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2,700 year-old marijuana found in tomb


Active member
This is some cool shit. GW pharmaceuticals seems like it would be a pretty interesting pharmaceutical company to work for.

Id really love to know about thier breeding stock


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ICMag Donor
Oldest Known Marijuana Stash

Oldest Known Marijuana Stash

This story is from the March/April 2009 Archaeology Magazine, Samir S. Patel.
Archaeology Mag said:
World Roundup..China: At first archaeologists guessed the two pounds of green material, buried with a caucasian man 2,700 years ago in Turpan, was coriander. Tests revealed the truth-it was cannabis, the oldest-known marijuana stash. Lab work also established that it would have been potent stuff, though it is unknown whether it was used for medicinal or religious purposes.
FYI you stash hounds...DD
I have heard of this stash, i would love to see picture's.
Could you imagen if the stash was actually sealed and air tight, cured for 2000 years, the smell would be crazy!!:yoinks:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor
BUMP...Smokin and Canna thanks for the visit..the rest of you tokers..come on friends..it has been a whole day and two replies to this fantastic story is all I generated? Speak up...this is an amazing discovery...DD


Grinding extra.
Was this the Shaman?

When they believed what you were buried with came with you into the next life, isn't it interesting what they chose to bring?


BUMP...Smokin and Canna thanks for the visit..the rest of you tokers..come on friends..it has been a whole day and two replies to this fantastic story is all I generated? Speak up...this is an amazing discovery...DD

Dude, this happened like 3 months ago... That's when I heard about it anyways... Great find though... I agree pretty cool they buried dood with some herb so he could toke in the after life...

However, 2k years would do nothing to thc but degrade it. I'm sure if you smoked it, it wouldn't have any effect.

Go mummy guy:woohoo:


Senior Member
ICMag Donor


Dude, this happened like 3 months ago...
Aprilfool I'm sorry if I posted old news everyone has already heard...I surely wouldn't have had I known that. I just received my new March/April 2009 Archaeology Magazine three days ago and this story was published in it. I try to stay up to speed at IC and usually post only information I haven't seen here on IC..thanks for the input...DD


Aprilfool I'm sorry if I posted old news everyone has already heard...I surely wouldn't have had I known that. I just received my new March/April 2009 Archaeology Magazine three days ago and this story was published in it. I try to stay up to speed at IC and usually post only information I haven't seen here on IC..thanks for the input...DD

No worries mang.... I'm a news junkie, so I know when things happen as soon as I refresh my browsers, every 15 minutes or so... You'd be hard pressed to put a news story in front of me I hadn't already read... :joint:

Quack Quack mi amigo

A. Fool

Mr. Freeman

just a fellow cannabis smoker, vaper, cooker and r
ICMag Donor
Holy shit! thats even before jesus. We have been getting high for centurys now so most probably, jesus got high too! and so did mohammed, buddah, etc. lol


Active member
so tests found out that its dope! Get the tests to find out what strain it is! Can't be hard to distingueish the DNA and narrow it down?! or simply just the genetically most similar strain would do

I wanna own a piece of history and grow it myself


cant stop wont stop
yeah pretty sure they tried to germinate the seeds but they were unsuccessful..
wonder if the scientists they hired were ok with pot.. :chin:


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worlds oldest weed found

worlds oldest weed found


Nearly two pounds of still-green plant material found in a 2,700-year-old grave in the Gobi Desert has just been identified as the world's oldest marijuana stash, according to a paper in the latest issue of the Journal of Experimental Botany.

A barrage of tests proves the marijuana possessed potent psychoactive properties and casts doubt on the theory that the ancients only grew the plant for hemp in order to make clothing, rope and other objects.

They apparently were getting high too.

Lead author Ethan Russo told Discovery News that the marijuana "is quite similar" to what's grown today.

"We know from both the chemical analysis and genetics that it could produce THC (tetrahydrocannabinolic acid synthase, the main psychoactive chemical in the plant)," he explained, adding that no one could feel its effects today, due to decomposition over the millennia.

Russo served as a visiting professor at the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Botany while conducting the study. He and his international team analyzed the cannabis, which was excavated at the Yanghai Tombs near Turpan, China. It was found lightly pounded in a wooden bowl in a leather basket near the head of a blue-eyed Caucasian man who died when he was about 45.

"This individual was buried with an unusual number of high value, rare items," Russo said, mentioning that the objects included a make-up bag, bridles, pots, archery equipment and a kongou harp. The researchers believe the individual was a shaman from the Gushi people, who spoke a now-extinct language called Tocharian that was similar to Celtic.

Scientists originally thought the plant material in the grave was coriander, but microscopic botanical analysis of the bowl contents, along with genetic testing, revealed that it was cannabis.

The size of seeds mixed in with the leaves, along with their color and other characteristics, indicate the marijuana came from a cultivated strain. Before the burial, someone had carefully picked out all of the male plant parts, which are less psychoactive, so Russo and his team believe there is little doubt as to why the cannabis was grown.

What is in question, however, is how the marijuana was administered, since no pipes or other objects associated with smoking were found in the grave.

"Perhaps it was ingested orally," Russo said. "It might also have been fumigated, as the Scythian tribes to the north did subsequently."

Although other cultures in the area used hemp to make various goods as early as 7,000 years ago, additional tomb finds indicate the Gushi fabricated their clothing from wool and made their rope out of reed fibers. The scientists are unsure if the marijuana was grown for more spiritual or medical purposes, but it's evident that the blue-eyed man was buried with a lot of it.


Active member
now we can talk about an old school smoke... :joint:

interesting reading! tx.

Hello all,

If you want to know about old school...talk to Pops.....I think he was there at the party when they buried the shamon.....hell it is rumored that Pops brought the stash.
