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2 Balls 1 Pot.



Hello IC readers!

Well its time i started my new topic for my next upcoming grow, 2 Balls 1 Pot.

In this grow im going to be practicing two new techniques to me, which some may have heard of, but there isnt a great deal of documentation on either here on IC.

Ill be trying serpentine layering and a HOG (half-pipe of green)

serpentine layering is a technique of which you take a branch of a plant, bury it so it roots, and youll have extra rootmass for your plants.

HOG is a screen of green, but bent to a half-pipe shape so it goes halfway around the bulb, ill be using a 250Watt HPS and a ghetto made reflector made from the side of a PC case and some reflective foil tape.
HOG was first baught to my attention from a very capable grower here on IC, his name slips me, but i have a picture i saved of his grow, if you know his name please post it so i can give credit.

Ill be ordering a new 125mm inline fan on thursday hopefully, it will be here within afew days from that.

the only thing realy stopping me sofar is the fact im still reveging my future motherplant, she is doing very well and should be able to give clones within the next few weeks.

My grow wardrobe is 52cm deep, 88cm wide and 150cm tall, i have 45cm x 120cm of screen bent into a wide U shape.

my screen is currently set at 17inches away from the bulb at all angles, this is abit far, but im exspecting the canopy to rise abit while i lst, its going to be a loooong veg.

I will be using 2 "rubbermaids" as theyre called in the US, and growing in soil, 1 clone per container, using serpentine layering on each, to make sure all of my soil is used.

Im thinking this will help the plants as each one will have ALOT of tops (6sqft of screen to fill) and it will help in getting the nutes and water they need to them.

sorry theres none of my pictures up, i am working on it all at the mo and will get pics up ASAP.

Thanks for reading, cork.

P.S, ill be at 41watts per sqft of screen, its low, but my clone yeilds well under little light.

also i rep every post i can.


Grow like nobody is watching
Wicked :woohoo:

I've seen that hog grow before, it was pretty cool but aye, can't recall the name. I remember the light hood. So you're saying you're gonna make a hood similar to that one?

Also the first pic they don't like you using it - it says Unauthorised access. Just so ya know :) Best of luck, as always.


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
I use a 250HPS myself in flowering. I must say that I like the whole setup you have ATM. The serpentine SCROG is very unique looking. Just out of curiosity: how big are those rubbermaids you're using?

Hope you don't mind if I pull up a chair and get comfy for this thread. :friends:


Thanks Mk3Jetta, ill try my best.

Scrubninja, no bro, my reflector is an open reflector, i think his hood was made because it was in a very tight spot, i have more area so i think heat shouldnt be too biga problem.

sorry accessndx, the picture isnt my grow man, its sombody elses, but its what mine is going to be based around, appart from ill be trying serpentine layering.
SERPENTINE LAYERING.. waiting for someone to try this for ages.. always wondered what'd happen if you topped and rooted the remaining top.. was thinking with reference to LST and growing a plant like a massive analogue tv aerial but ya scrog'd be good too.

One thing i'd consider over the pictured grow is spinning the lamp so the socket is at the front.. then you could run another bend or vertical screen up the back and maximise area over the extra dimension.. like a box with one side (front) cut off... might not get quite as much bud per site up there but it would help you maximise.

Love your ghetto idea for the HPS reflector - one of the best CFL reflectors i ever made is the top half of a pc psu case bent in the middle to make it an effective batwing, then covered in alu tape.. smooth on the outer wings, there's some duct tape behind the alu in the centre to dapple the surface a bit for superior diffusion.. it's only for a 30w cfl but the principle is the same lol

deffo keep my eye on this one, nice ideas sah


SERPENTINE LAYERING.. waiting for someone to try this for ages.. always wondered what'd happen if you topped and rooted the remaining top.. was thinking with reference to LST and growing a plant like a massive analogue tv aerial but ya scrog'd be good too.

One thing i'd consider over the pictured grow is spinning the lamp so the socket is at the front.. then you could run another bend or vertical screen up the back and maximise area over the extra dimension.. like a box with one side (front) cut off... might not get quite as much bud per site up there but it would help you maximise.

Love your ghetto idea for the HPS reflector - one of the best CFL reflectors i ever made is the top half of a pc psu case bent in the middle to make it an effective batwing, then covered in alu tape.. smooth on the outer wings, there's some duct tape behind the alu in the centre to dapple the surface a bit for superior diffusion.. it's only for a 30w cfl but the principle is the same lol

deffo keep my eye on this one, nice ideas sah

yes i was waiting, for about a week, then decided im going for it.

the difference is im going to be growing a single topp plant, bend it right over and bury the top into the soil.

ill be left with upside down U plants, with the nodal growth then becoming the tops then hitting the screen.


space gardener
Very cool, you are going to make me sorry I didn't try it aren't you...LOL at the HOG (half pipe of green) I like that, perhaps you have started a new growing style.. Can't wait to see what happens here..


Looks pretty neat, but what are the advantages over just planting two clones side by side and then doing HOG. It seems like the extra long veg to root the top of the plant would be more of a negative and outweigh any potential positives.


Looks pretty neat, but what are the advantages over just planting two clones side by side and then doing HOG. It seems like the extra long veg to root the top of the plant would be more of a negative and outweigh any potential positives.

plant numbers.

id rather be running 2, than 4.


Grow like nobody is watching
Hmmm controversial way of doing it, bro! I would've thought it would be better doing it traditionally as in leave the growth tip sticking out. Otherwise it's like sticking a cutting in upside down....kind of... but I know how it is with experiments. We will never know the answer until someone does it so, go for gold! :D


Very interesting. Ill definately be pulling up a chair to watch this grow progress. I always love to watch new methods play out. Good luck. Peace


♫All I want to do is zoom-a-zoom-zoom-zoom..
Sorry bro, I had misread your original post hastily. Disregardless, I'm locked and loaded for this novel training technique.


Listen to me jerky
I really hope this works out for you and will be fallowing your progress. Imagine this on a bigger scale, say four/five foot plants. Has the potential to keep plant numbers really low while having a huge canopy. Almost like a vined plants. Throw in some grafting and things could get really wild. Good luck.


thanks everyone, i assure you im going to be putting my bext into this in trying to get it all to work, i am tempted to maybe topp the clones and use one of the topps as the new rootball, maybe ill try a side by side with either clone.

I N Hail

Growing Grower AKA Wasted Rock Ranger
O-man cork, This is VERY interesting mang!!!!

I have got to watch this ,,,K+ to you and good luck
