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2 Week Flower Transplant. Help from experienced PLZ

thnx rusty... I know im slacking here.... my only excuse its because in my past ive found the most simple methods work best until I get more experienced.. but I see the importance of vitamin B and stress now so I will read your whole post.. sorry for the lazyness :D but listen..
theres a new situation...

4 days ago I mixed up a gallon of nutes to feed her. I put too much, but only fed her a little and dumped the rest after I realized i only needed2 tbls per gallon...
so now Im giving her mostly water to flush her and a weak nute mix 2 times a week...
its been raining for the past few days down here in miami so shes kinda droopy.. but her leaves are turning yellow. her buds are still fat, but they dont smell at all like before.

when I transplant Im going to follow the vitamin supplements along with the neem oil.. hopefully that will fix the mold. but im worried that I over fed her.. what do I do now? im afraid if I leave her the way she is and continue to flush and cure her she might die... im talking serious surgery to trasplant her in this condition.. but I think that might either help her or shock her... advice? and again.. I feel you rusty.. my bad
can you tell me how to post pics? Im gonna be posting them later so you can see for youself the situation... I got before and afters.. im worried cause she just starting crimping leaves and turning yellow.. about 1/4 of them. thnx all remember your helping train a beginner :) ill catch up and with patience and knowledge, which I possess a basic amount of. so thats a start. hey rusty... when I show you the pic can you tell me if its too risky to transplant even with the viatmin supplements?