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2009..my date with Density..

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ICMag Donor
Thats a warm cozy bud right there.... Autos will always have a market just becuase its hard to wait... Its nice to have blooms throughout the season of course... :) Beautiful!

Well went out to pollinate, everything is kickin ass and takin names out there! Its the location, they all are in a lowland of some sort.. The trees and other vegetation help to maintain cooler soil temps and also moisture... :yes:

Forgot the damn camera was with me in my truck, when going to some of the plots... Got the (OG Kush x Jamaican Jam) x DC) x DC... Was kind of worried with the drought, but these gals are loving it...

A few males came out that were not able to be identified before, and they were all used in open pollination done by shaking and hanging stamenant flowers in fan leaves... :canabis:

These are from the flowers I brought down to the hills and hollars of West Virginia... They were as spectacular as the rugged terrain up yonder and down yander.... I won't forget them easily... Can't wait to see what turns out! :smoke:













You have the luck of the draw on random traits because you See them...
and that is what it is all about.
The Differences.

Its kinda crazy really, its almost as if it just pops out at me. When you posted the test of your latest leaf anomaly, i looked once and it was screaming out at me. You once told me before the eye is naturally trained to see balance. Im hoping to rely on this tool to make a good cross. Looks like im on my way there is some swelling going on where i pollinated.

no ph adjusting needed on this batch.

Ahh see mother nature knows best


These are from the flowers I brought down to the hills and hollars of West Virginia...

Ahh Pipe the hills of my home land.:tiphat:

there are more places there to go gorilla than anywhere i have lived. I miss it dearly.

The ladies look fantastic as alway and cant wait to see the crosses from this. keep up the good work as its always a pleasure to see your grows.:tiphat:



See Pepe giving me the evil eye...(next to the main bud..)
I was de-balling the male he has made his home...and he wasn't happy to be disturbed.
He just appeared through the leaves and Glared at me...:look at this:

pipeline...they are looking Good man....
Lovely condition...can't see one whiff of insect damage..
or deficiency
you must have prepared those plots well.

A few males came out that were not able to be identified before, and they were all used in open pollination done by shaking and hanging stamenant flowers in fan leaves...
Do you have any old photos in your gallery to show your pollenation method..
I think it is the neatest way I have seen
for guerilla growing...:dance013:

Even if you didn't say what the parentage is..you could guess simply by the generous size and definition on those leaves...
Tom Hills DC is a fantastic gene parent.

Its kinda crazy really, its almost as if it just pops out at me. When you posted the test of your latest leaf anomaly, i looked once and it was screaming out at me.
That is how it should get you.
That is also why it is nice to multi-pot
because they are allon a level..you can tell at a glance when you get an anomoly.
Sticks out like a sore thumb..:good:



Just what I wanted to see in the Black Line....
nice to have confirmation that she is who I think she is.

High THC spheres...amber..so more likely to be psychoactive..
and hollow stemmed....
sounds like my Ideal Girl...:dance013:



shouldn't be too long now...
just show me more of that amber nectar....:greenstars:

First Ambers showing on the White bud..surprise..surprise
the colours have the THC spheres...
but are all Clear ATM.



One thing that surprised me under the microscope..

I have a couple of Non-AF (dc cross) sati dom girls going since May..
thought I would check them out..
the difference in Tric size..maturity..and coverage compared to the AF girls is shocking.
They are Tiny compared to the sibling crosses in AF.
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There..look at the difference from the AF trics...
I had to wind the mircoscope right back up to be able to get these little stumpies in focus..

and the mothers are the oldest plants on the patio..

Shocking...:look at this:

I suppose they will be beautiful come sept/oct..
but for now
give me AF's anytime...:good:


ICMag Donor
Patience young lad, patience. :) The non af's are sure to have trichomes that are less mature right now, they just got done with stretching.... Come on, give em a chance... :bigeye:

Thanks guys! I was kind of surprised to see how happy the gals were at all the plots... We finally got our rain this morning with just about 0.2 inches rain... Not a whole lot, but we are dry! If we don't get it today we won't get it. Dry again for the remainder of the forecast... Thats good though, dry means sunny... As you can tell, cannabis loves the sun!

Funny you say I prepped them well though.. I did NO fertilization on these 2 track plots this year and look how they turned out! One thing I have learned while in west virginia is not to take herb growing too serious if ya miss a step in cultivation... One good friend of mine there when I ask how he fertilizes his herb, he will tell me, "Simple, its called mother nature.... Don't worry, she'll take care of it...."

Of course if you had miles and miles of rugged terrain and wilderness around and you have room to plant as much as you want, saying that may come easier... I think there's a lot of truth to it.. Herb is a very forgiving plant to grow... I have ferted these plots for a couple of years now... Phosphorous is an immobile nutrient so whatever I put there before, is still there... And when you apply guano in the fall, it takes a while for it to work its way into the soil, I'm sure some of that is still there...

Disease has been very low pressure this year due to the dry conditions... Feel like I'm on the west coast almost, getting their weather... :) The insects for whatever reason have stayed away... Not for sure why, may be the moisture, may be the extremely hot weather. They may have just found some other plants to munch on this year... I don't know...

Don't ya just love the DC style leaves.. Couldn't forget leaves like that.. And they're so healthy... I knew yall would enjoy a snapshot this time of year... :bigeye:



Night Hail Ultra pollination with DC in 2008





Cheers m8..I still think that is the best guerilla pollenation method I have ever seen....:good:

Funny you say I prepped them well though.. I did NO fertilization on these 2 track plots this year and look how they turned out!
Bloody typical...
remember those canna trees that my m8's neighbour grew..

first thing I asked when I saw them was what is he feeding them..
my m8 says feeding..
they are lucky if he even waters them...

Funny actually...where they were sitting is where they later found out he had a leak in his cess-pit...

Looks like they found their own kinda ferts. :good:




His apple trees aren't looking soo bad ither!
Yeah...they are my m8's oranges.
My m8 is sitting next door with 3 small plants in pots..
having fits incase someone spotted them and reported him..

and there was a Forest growing next door.....:plant grow:

He says he spent the next 3 months thinking someone would arrive with a SWAT team.

How nobody even smelled them growing in the middle of a housing estate I'll never know.

Don't ya just love the DC style leaves.. Couldn't forget leaves like that.. And they're so healthy...
esbe had loads of DC crosses in his thread last year..
and I could pick them out without the name tag simply for that reason.
Enormous healthy looking leaves...just says DC to me..

Did you grow the NHU DC cross out this season..?

Ah..Bh...dargo is out with net connection problems....panic over....


ICMag Donor
When I do the pollination each year, I always feel like I'm 3 years old again trying to stretch up to hang ornaments all over the Christmas tree... :bigeye:

Argh, no I didn't put any NHU x DC out... REmember, that was why I was kicking myself earlier this season... :) Spring planting is on the other side of the dang building... Not even close to turning the corner yet... :)

Didnt that guy have chickens too that may have helped feed them... Man you don't get plants that tall very easy... Good thing he had a little cover for them... A cess pool would be an easy way to time release fert thats for sure... Funny they were right around where the leak happened to be! I guess they were fed organically then... How was the smoke.. Must have yielded over 3 lb from those 3 gals... WOW...:eek:


When I do the pollination each year, I always feel like I'm 3 years old again trying to stretch up to hang ornaments all over the Christmas tree...


Yeah..I can just imagine you...:biglaugh:

REmember, that was why I was kicking myself earlier this season...
Aye..I remember now...ah well..roll on next year...

talking about that...
our nights and mornings are drawing in dramatically now..
I'm trying not to think about it..:freezing:

A cess pool would be an easy way to time release fert thats for sure...
Yup...but it kinda put me off eating my m8's oranges that season.

I'm not against natural fertilisers...sh*t is sh*t..which ever way you look at it..
I just don't want to know the Donor...

How was the smoke..
I didn't try it..
my m8 said it was a Rough as Chuff to smoke...
but the high was Good...:smoky:


ICMag Donor
Thats right, I remember you said it was harsh... Maybe if he cuts the heavy metals out of his diet the smoke will be better next year... :)

We're hangin on to summer... should be sunny and warm thorugh next saturday... May be a spot of rain one evening this week... I have noticed the photoperiod starting to shorten...

I'm looking forward to winter... Not the cold, but the winter... If that makes any sense... Probably not... :)

Had a happy bro x b3 x n7 x erdpurt pipe this morning... One of the better of the smokes... Nothing overwhelming, just a solid indica smoke.. I planted a couple seeds from its cross with dc last fall. They ended up being planted in the flooded plot, and I think they got shaded out and dead.. That plot has the most narrow light gap of all the plots, and I think this year may be the last year for it... Pulled some very nice plants from it though in the last couple years... A plot is a plot.. May decide to go lumberjack on it or somethin.. :)


Wow mossy the AF tric pis you posted show a nice amber hue to them. ID say that they are really getting close.

The differences that i saw between the AF lines and the long seasons are incredible, but i have to agree with pipe because from what i can see is that they are starting to build the foundation for some serious bulbous heads.

I wish that i had one of those scopes, im still old school as i use a diamond eye piece to view my trichs. Its a set 10x and allows me to see what i need. How ever i would like to be able to take some better shots of whats going on with your budwider. I can see the trichs standing up with the naked eye. They have nice long stalks and defined round heads. This strain looks to be promising. Ill get some pics tonight as this is the start of week5.

Be back to talk later, hope everyones weekend is going good


Alfiebaby..with Restraints....:whip:

Nothing too heavy..just to let a bit light to the centre of the pot..
and the bud sites.
Coz I only should have left 4-5 plants in the pot..
I got down to the last 7..and didn't have the heart to kill anymore..
they were all smiling at me.
(wimp...:look at this:)



I'm looking forward to winter... Not the cold, but the winter... If that makes any sense... Probably not...
Definitely NOT....
as soon as the night temps go I go down like a lead balloon..
all winter means for me is pain and misery...


We're hangin on to summer... should be sunny and warm thorugh next saturday...
We are still red hot after the storms..
and we are forecast to get hotter as the week goes on..
peaking at about 45 degrees..thursday..
so I 'm hoping to make the most of some ripening goodness.

I was gonna take the black line girls off..simply for the seed..

since they are making the effort with the ambering...
I've stripped off the outer fans..let the sun see the bud..
Banged them with flower ferts..
they hadn't been fed for a week since I was gonna take them down..
and thrown them into full sun...
see how much I can push the amber.

May decide to go lumberjack on it or somethin..
You may have to if your season holds...those girls are gonna be Big...

Wow mossy the AF tric pis you posted show a nice amber hue to them. ID say that they are really getting close.

See above....see if we can burst the amber seam wide open.

The differences that i saw between the AF lines and the long seasons are incredible, but i have to agree with pipe because from what i can see is that they are starting to build the foundation for some serious bulbous heads.
I can't wait for it to finish to see there is a visable difference at finish between them


I wish that i had one of those scopes,
You can do a good job breeding without..
but just being able to see them close up has made me enjoy it more.

Most of the photos I have taken are only at the 4 x magnification...
with a bit digital zoom..

10 x mag is when you see the individual tric photos.
don't look for professional microscopes..look for kids toys...
they have the magnification and are a lot cheaper.
You don't need Massive magnification.



This makes me smile everytime I see it...
I keep counting just to make sure it IS 8 fingered...



This is my black af f1's...
there are 2 too many in the pot to be able to get primo phenos..

so which ones would you kill...:dunno:



The black line before....


wey hey..Full Brazilian..for maximum sun coverage....

They aren't big..I said this was simply a pheno test.

There are 19 girls in 25 ltrs of compo..
an I can see I'm gonna get a decent weight for the pot over grow time.


ICMag Donor
Thats a tough choice... Ideally I'd transplant a little earlier and watch em all grow up...

Sorry to hear winter is so hard on ya.... Stay warm my friend... I might be able to send ya some cannabis wood once the harvest is over... :)

Just remember with your amber experiment, once the trichome turns amber, THC is being degraded to cbd and cbn.... The trichome is then past peak THC... You're looking for pain relief though, so you'll probably like it better...
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