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2008 Cup


I really want to attend da cup , but the damn thing is in Europe :badday: ,too far and too expensive, is there anyway for cup organizers to rotate the cup to the islands every other year ?most folks in the US can get there on a Sea Cruise for the low low without being put under FBI servalance!!! please help me out cause i would love to come ,but its just too much risk :joint: TU :joint: 1HOV
ps ,my girl would luv to come also


Un - Retired,
due to the legal status Holland is about the only place that its safe to do an event like the cup



I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
is there anyway for cup organizers to rotate the cup to the islands every other year ?most folks in the US can get there on a Sea Cruise for the low low without being put under FBI servalance!!! please help me out

How are you put under fbi surveilance? Just wondering.. peace..



Lifetime Member
ICMag Donor
Amsterdam is the best venue for a 420 cup..I wish it cost less too...But Amsterdam is worth every penny...Held anywhere else wouldn't be the same....No Coffeeshops oh no!!...mitsu


Active member
You could arrange a different get-together with other IC'rs from the US...??
you may get some interest?? not sure.....

But the 420 Cup should and will always remain in Amsterdam!!..
there is no better place for it!!!!, (we had great weather this year!!)
its true tho', you can spend a small fortune in just a couple of days!!! but well worth it
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Here's the deal:

I suppose if you wanted to make it really big and draw lots of attention to it then it could be held in the States.

Look, it cost me double what it should've to attend, but one thing I really liked about it was the fact that there weren't a lot of people there. I would not have attended if I felt there were going to be.

Unless you happen to live there, then it will cost you a good amount of $ to attend. That in itself attracts a group of people that are quite serious in their beliefs about marijuana. Those are the people I want to be around because I feel the same way. The cost itself is a huge filter that shows one's determination to have put in the time and effort to make possible for them to attend. It also helps very much in creating a quality experience (and not a HTCC experience).

If I do not attend next year it will be because I chose to not make enough effort to take myself there. I also would not attend one here in the States unless it was legalized finally. No way.

The end :joint:

Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
Spain or certain parts of India could be a viable option, but the whole Cannabiz industry is rooted in A-dam since more than 20 years, so that's the logical place for any industry-related festival or cup.

You can do Europe on a shoestring, so drag your ass over here HOVAH. Lot's of things to see.
My girlfriend says your girlfriend's most welcome too, she'd like to take her fishing.



Not to mention the pneumonia! She could catch a cold not just fish! We better get some clothes on her huh? Hahaha no way!) :joint:


I took anger management already!!!! FUCK!!!
rosy is that yer girlfriend>? Nice nice glasses she has there.. man i just had the urge to watch basketball.. bbl, and then again after that. lol.. j/k.. peace..



one reason the feds would watch is if u can pay da money for 2 to A dam then u might be worth watching ,where as everyone goes one cruises to the islands all the time...


Grower for Life
HOVAH said:
one reason the feds would watch is if u can pay da money for 2 to A dam then u might be worth watching ,where as everyone goes one cruises to the islands all the time...

well....it doesnt cost a million.

@flasht2, did we meet at the 420?


Lifetime Member
ICMag Donor
If you shop around you can find flights at a reasonable price..Round trip(non-stop) from the East Coast to the Dam cost me under $600..$585 to be exact..including departure taxes...Gotta bed for a week for $285...Start saving NOW..If you don't have enough by April 08 there's always 09..Keep saving you wont be sorry!!!....mitsu
The fingerprinting and eyeball scan required to enter the states would turn many away!! :yoinks:
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Hovah, a cruise would've cost me more than the trip to A'Dam. I'm not sure where this line of thinking is going exactly. A'Dam is a HUGE tourist destination. It's not just the few folks from here that want to go there. I paid around $2k for 8 days. Airfare and apartment. That was for TWO people coming from the west coast even, not east.

Saying that if 2 people can afford to goto A'Dam then they're worth watching seems a bit on the paranoid side... more so than even we need to be. (which is something considering our hobby/way of life) I mean no offense but I think you have the wrong idea here. Hell we could've even brought back all we wanted ON us as we never even got checked at any airport. Honestly we "kinda" thought we might be under more scrutiny since we were returning from A'Dam but we were treated just the same as anyone returning from their normal destinations. There would just not be enough man power to focus on everyone coming and going to A'Dam.. just way to many people.

Moppel, I'm sure we must have, or at least saw each other... I just don't remember it. But then again there are quite a few things I don't remember from the trip :pointlaug I also didn't get to meet a few people who were always in a group or had a group around them since I didn't want to just butt in and introduce myself.

Examples would've been at SB.. the couches always seemed occupied and people wrapped up in conversations. As well as at Nol's. Same thing. The couch area seemed like it was already overcrowded and noone was really getting up and mingling. So, I only got to meet whoever was immediately around me I guess. I know(and remember!) meeting Trichomefarmer(very nice, came right up to us and welcomed us first), Ewan(?), OP, Core (and his taste tester), Brightside, OJD(and his taste tester), Gaius, Farmer, Minister, Timewarp(pre fall and post fall), Alex-F(even though I didn't realize it til' we got back home), growdoc(briefly at Nols), Nol, and others that I just can't think of currently..

So we must have seen each other at least.

Ok for now :joint:


Well if you spent 4 years there then you should know how to look like a healthy index finger instead of a sore thumb. :chin:

I'm confused now, are you worried about the cost or sticking out?
Flasht :joint:
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Rosy Cheeks

dancin' cheek to cheek
HOVAH said:
ive spent 4 years in Europe and one thing i know is that americans stick out like sore thumbs

Yes they do, when they come over here on a one week/two week vacation, dressed in baseball caps, XXL t-shirts and shorts, and weigh a 100 pounds more than most Europeans.
But most American ex-pats that actually live here blend in nicely, and are very appreciated (depending on country, of course).

If you befriend IC's Dutch growers, then maybe you'll have a place to crash for the next Cup.

My girlfriend's kid sister says she'd love to take you bowling...



I actually bowled w/her during 4/20. She's a TERRIBLE bowler and I would never recommend it! She's American and clearly over weight so maybe that was her problem. :joint: