pipe..have you noticed Any of your DC cross girls that seem to have a light sensitivity..?
I've noticed that the black-line can be a bit stretchy if left in low light conditions..


Mossy, I have purple stalks on one of the ICU's.. Cool looking for sure. This one smells very earthy.


Here is a shot of one of the white ones.. The top of the leaves are almost black.. This one STINKS!!!! Dank sour smell... pungent stink the house up dankness. I took some home to sample, nice beans in her too.
I love seeing how the color shows itself. Some on the under sides of leaves, and other through and through while others are tops of the leaves.


Here are some outdoor jems, cloven pheno.



Hope you don't mind the pics, i just don't have a home for them. Thought you might be interested.


(If she was human..it would be like crossing..say..
a chinese..african..english..indian..swede..and an italian..
and saying..what colour/creed will the child be...)

Guessing a lot like Tiger Woods (Asian, African, European and Native-American descent).

Or much like me! Asian, European & Native-American.
My Asian part: Chinese/Thai; European part: German/Dutch; Native-American part: Choctaw/Cherokee ... I'm one mixed-up mutt! :) Nobody can ever guess. Usually get Hawaiian, Samoan, or at least Pacific Islander of some sorts... or they guess something of some Latin heritage: Puerto Rican, etc...

There was an issue of Time magazine a few years back where they morphed a bunch of portrait pictures and came up with what they say someday most of the world will look like eventually due to all the inter-racial "breeding"


Whooo.hooooo BH....
Guess that makes you the Black Knight then m8......:yay:

I have purple stalks on one of the ICU's..
I thought you would when I saw your last photos.
The deepest purple has deep leaf stem..and often main-stem colour.

The top of the leaves are almost black.. This one STINKS!!!!
Yup...wait until you taste it....:sasmokin: :sasmokin: :sasmokin:

DON'T share with friends...

When I rolled this one back on the JEM line..she became very Mean/small budded..
the leaf cover sort of takes over as they are covered...
in Strenght...
a small pinch of her in a smoke equals a large pinch of most others
she kinda compensates for her small stature with Strength.

Those guerilla are doing damn well too...
Lovely condition m8..after the rubbish weather you have had..
I would call the season a Triumph..

Well Grown..:good:

Back shortly Ty_Kaycha...:tiphat:


Ty_Kaycha..yeah..you get me exactly....:good:

I'm one mixed-up mutt!
I am too.

There was an issue of Time magazine a few years back where they morphed a bunch of portrait pictures and came up with what they say someday most of the world will look like eventually due to all the inter-racial "breeding"

Oh..I would have liked to see that..
I remember reading a study a few years ago which said the Red-haired gene would die out in the world population within 30 years..
and I looked at my family and how the Red gene is multiplying
UP and I find it very hard to believe..

But I hope I am around Then to prove or disprove the Theory..:biglaugh:


I was up top late last night...
and I couldn't resist taking a photo of the girls in their nightware...

Was I in for a shock...:covereyes:

They were wearing enough Diamonte
to make me think they were heading out Clubbing....:party:




Active member

Mossy: the insect that you show I think It isn't bad for our girls however I'm not sure!

I bring news from my AF and super-Af girls:
this is what you told me about the main stem:

as you can see in my semi-auto cross I get good production:
It's a flower of a branch:

On the other hand I don't find since the moment the smell and flavour of the DC... I think it will be the most difficult... We'll continue working...:)

About the super-autos I can tell you that they work really good, I think that they will change the world of growing because the growers will harvest nice productive plants soon.

Here some pics of my girls:










I hope you like them :artist:

Thank you for sharing your work and positive vibrations!


Oh..I would have liked to see that..

The New Face Of America - here's the cover. (WOW really showing my age by being able to remember it. Didn't realize what year it came out! Not quite "a couple of years ago", more like "a couple of decades ago"...)

And I think this was one of the articles: Intermarried...With Children

I remember reading a study a few years ago which said the Red-haired gene would die out in the world population within 30 years...

I seem to remember reading something about that too, same as Blondes - as both are considered the "weaker" genes. Of course there will always be Red heads & Blondes thanks to the wonderful world of hair coloring products - just ask my girlfriend! She's Filipino but she's been everything from Blonde, Brunette, Red-head, and all manner of stripes/streaks/highlights in-between! :)


Well Ty_Kaycha at least your meds must be working well..
when I'm bad the brain-fog is so bad I have trouble remembering who I am...never mind 17 years ago...:biglaugh:

The mock-up was quite a shock..
I'm sure I saw something similar a few years back on a man..and it was totally different.

I wonder what we will all look like in a hundred years..
bet it is not half as pretty as that..

I remember a few months ago reading that 400 million years ago..
(HOW can they date it like that..)
humans interbred with another much hairier..more gorilla like primate..
and they can still identify the genes in 2% of the current population...
Astounding....:look at this:

(so if you ever go clubbing and fancy the bird with the hairy legs..
you are probably part of the 2 %....:monkeyeat..)

:biglaugh: :biglaugh: :biglaugh:

The intermarried link was quite depressing..
it could have been written any time in the last 4 decades IMO..
and nothing has changed.

We hit the religious barriers in our family..
Catholic mom who renounced to marry my dad..
and both sets of grand-parents let their disaproval show to us kids.

It is hard being disaproved of for something you have no control over.

She's Filipino but she's been everything from Blonde, Brunette, Red-head, and all manner of stripes/streaks/highlights in-between!
Weeelllll..you will never get bored......:biglaugh:

My nephew hit the ginger gene and always Hated it..
when he was 16 he became Goth..and dyed his hair Black...
But with a whiter than white complexion and freckles the size of chocolate buttons..
he was never fooling anyone.

Now he just shaves it back to the bone. :D



Bad Betty f1's.
Whites and Colour..
standard 14 inch phenos and 20 inch phenos.


Iron Lungs

looking good mossy! im still on the hunt for a super dark purple. But i am getting alot of purpling showing up in my PC! i will post pics of it when i cut her in a week.


Just shows you how stable the jems are.. They dominate anything you cross it with, i am really impressed with your work mate.

It is like we are working with the same phenos, the icu's look like phenos of the jems you post. Mine didn't get much color on the stems, but it sure does have the red tones. As you can see, i got a few beans from all the icu's. I would like to run them in larger numbers next summer. The colour was a very nice treat this year.:thank you:


I am very anxious to start the bad bettys.. I might just stay exclusive next summer mossy!!! The outdoor breeding you do seems to make your autos very hardy. I am impressed with everything of yours' i put outside. They FAR outdid anything else, it was a good summer to select for hardyness at-least :D. The icu's/jems went through 2 frosts allready, 3rd on the way next week. The mi5 didn't even make it through the 2nd. The snowryder's were a joke outside.. Found my niche OD strain to work with i think.:jump:

The jems could survive in my climate as if they are native to the area. Nothing i have tried outside grew in such cold conditions.



Active member
Just shows you how stable the jems are.. They dominate anything you cross it with, i am really impressed with your work mate.

It is like we are working with the same phenos, the icu's look like phenos of the jems you post. Mine didn't get much color on the stems, but it sure does have the red tones. As you can see, i got a few beans from all the icu's. I would like to run them in larger numbers next summer. The colour was a very nice treat this year.:thank you:


I am very anxious to start the bad bettys.. I might just stay exclusive next summer mossy!!! The outdoor breeding you do seems to make your autos very hardy. I am impressed with everything of yours' i put outside. They FAR outdid anything else, it was a good summer to select for hardyness at-least :D. The icu's/jems went through 2 frosts allready, 3rd on the way next week. The mi5 didn't even make it through the 2nd. The snowryder's were a joke outside.. Found my niche OD strain to work with i think.:jump:

The jems could survive in my climate as if they are native to the area. Nothing i have tried outside grew in such cold conditions.


Im glad to see they perform so well & their resistance to mold and frost is excellent, where abouts are you growing? Im looking for a stable auto strain that can handle the late summers of sweden to be able to do several runs next summer, I have a couple of Icu's...Bb..Bw indoors atm,, It might be the kinds of strains were looking for, what kind of yields are you getting from these ones m8?

There are many stable auto strains out there but once they are outdoors they seem to get stunted in growth by the high temperature drops at night during late summer..

I love the purple colour in them.. beautiful.. :joint::joint:


Active member
@ BH, so the jems dominate anything you cross with it, eh???? well we will jus see how my sourjems turn out.....speechless......


Well so far so good mold wise on the jems. I am not used to this much rain in the fall, so i get a unique season to test for mold.

I am in southern alberta, canada (cow and oil country). Around 58 DL North, my grow spots are about 3000Ft above sea level.
We have had a bizzar summer this year, super wet and cold spring that went on until late july. Aug has been ok, nothing great.
The farmers are hoping for a fall like last year, but we have a week of rain and single digit highs forcast this week. We didn't get ONE!! not one day above 30C this summer..
I personally have never seen such a cold and wet summer.

Here is an example. There has never been a tornado in this area before, until this summer. I got some pics of the funnel clouds comming and going. These never tuched down but kewl to see.

Everything has been subpar as far as autos go! I put out some of mossy's work late june. His stuff is all that is doing anything this season. I plan on running pure mossy stuff next year with a GOOD early start..

The jems, (cloven pheno) are going to yeild in the Oz range. Smaller ones in the 7 gram range. Once i do a good outdoor selection i will be better able to answer the "?" on yeild.

Upto, it sure seems to breed colour into just about anything. I hope you post some info on the cross, some of the jems are sour as it is, you could very well get some very tasty gals from that cross.


hello mate how goes?

f2 on the purple sky now the i see! f3 is going to be the interesting one, the amount of genetics used to make it shes gonna have a shed load of variations! also will be nice to know what i may find once i get there whenever the time may be!

i know you will look after them well my mate:tiphat:

catch up soon

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