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2009..my date with Density..

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when I am Bad..I can smoke joints all day..every day..and still be the only sober one in the room..
and it isn't the quality of the buds..
because trying to keep up with me puts my m8's on the floor...with the same bud.
It is not a brag..it is a problem.
I smoked enough to kill a small horse..:deadhorse
without getting high.

It is an anomoly that I have found with a Lot of med users.
It took me ages to figure out that I wasn't smoking to get high..
I was smoking to get Normal.
Most people will get that part.
The Odd thing is..as I get better..It is weaning me off it...
I am not consiously doing it..not trying..it is doing it itself.
and it is doing it by getting me high when I do smoke.

I am starting to react to it like normal people....:biglaugh:
I'm gonna lose my heaviest toker in the World title..boo..
but it is a Very interesting anomoly from a med research point of view.

Self regulating meds.

That was why I was asking temunator..
if he is Not having a bit of fun with us
and he can go through 10g's a day..
I worry.

BlackMagic...I just Love that image m8...:woohoo:

I can see us all tending our girls there..hill each..
coming down for the water and having a Yap...sharing grow tips
Working all day tending the girls and coming down for test smokes every night..sitting round a fire..sharing the harvest..:joint:

That is how gardening should be done.
It looks like paradise to me.


BeAn...wey hey m8..couldn't pass a visit on a Friday....:yes:
Great to see ya m8.
You have an evil sense of humour..:sasmokin:
Any additives to it...? :joint:

Did you see the Nigerian Nightmare earlier in the thread..she gets even more Ginger as she dries.
She talkes the official title now as the gingerest ginger I have ever grown
an I don't know about you..
but xl ginger pistills Really does it for me...:joint:

The other thing I noticed..before she was so rudely cut down..
she actually smelled like a Flower.:yoinks:

Now that might sound daft..but..
In AF format..coloured and smells like a flower rather than canna...and kick like a horse....mmmm...:chin:
WELL on the way to being my Ideal Girl.

Plant you can Hide in Full view...:yes:
Sounds like the future to me.

Fingers crossed the AF I hit with the pollen gets a chance to Finish.


lol xD we didnt smoke 10gs in that day ... more like 2 xD
Good..saves me worrying..:yes:
:listen2: Now tell us about your Girls...:biglaugh:
Don't forget it is a Friday...we celebrate the girls on a Friday..


Doing what we do because we are who we are
sorry mossy no pics of my ladies today they got the chop but got hashed :D sad thing is a lost a bucket full of hash water cause i fucking slipped and i am not sure but i think i have put my back out :(

lucky my bro was a phone call away and came to my rescue b4 anyone came over for a visit hehehehehe lol


Hee hee hee shroomy..I haven't even had a chance to sort my buds out yet
but I have been killing myself laughing all morning..
TF for Fridays is what I say. :jump:

Sorry about your back..but at least you had your brother to help you..
and pain-killers to hand to sort you out..:smoker:

Can you imagine the phone call..
"Hey Bro..I have been stuck here with the girls for a month..
can't move an inch..
but don't bring an ambulance..bring food..the munchies are Killing me"



i wanna get really high before school starts again :(

you really crapped in your own nest there m8.
We were ALL giving you the benefit of the doubt over your age..
taking your word for it..
but you just took it Right out of our hands now.


was thinking about an earlier post about keeping it simple. how about, "the autoflower team" pretty boring but straight to the point


Grade Average ages of Students School level
(Berlin/Brandenburg) School level
(rest of Germany)
1 6/7 primary primary
2 7/8 primary primary
3 8/9 primary primary
4 9/10 primary primary
5 10/11 primary secondary
6 11/12 primary secondary
7 12/13 secondary secondary
8 13/14 secondary secondary
9 14/15 secondary secondary
10 15/16 secondary secondary
11 16/17 secondary secondary
12 17/18 secondary secondary
13 18/19 secondary secondary

hmmm debatable. guess its up to the powers that be from now!


i missed the class target 3 times and had to do that years again lolz in february im 19 why does no1 believe me? XD

btw should i cut the fan leafes a bit so the lower branches will get more light? cuz its really bushy^^


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Hee hee hee shroomy..I haven't even had a chance to sort my buds out yet
but I have been killing myself laughing all morning..
TF for Fridays is what I say. :jump:

Sorry about your back..but at least you had your brother to help you..
and pain-killers to hand to sort you out..:smoker:

Can you imagine the phone call..
"Hey Bro..I have been stuck here with the girls for a month..
can't move an inch..
but don't bring an ambulance..bring food..the munchies are Killing me"


hehehehehe thanx for the laugh mossy i needed it bad...... :D

turns out my bro had a few spare buds that were not bag worthy so he threw em my way... im gonna put em threw the hash process tomoz hehehehehe he felt bad for me having hurt my self and lost half my shit.. he is a good guy love him to bits :D


temunator..my m8..you know it is no disrespect to You personally.

you know you are a valued part of the gang now.

(Even when you are being irritating you make us Laugh..:respect:)

But..if you are underage..you put the whole site in Trouble.

I know if I found someone giving advice to my son and he was under-age..
I would wanna Punch them...and I am a pacifist. :YaRight:

Let me see if I can get a bit of advice on this one..I am stumped for an answer. :chin:


he is a good guy love him to bits
Got one like that myself..worth their weight in Gold aren't they...:yeahthats

:listen2:..Hot bath..
chilled smoke..
although not that chilled that you fall a sleep in the bath..
(it would put the smoke out..:rolleyes:)
bit of Horse linament..
T shirt to keep the heat in..
and a good sleep..
you will be right as rain in the morning...:petting:

Can't have you taking time off when there is pioneering work to be done...:whip:

Cheers m8..hope it is better soon. :yes:


Doing what we do because we are who we are
Got one like that myself..worth their weight in Gold aren't they...:yeahthats

:listen2:..Hot bath..
chilled smoke..
although not that chilled that you fall a sleep in the bath..
(it would put the smoke out..:rolleyes:)
bit of Horse linament..
T shirt to keep the heat in..
and a good sleep..
you will be right as rain in the morning...:petting:

Can't have you taking time off when there is pioneering work to be done...:whip:

Cheers m8..hope it is better soon. :yes:

hot bath ... check
horse linament .... check
T-shirt.... check
Ibuprofen.. hmmmm seem to have run out... i wonder if a few shots of Russia's finest will work just as well ;)
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