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2 weeks left and my leaves are dying Please Help


New member

So i have two weeks until harvest and just a few days ago my leaves started to turn yellow and die. I am growing white berry under a 400w HPS. They are in 3 gallon pots with fox farms ocean forest. They were getting the recommended (10ml) dose of fox farms tiger bloom. The buds look fine. Only some parts of the plant are affected. I put my hand under the light next to the buds for a minute to check the heat and it was fine. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.






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Too much N - lock out (I think)...

Flush like crazy, no nutes for rest of grow.

2 weeks left is fine - did I mention flush like crazy...


Even in Arcadia I exist
I agree about no nutes from here on in.

CAn you tell us more about the soil? I use FF:OF but I add 1 1/2 - 2TBS of lime per gallon. How long have they been in those pots/soil? Do you pH the water? How about the runoff? You're not growing organically I assume?

My first grows came out looking like yours from before I added lime, and it was always a pH issue. Others advised me to flush with 3X the volume of the media, but this cause my plants to cease maturing.

Only use water and maybe add some EWC to water and mix it up real good or ever aerate it. If you do flush I don't recommend over doing it, shoot for 25% runoff (I did that my second grow and it turned out better) only because my experience with putting tons of water through was that my plant stopped ripening . . . this happened to me twice, and the first time it just got worse and hermied like crazy.

In the future consider just using the soil and amending it well, organics are even better and more forgiving. If you NEED flowering nutes I really like Bio-Bizzs Bio-Bloom, plus it's all organic . . .

The best additive for growing MJ (in terms of results) is light - plain and simple. If you can control the heat that is

Good luck - and like others said, you're close to the finish, so don't panic.


New member
They have been in these pots for about 8 weeks. Everything is organic. The run off ph is 7 and the water itself is 7.


Even in Arcadia I exist
Hmm. Did you add lime to the soil when you plant or?? Without lime the pH of my FF:OF tended to drop over time. Also lime provides Calcium and Magnesium in both fast and slow release form. Those brown scorches leaf edges can definitely be a sign a Calcium deficiency . . . sometimes I've seen over-ferted plants look like that in hydro setups . . .

Give bio-bloom a try on your next run if you want, it works well - but if tiger bloom is working for you, well that's fine too. Did you amend the soil at all?

I'd love to see some pics not under the HPS, or adjusted to compensate for the HPS is you have Adobe Photoshop, or Adobe Lightroom . . .


no cal mag nada just flush them piglets with ph'd water and enjoy bro!!!:smokeit:


Even in Arcadia I exist
How much lime per gallon? I have Photoshop cs4. What filter would I use to adjust it?

I add about 1 3/4 tablespoons for dolomite lime per gallon of medium, works WONDERS!

It's not a filter, you need to adjust the curves. Check it out (sometimes photos not under the HPS are still better)

At one point in time or another, almost every indoor grower posting up pics have had to say 'They don't really look like that, it's just the HPS' or 'I'll get pics when the lights are off'. What else can you do? The HPS lights our girls love are a photographers worst nightmare, turning our beautiful babies into something that looks like it was grown in a nuclear reactor. Fear not, because removing that glow can be as easy as One, Two, Three!

Now, first of all, you'll need Adobe Photoshop. It's the industry standard, for good reason, and that's what I'll be using here. If you don't have it, get it, I consider it a must for anyone that is serious about digital imaging. If you don't have it and can't afford the $600 price tag, there are other options :wink: PM me if you don't know them :listen2:

First, we'll open our picture in Photoshop (I'm using version CS2, but it's the same in older versions). File>Open> Browse to your picture>Highlight it>Open

Now go up to the Image menu at the top of the page. Slide down to Adjustments, then to Curves.

The Curves window will open, and look all intimidating with it's graphs and fancy options. Ignore it, all you're interested in is the three little eyedroppers in the lower right hand corner. The one at the far right, when moused over, will tell you it's for setting the White point.


Click on that, and move your mouse over your picture. you'll notice it has changed to the eyedropper. Move the tip of the eyedropper over something white in your picture. In this case, I chose the extension cord, because it should look white, and it's not too close to the light, or too far away. Click your point, and watch the dreaded 'HPS Orange' disappear!

Now, you can stop. Just click 'Ok' and save your picture! however, if you want to get a truer picture, go ahead and set your Black Point and Gray Point as well. For reference, I used the Black buckets and Gray INTERIOR of the tubblers for this pic.


It can be used for any situation where your color is off, for whatever reason. Here's an example of removing the blue/purple tint cast by fluroescent grow bulbs.

Happy Growing, and enjoy being able to show off your girls without pulling them out of the room, or waiting for lights out! Any questions, just post 'em up.
What about cal mag+? My local hydro shop has that in stock.

You dont need to put more stuff in it this close to finish. Most people go to plain water the last week or even 2 in soil.

The plant is nearing the end of its life cycle. It is good for it to be put on just water so it starts sucking all the nutrients out of the plant, using up the last bit. First you will get some yellowing and sometimes you can even start dropping leaves, its ok. The plant is cleaning itself out and will taste better.

I know a grower that gives heavy nutes till chop. He only cares about money and making them as heavy as possible.

Grows big beautiful crystally potent buds that taste harsh and wont burn to a clean grey/white ash.

Only sees my business when Im desperate.


New member
The problem is getting worse despite the plain water flushing. Can I just put normal lime in there?

master shake

Active member
Those girls are definitely burned and look like they have at least 3 weeks left. Just water as usual but NO nutes. For the future, you may want to avoid tiger bloom, or just use a fraction of what the label says.


New member
Those girls are definitely burned and look like they have at least 3 weeks left. Just water as usual but NO nutes. For the future, you may want to avoid tiger bloom, or just use a fraction of what the label says.

Why do you say 3 weeks? The date is feb 17.


dj - you asked, we told...

No more fucking nutes until you harvest - period...

Don't piss around - plain water, everyday, until harvest...


You're welcome if you listen...


New member
Here are some updated pics from earlier today





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master shake

Active member
how do you know it's due Feb 17th? Is it a clone you've flowered before? The buds look like they're only mid way through budding by all the white hairs being produced. They got burnt and hit with way too much nitrogen for flowering, that's why I say stay away from the tiger bloom, the NPK makes no sense for a flowering solution.


New member
2/17 is 8 weeks flower. My firend who grew this strain flowered them in 8 weeks. Not all the hairs are white, about half are orange. This is the 2nd time i have had a problem with tiger bloom. It will be he last time i use it.

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