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2009..my date with Density..

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you have a "Tufty".

Everything about her is Spot on.
Stalk width..internodal spacing..even the crinkles on the young leaves.
Your buds and their leaves look perfectly balanced. Mirrored.

Keep on doing what you are doing to her..she is Loving every bit of it.

Bet she Smiles at you every morning.


Quality Control Controller
ICMag Donor
thought i'd bring ya garden ...and ofcourse you a small visit...doing a small round and i could't pass ya by....garden still loos supreme under you supervison...green thumb all the way!


Cheers Core..
your visits are always appreciated.
The season is going well..but I have been absolutely hammered by red spider
this year.
The girls have laughed at them and still produced..which is what it is all about
but I despise the little critters.
Luckily the pest control supervisor is here now..so I am hoping the problem clear up.



I told you I had 2 self germs growing in old soil that the mothers had been in.
I showed you the ALF#3 hybrid..unfortunately it was a boy..so I couldn't let it grow out.
The WR I mentioned is a girl..so I am going to let her grow out.

IF she had seeded in the soil-based compo..I would have let her grow on water alone to let you see How they survive..without human intervention..
to see how sometimes WE caliper them by our processes..
but she is in the soil-less..it would be like growing her in hydro on water only.

She seeded herself and survived on the water that was in the old pot right up to sex.
Now I have hooked her up to the auto-water system..and I am feeding her once a day with the other girls.

I've got one last cross to do and realised that there was a slight possibility that she might get a sporadic cross pollenation..
but she is waste..an experiment..so where is the problem..right..?

Then I thought...Mossy..you Idiot...:wallbash:
she is a F9 WR hybrid..and the cross you are making is an AF F2 crown headed DC/ALF..they could make beautiful children.

So I bunged her in with them for a night of Lurve...give the girl a a bit of pleasure in her life of experimentation.

Never look a Gift cross in the mouth eh!

Can't wait to see what the children look like..:woohoo:


im loving the purple AF's, thanks for the show, hope you dont mind if i pull up a chair and stay for a while :D



arcticsun..feel free to join the madness m8..
I have cleared a chair for you myself..



Active member
Really good job with AF strains! I'm making some crosses with them too.
I'm interested in growing some of your crosses in outdoor. Some different AF hybrid that isn's at sell in the spanish grow shops.

Do you use some fertilizer in growing period?



my good sir, what a lovely spot :D i could sit right there i tell u with my shirt off, burned red as a cooked shrimp in the spanish sun until the end of it all :D

you are much too kind :D


No problem my friend.
Seats can be a bit rare at harvest time..:joint:
but when you harvest every 8 weeks..there is always space for a friend.


Active member
When I saw your patio ant the sun that shine it I was imagining it jijiji.
Then If you some day are near the mediterranean sea.... here I am... We'll surely enjoy a good moment ...


Cheers CARCHOFA...
I love a smoke by the sea...so relaxing..appreciated:joint:
check your mail.
If you have a photo of your girls..feel free to post them here..we all love AF's


"IF she had seeded in the soil-based compo..I would have let her grow on water alone to let you see How they survive..without human intervention..
to see how sometimes WE caliper them by our processes.."

i too have always been a firm believer of this, for instance i while back i was reading a thread and came across sombody germinating seeds using sterilized tweezers etc to move the seeds. things like this i find compete madness. people over analiyze growing weed and think that it needs super strict conditions to grow. the fact is cannabis is a WEED and will grow almost anywhere, ive found once sprouted and developed they are pretty hard to kill.

i had a seedling a couple of weeks ago that i snapped the tap root clean off when transplanting, she still survived and is flourishing. i also had the top of 1 of th seedlings break off and noticed that after a day or 2 the top of this plant was still green and trying to re-root itself. i chucked it in the end because it would of wasted alot of its short life just trying to establish itself. in hindsight i probably should of left it and kept it for breeding with those kind of determined genetics lol!!


Right..this will perk up a few ears....
Not only has ICMAG given us an AF forum..
but the AF forum moderator has spent his saturday making arrangements for the seeds from our Little Experiment to be put on to SEEDBAY as freebies
if we are successful.

Three Cheers for S_a_H..for making it possible.:woohoo::woohoo::woohoo:

Now you just gotta keep your fingers crossed we pull it off...

Then I thought...Mossy..you Idiot...
she is a F9 WR hybrid..and the cross you are making is an AF F2 crown headed DC/ALF..they could make beautiful children.

This Little Experiment...:laughing:


100% with you.
A seed is designed to grow and produce a plant.

It Wants to do that..it is it's whole purpose in life.

so if I run that little WR..no human hand..just a touch of flower fert
and she grows Okay..
it might show people how much We actually Stop them producing..:yoinks:

wrong compo..wrong pot..transplanting/handling..over ferting.

I love experiments.

btw..when I looked this morning..she has withdrawn her pistils..:woohoo:

looks like the night of lurve might have worked.


19th July..the day after the heatwave peaked was the first day she got water.

same day..the pampered ones..DC/ALF crown heads...AF f2
auto water and veg food.

Today..side by side..she is on the right..and that is the cross.



ICMag Donor
Sometimes things can be right there in front of ya, and you can't see them... When you eventually come to the realization, you know what you have to do... You've met your destiny... :) :headbange

You want proof that leaving a plant alone will let it produce to its potential, just look at my gardens... :)


I'm down for the harvest party up on the deck... Sounds like a great way to spend an evening... Looks like I need to start thinking of some spots to test out autos next year... :)

cyber echo

I think autos make for excellent guerilla grows. They stay kinda low and dont take alot of time to finish. You can do many cycles per season aswell.

I've heard Green's GG (Guerilla Gold) is great for that kinda stuff. Goodluck getting ur hands on that strain tho, the official vendors are out of stock and greens stopped supplying seeds.


New member
what about big bad john? they say thats what it if for...but do all the plants self sex? have been wondering if any1 has had any experience with this strain? heffty price for the beans

cyber echo

125 euros a pack ? holy shit, no thanks.

I hate overpriced seeds. If its high quality, then its worth selling, if its not, then dont sell it at all. I dont get why "good" strains need to be expensive.
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