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2009 Lebowski Fest Los Angeles...



Lebowski Fest is returning to the City of Angels on May 7th & 8th for Lebowski Fest LA 2009! We will kick things off on May 7th at the beautiful, historic Wiltern Theatre complete with proper seating so you can take 'er easy while you sip your White Russians. On May 8th we'll go bowling at the Cal Bowl with costumes, trivia, bowling and other contests. Special guests and more details TBA!

Tickets go on sale Friday, March 6th
at 9am PST. Ticket details will be forthcoming.

Check out the Lebowski Fest website:



Always a good time.

Although I only go to the ones here in Louisville, I'm sure LA will be just as much fun if not more.
Pardon my complete and total ignorance of this:

I'd just like to say that I've recently seen the movie "The Big Lebowski" and the wife made it apparent to me that I have a minority view... That view is simple, "thou shalt not fuck with me on any level", which is probably why I can better relate to movies like Boondock Saints or American History X rather than a philosophical pacifist like Lebowski.

With that said please allow me to offer an outside observation comparing such events to that of 'StarCon' proportions... I mean that as a compliment. Two years ago I attended a StarCon at the request of a good friend, and though I could not at all relate to StarTrek, StarWars, etc, (and to be quite honest, they couldn't relate to me either) I found it quite entertaining to say the least.

This event sounds like a fun time and I must admit some curiousity. Please elaborate if you will, the nature of these events if nothing more than to satisfy the curiousity of those of us with an open minded but minority viewpoint.

SC, truely curious with no better phrasing to express it.


There supposedly will be more scheduled later this year in different areas of the country. I haven't been to one yet, can't travel all the way to LA, I'm an east coaster now. Looking forward to a closer one, the Louisville party would work.

Smokin Chopper...

I would suggest you watch the movie another one or two times, give it a couple months between each viewing. I've heard that for some folks it takes a couple of viewings for the story to vibrate your inner Dude. Nothing I could say would likely do the trick :)

I own a copy, and consume as medicine when I need a serious uplift in my psyche. I laugh my ass off every time.

BiG H3rB Tr3E

"No problem can be solved from the same level of c
we can sip white russians,,,wonder if they care if i smoke some white kush??

It was on HBO so I actually watched it a couple times and I still couldn't figure out why he didn't just end those spandex wearing pieces of shit that encountered him in the parking lot.....

My way of thinking is simple yet apparently a minority view... someone brings a 'potential' deadly weapon to a fight, (i.e. a samauri sword), and from my point of view, that is grounds for dismissal.... I will confiscate said weapon, and return it to its owner.. in a terminal method. As I posted above I'm not at all a pacifist, I can't think "Happiness, peace, recycle" at a 24/7 interval.

By and large I get a lot of what the "dude" is saying, but to me his actions almost speak contradictory to his words. Backing up even further, YES he was entitled to his living room rug, but I have a habit of placing myself in the shoes of the main character.... had I seen some white, mullet wearing guy and a tall Asian standing in my living room uninvited.... there would be a septic tank somewhere that might need a pre-mature draining due large obstruction by the time I was done.

Sorry, I just cannot relate on most levels, to many movies and tv series out there which is by and large the reason I often opt not to watch them....

I don't want to take away from this thread here so I'm out. My apologies and please carry on. I would like to see discussion of what everyone gets out of this though. I'm genuinely curious and often like to see 'the other side' of things. An open mind is a great thing, and all too often my mind is confused and maybe only because its closed... :joint:

chopper only you can answer that question.. i too would react violently to being attacked in my own home, but i also learned how to be alot more chill from that movie..not let shit bother me as much , and just take it easy... you should be able to digest bits and pieces that you agree with and reject the things that you cant accept.. stop thinking in black n white.then again you said you can relate better to the main character from american history x so who knows...also who knows what the dudes been through before we see him in this movie maybe he has been through something so horrific that he decided to reject any form of violence altogether..maybe you should ask the guy the dudes character is based off of....anyway its one of the best stoner movies ever.


The Hopeful Protagonist
It was on HBO so I actually watched it a couple times and I still couldn't figure out why he didn't just end those spandex wearing pieces of shit that encountered him in the parking lot.....

My way of thinking is simple yet apparently a minority view... someone brings a 'potential' deadly weapon to a fight, (i.e. a samauri sword), and from my point of view, that is grounds for dismissal.... I will confiscate said weapon, and return it to its owner.. in a terminal method. As I posted above I'm not at all a pacifist, I can't think "Happiness, peace, recycle" at a 24/7 interval.

By and large I get a lot of what the "dude" is saying, but to me his actions almost speak contradictory to his words. Backing up even further, YES he was entitled to his living room rug, but I have a habit of placing myself in the shoes of the main character.... had I seen some white, mullet wearing guy and a tall Asian standing in my living room uninvited.... there would be a septic tank somewhere that might need a pre-mature draining due large obstruction by the time I was done.

Sorry, I just cannot relate on most levels, to many movies and tv series out there which is by and large the reason I often opt not to watch them....

I don't want to take away from this thread here so I'm out. My apologies and please carry on. I would like to see discussion of what everyone gets out of this though. I'm genuinely curious and often like to see 'the other side' of things. An open mind is a great thing, and all too often my mind is confused and maybe only because its closed... :joint:


Although I can't comment about the movie (I should probably watch it) this post is just funny as hell to me.


The Big Lebowski is the best comedy ever.

If you can't see that...then...stick to movies that spoon feed you your humor.

The Coen Brothers are absolute Geniuses. I would love to go to a Lebowski fest. Caucasians and bowling!

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